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This document <--> outlines goals and plans over the next 5-10 years.
==Current Activity==
IHE Eye Care has started work in the 2008 Cycle on an Eye Care Workflow Profile. Contact the Technical Committee if you would like to participate, or watch for Public Comment drafts in April 2008.
The Technical Committee is currently working on the following items:
• TF Updates for Year 3
==Demonstrations & Presentations==
==Supporters and Endorsements==
IHE Eye Care is supported or endorsed by the following organizations:
• American Academy of Ophthalmology
==See Also==

Revision as of 14:33, 5 March 2008

IHE Eye Care is sponsored by the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) and manages the Eye Care Profiles and the Eye Care Technical Frameworks. There are two committees: • the Eye Care Planning Committee, the Eye Care Technical Committee

IHE Eye Care Profile Development Timeline

Year Three 2008 (Works in Progress)

12/20/07 – Version 1.0

TC – Technical Committee

PC – Planning Committee

PM – IHE Eye Care Connect-a-thon and Demonstration Project Manager

Date Event Description
Dec. 21 (2007) Planning Committee (PC) T-con to discuss Year 3
Jan. 17 PC meeting in Wash. DC Working meeting to make final decisions on Year 3 plans
Jan. 18 TC meeting in Wash. DC Working meeting for writing technical framework document for year 3
Alternating Fridays PC GotoMeeting

(multiple meetings may occur)

Subgroup A and B teleconferences. Meeting to work out the key details for the connect-a-thon and demonstration. Goal to have completed document TBD.
Saturdays TC GotoMeeting

(multiple meetings may occur)

TC working on document for public comment
Saturdays TC GotoMeeting

(multiple meetings may occur)

TC working on document for public comment
Feb 1st Year 2 Final Text Phone Meeting Final review 11:30 – 1:00 eastern time
Feb 1st Use Cases provided Year 3 profiles Confirm PDF standard ISO 19005-1
Feb 7th Don to Provide the OP Option All drafts due distributed
Feb 15th Review Year 3 Work Items 11:30 – 1:00
Feb 27 (Feb 26 afternoon 3:00 p.m. for group to visit IHE Showcase) PC meeting in Orlando (HIMSS) need to finalize Will meet near HIMSS - All

Working meeting to further bring document close to public review – TC Working meeting to implement plan for Year 3 – PC Subgroup B to see IHE showcase

Feb 28 HIMSS Meetings with other IHE groups for IHE Co-Chairs, Don Van Syckle, Flora
March 7 TC GoToMeeting Year 3 Profiles Final Review 11:30-2:30
March 17 TC publishes profiles for Public Comment Public Comment version of IHE Eye Care Integration Profiles, allows for 30 Public Comment Period
April 16 TC Public Comment Period Over Public Comments Must be delivered to Don
April 18 TC Review Public Comments 11:30 -1:00
April 25 TC Approve any changes 11:30-1:00 TC to review and provide resolution of Public Comments. Update framework to Trial Implementation draft.
May 2nd TC Review and finalize the 2 day Webinar 11:30 – 1:00
TBD PC GotoMeeting

(multiple meetings may occur)

Working meetings for plans, executions, education, etc.
April 30 TC publishes Profile for Trial Implementation (Connect-a-thon Spec) Release IHE Eye Care Technical Framework Document – Trial Implementation Version. This is the specification that will be used for the connect-a-thon and demonstration.
TBD PC updates demonstration requirements document Detailed description of demonstration. Includes marketing and technical responsibilities of vendors. Needs to define each actor in the demonstrations and specific list of requirements (based upon Trial Implementation Version).
May 15,16 IHE Eye Care Educational Workshop 2 day Webinar

Provide technical education of IHE profiles for vendors and users. Provide connect-a-thon and demonstration educations, fees, parameters, etc. Release invitation forms.

Mid June One-day organizational meeting for Connect-a-thon and Demonstration Requirement for participation. Each company needs to send one or more representative to walk through the connect-a-thon and demonstration steps.
Sept 15 Vendors submit MESA test results Need to review results and resolve issues
Early Oct IHE-Eye Care participation at Connect-a-thon 4 day connect-a-thon coordinated by PM (most likely at RSNA in Oak Brook, IL)
Nov 7 AAO 2007 Conference & Showcase Showcase test run (time TBD)
Nov 8-11 AAO 2007 Conference & Showcase Hold Demonstration at showcase in Atlanta


This document <--> outlines goals and plans over the next 5-10 years.

Current Activity

IHE Eye Care has started work in the 2008 Cycle on an Eye Care Workflow Profile. Contact the Technical Committee if you would like to participate, or watch for Public Comment drafts in April 2008. The Technical Committee is currently working on the following items: • TF Updates for Year 3

Demonstrations & Presentations

Supporters and Endorsements

IHE Eye Care is supported or endorsed by the following organizations: • American Academy of Ophthalmology

See Also