Difference between revisions of "ITI Planning Committee 2020 Meetings"

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=Voting Rights=
=Voting Rights=
[http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php/Voting_Privileges IHE ITI Voting Rights Page]
[http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php/Voting_Privileges IHE ITI Voting Rights Page]
Roster: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X_-BASK6EDXj5QaTQ5WzXCOgwGhH0Nlju1fL2VQupMM/edit#gid=2059340959
Roster: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EUENG66EMKK5mqtimZhpjw1dQZ0e4bhmdidzkeJU03k/edit?usp=sharing
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The following agenda is a draft and may be adjusted based on needs of the meeting
The following agenda is a draft and may be adjusted based on needs of the meeting
==November 2020==
===Outreach for Public comment===
** Jenny to create three slides and record video  (What problem is solved, minimally how, what open issues)
*** Deadline March 17 (next ITI Planning t-con)
** Promote at EU-Connectathon
** Promote to OpenHIE (Derek)
** Promote to vocab workgroup
** John to create three slides and record video (What problem is solved, minimally how, what open issues)
*** Deadline March 1 (review and approve at next ITI Planning t-con)
** Promote at HIMSS
** Promote at EU-Connectathon
** Promote to OpenHIE (Derek)
** Africa CDC HIE task force (Luke)
** Steve to create three slides and record video  (What problem is solved, what open issues)
*** Deadline March 17 (next ITI Planning t-con)
* MHDS and SVCM creation of profiles page using template
** Link to github, github/fhir, video, and ppt as appropriate
* Produce text equivilant of the slides
** What problem is solved, minimally how, and what open issues
** Put the public comment intro on the wiki profile page for these profiles (and whitepaper)
ACTION: Luke and John to work with Mary on predicting the future publication needs
===new work item queue===
We have two ITI-Planning meetings to evaluate and priortize prior to the next face-to-face
New work item proposals
* Publishing Volumes in html form
** John
* Change MHD from DocumentManifest to List
** John
* Federate MHDS using FHIR including patient and user federation
** John
* Provider Directory alignment (mCSD) with Argonaut, Sequoia, and DirectTrust
** Luke
* Federated PIMR using FHIR (might be just a whitepaper) (QEDm federation)
** John (Luke would be interested in the result)
* Federate MHDS using XCA
* Federated QEDm (or mXDE output inclding QEDm sources)
* FHIR Consent Management for Simple consents (BPPC subset of consents)
* Scanned document using FHIR Document (not CDA)
* MHD On-Demand -- document how MHD would support On-Demand -- where backend is XDS, where backend is XCA, where backend is native FHIR
Not discussed
*XDM on FHIR -- usecases from XDM, but where the encoding of the metadata is using FHIR structure
** Could extend to carrying non-Document resources on portable media
** https://chat.fhir.org/#narrow/stream/65-ihe/topic/FHIR.20based.20XDM
*MHD asynchronous -- usecases from MHD, but where there is a need for asynchronous. Such as MHD as an API to XCA where the asynchronous MHD would allow for non-blocking
** https://healthcaresecprivacy.blogspot.com/2018/09/improving-document-exchange-response.html
*FHIR Client security -- package up the requirements for a FHIR Client to be secure. Subset of ATNA without client side cert + IUA +???
*SMART-on-FHIR usecases -- authorization of application space, specification of OAuth scope, specification of OAuth interaction (beyond IUA has today)
** SMART-on-FHIR is about to be published as normative STU from HL7
** Must deal with SMART-on-FHIR overlap. Is there anything to profile? Can we just reference SMART?
*PAM on FHIR -- all of the PAM use-cases in FHIR form
*Re-Document ITI-18 -- simplify, clarify, various items Thing ONE
*Work more closely with PCC and QRPH to align their newest work with ITI
*Profiling of CDS-hooks for specific clinical usecases. Or does this become a clinical domain responsibility (PCC, etc)
*Provider Directory maturity
** Alignment with Argonaut
** Alignment with Sequoia Directory
** Alignment with DirectTrust.org Directory
*Overall alignment of our FHIR profiles with Argonaut and/or Da Vinci
*Add in Sequoia - CareQuality -- Point-of-Care Consent mechanism to XCPD and XCA
===Volumes getting too big===
* Plan for addressing Volume size and approachability
** Can we change to publishing the volumes in XHTML on a web
** Would be aligned with the output of IG Publisher
*** How do we Edit?
**** Doc stays as the formal source with export to xthml
**** Markdown?
**** Edit the xhtml?
**** OpenDoc (like DICOM uses)
**** other sphinx, mkdocs, docusaurus
***** manages the relationship between multiple doc and the html output
*** How do change the CP process?
*** Can we reliably make the export
**** Using PanDoc?
***** need the output to be as clean of style as possible so that CSS can manage style
*** Manage in GitHub?
*** Initially just the formal text volumes, not supplements or whitepapers
*** Note that github has automatic publication of a repository of type .io
** research
*** Prototype based on a supplement
**** Luke 2-second effort with pandoc was too messy, would require specific use of pandoc (switches) and automation, and cleanup of things we don't need (like table of content) etc
*** Ask Clune about DICOM experience
*** Volume 1 -- break down to each profile as independent addressable page
*** Volume 2 -- break down to each transaction
*** Volume 3 -- metadata as a page, content profiles as pages
*** Volume 4 -- breakdown to each language?
*** Appendix -- breakdown to each appendix
*** Links as a maturity effort
**** Links only at this level from Volume 1 --> 2-x
**** Links from transactions and content to Volume 1
**** Section level linking
** Requires IHE can publish raw xhtml (which is already being driven by IG publisher)
** Approvals will need to go thru DCC and Board... ITI can't go forward alone (we can do experimentation alone)
** If we pick this up as a formal new work item, it would be presented to DCC to see if others object or pile on
= ITI Planning DECISION t-con=
= ITI Planning DECISION t-con=
The purpose of the monthly t-con is to work on promotion opportunities.  
The purpose of the monthly t-con is to work on promotion opportunities.  
Monthly on the third Tuesday of the month at 11:00 - 12:00 Central time -- https://himss.webex.com/himss/j.php?MTID=m37230350b20dbcb51b968799d185f12f
Monthly on the third Tuesday of the month at 11:00 - 12:00 Central time -- https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19:Pi8eAzQkSYTx4LnSKGnKDT7NMNUeljRK7_Yxk_H9kF41@thread.tacv2/1660835936985?context=%7B%22Tid%22:%2202a9376b-a4f9-4a63-a240-52c43ebf9a89%22,%22Oid%22:%226459fea4-110a-4d17-85f0-00587211a0c0%22%7D
==2020 October 20==
* Review backlog of proposed projects: https://github.com/IHE/IT-Infrastructure/projects/2
** Added item to convert MHD to IG publisher with time estimates
*** Re-ordered priorities.  Luke motioned to accept new priorities, Steve seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.
* Review promotion materials
** SVCM Luke/Jenny tbd --- ACTION Luke to continue to work on this
==2020 September 15==
* Review backlog of proposed projects
* Review SNIF promotion plan
* Review promotion materials
** IHE Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_7Rx9MracVwqVXDOH8Hj5Q
** ITI Play List https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqKdd_74t4IL86rg1DhfsPq1LVS3jF4QK
** SVCM Luke/Jenny tbd --- ACTION Luke to continue to work on this
** Are there topics ITI should create a webinar around?
==2020 August 18==
* Note FormatCode IG is now published, although not fully integrated into the IG registry
** http://profiles.ihe.net/fhir/ihe.formatcode.fhir/
* Review backlog of proposed projects
* Review SNIF promotion plan
* Review promotion materials
** IHE Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_7Rx9MracVwqVXDOH8Hj5Q
** ITI Play List https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqKdd_74t4IL86rg1DhfsPq1LVS3jF4QK
** SVCM Luke/Jenny tbd --- ACTION Luke to continue to work on this
** Are there topics ITI should create a webinar around?
* Did not achieve quorum.
* will bring up same agenda for September
==2020 July 21==
* note: Planning meeting during Technical Committee meeting
* Review backlog of proposed projects
* Review SNIF promotion plan
* Review promotion materials
** IHE Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_7Rx9MracVwqVXDOH8Hj5Q
** ITI Play List https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqKdd_74t4IL86rg1DhfsPq1LVS3jF4QK
** SVCM Luke/Jenny tbd --- ACTION Luke to continue to work on this
** Are there topics ITI should create a webinar around?
==2020 June 16==
* Attendance -- taken by Sarah
* Review
** Change of Face-to-Face May meeting moved to Virtual
* Review Youtube announcements of Public Comment
** IHE Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_7Rx9MracVwqVXDOH8Hj5Q
** ITI Play List https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqKdd_74t4IL86rg1DhfsPq1LVS3jF4QK
** SVCM Luke/Jenny tbd --- ACTION Luke to continue to work on this
*** nothing to review
** Likely need refresh for TI on MHDS, PRIM, ATNA?
*** PRIM presentation seems to be updated, so might just need to be routed to publication -- ACTION John to look into this
** Are there topics ITI should create a webinar around?
*** No response
* Review new wiki pages
** None ?
* Review New Work Items
** [[Current development]]
** New Proposals to prioritize https://github.com/IHE/IT-Infrastructure/tree/master/Proposals
** Nothing new submitted
* SNIF outreach
** Planning committee should help with outreach of the SNIF whitepaper
** SNIF team should write up the draft of what they would like to have sent
** This can be posted to informal outlets
** IHE proper will help make it formal and promote it to formal outlets
* New business
** Note some ITI projects are using Kanban board built into GitHub
** Note some ITI white papers are using GitHub pages theme
*** Mary's Documentation Workgroup has been asked to select a canned theme and/or enhance one
==2020 May 19==
* Attendance -- taken by Sarah
* Review
** Change of Face-to-Face May meeting moved to Virtual
* Review Youtube announcements of Public Comment
** IHE Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_7Rx9MracVwqVXDOH8Hj5Q
** ITI Play List https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqKdd_74t4IL86rg1DhfsPq1LVS3jF4QK
** SVCM Luke/Jenny tbd --- ACTION Luke to continue to work on this
*** nothing to review
** Likely need refresh for TI on MHDS, PRIM, ATNA?
*** PRIM presentation seems to be updated, so might just need to be routed to publication -- ACTION John to look into this
** Are there topics ITI should create a webinar around?
*** No response
* Review new wiki pages
** None ?
* Review New Work Items
** [[Current development]]
** New Proposals to prioritize https://github.com/IHE/IT-Infrastructure/tree/master/Proposals
** Nothing new submitted
* Work on prototype of html publishing of Technical Framework
** No work to report
* New business
** FYI: Roberts Rules of Order have an update for Electronic Meetings https://www.robertsrules.com/default.html
* Adjourned 17 minutes
==2020 April 21==
Webex https://himss.webex.com/himss/j.php?MTID=m0e3471bc0ec528ad677827c171f40bde
* Attendance -- taken by Sarah
* Review
** Change of Face-to-Face May meeting moved to Virtual
** Update of final text and supplements https://github.com/IHE/IT-Infrastructure/tree/master/ForPublication
** Public Comment results - SNIF, MHDS, and CVCM
* Review Youtube announcements of Public Comment
** IHE Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_7Rx9MracVwqVXDOH8Hj5Q
** ITI Play List https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqKdd_74t4IL86rg1DhfsPq1LVS3jF4QK
** SVCM Luke/Jenny tbd
*** nothing to review
* Review new wiki pages
** [[Sharing Valuesets, Codes and Maps (SVCM)]]
*** Ready for community review and comment back to Luke
* Review New Work Items
** [[Current development]]
** New Proposals to prioritize https://github.com/IHE/IT-Infrastructure/tree/master/Proposals
*** Update HIE Whitepaper to include MHD
*** Update publication of final text volumes using html rather than PDF
*** Update MHD from DocumentManifest to List(s)
*** Federate MHDS using FHIR including Patient and User federation
*** Provider Directory alignment (mCSD) with Argonaut, Sequoa, and DirectTrust
** backlog not written or proposed
*** Federation PIMR using FHIR (might be just a white paper) (QEDm federation?)
*** Federation of MHDS into XCA network
*** Federation of QEDm (or mXDE output including QEDm sources)
*** FHIR consent management (beyond what is already in MHDS)
*** Scanned document using FHIR Document (not CDA)
*** MHD On-Demand -- document how MHD would support On-Demand -- where backend is XDS, where backend is XCA, where backend is native  FHIR ($document)
*** XDM on FHIR?
*** MHD asynchronous
** IUA update may need to be re-evaluated as it missed two milestone meetings
*** Swiss may be interested
** Decision
*** Proposals reviewed and prioritized (note items 1 and 2 were very close priority. Item 3 and 4 were very close priority)
**** Publish Final Text Technical Framework in html
**** MHD SubmissionSet List
**** Update HIE Whitepaper to include MHD
**** Provider Directory Alignment
**** Federated MHDS
* Work on prototype of html publishing of Technical Framework
** No work to report
* New business
** Mick Tally - Cross-Boarder Health Information Flow discussion. Noted this is mostly available with HIE solutions from whitepaper.
==2020 March 17==
==2020 March 17==
Line 46: Line 307:
* Change of Face-to-Face May meeting moved to Virtual
* Change of Face-to-Face May meeting moved to Virtual
** Recommendations?
** Recommendations?
** Reminder to assure your headset battery can last all day
** Camera? or not?
* Review Youtube announcements of Public Comment
* Review Youtube announcements of Public Comment
** IHE Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_7Rx9MracVwqVXDOH8Hj5Q
** IHE Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_7Rx9MracVwqVXDOH8Hj5Q
Line 60: Line 323:
** XPID -- Abdallah Miladi - Tiani Sprit
** XPID -- Abdallah Miladi - Tiani Sprit
***  5 of them(ICW, Icoserve, Hyland, Agfa, MERGE),  
***  5 of them(ICW, Icoserve, Hyland, Agfa, MERGE),  
*** Checklist approved -- Dave Pyke/ Charles Parisot: 12,0,0
** DEN -- Massimilano Masi - Tiani Sprit
** DEN -- Massimilano Masi - Tiani Sprit
*** Implementations IRM, soffico, forecare, tiani-spirit, EndoSoft
*** Actions
**** Need updates of underlying standards -- Masi
**** Need addressment of OpenIssue - SHA1 use for signature with secret -- Masi
**** Address CP on MimeTypeSufficient -- John
** HPD -- Oliver Egger - IHE Suisse
** HPD -- Oliver Egger - IHE Suisse
*** Many open CPs 1181, 1107, 921, 910, 766, - Oliver
*** Address open issues -- Oliver
* Review New Work Items
* Review New Work Items
** None submitted
** None submitted

Latest revision as of 12:20, 15 November 2022

Back ITI Planning Committee


This WIKI page documents the activities of the ITI Planning Committee during the 2020 committee year. These activities include Continuous:

  • Call for Proposals
  • Review and Prioritization of Proposals
  • Updates/Additions to Educational Materials/White Papers/Etc.

Voting Rights

IHE ITI Voting Rights Page Roster: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EUENG66EMKK5mqtimZhpjw1dQZ0e4bhmdidzkeJU03k/edit?usp=sharing


New Work Item proposals

Each webinar will be organized as follows (this will vary slightly depending upon how many proposals we will be reviewing:

  • Each webinar will be divided into 20-minute time-slots, with the remaining time for introductory remarks and follow-up discussion.
  • Each 20-minute time slot will be allocated to a profile/white paper proposal… the first 10 minutes will be taken up by a presentation by the proposal author, with the remaining 10 minutes reserved for discussion and any disposition (if required).
  • Each 10-minute presentation will be comprised of a maximum of 5 Powerpoint slides, presenting the proposal problem statement concisely and completely.
  • Presenter should focus on describing the Problem, and avoid speaking to their Solution. Emphasis on expressing the scope and scale of the Problem.

These are Decision meetings so attendance will be recorded to support membership responsibilities.


Note: Only IHE International members can attend events onsite. Interested in joining us onsite? Visit the IHE Online Application to submit your application today!

Meeting Location:

RSNA Headquarters, Oakbrook,IL 
820 Jorie Blvd # 200, Oak Brook, IL 60523

The following agenda is a draft and may be adjusted based on needs of the meeting NOTE: THIS AGENDA WILL BE SUBJECT TO CONTINUOUS REVISION; IT WILL BE LIKELY REVISED UP TO AND DURING THE MEETING.

November 2020

Outreach for Public comment

  • SVCM
    • Jenny to create three slides and record video (What problem is solved, minimally how, what open issues)
      • Deadline March 17 (next ITI Planning t-con)
    • Promote at EU-Connectathon
    • Promote to OpenHIE (Derek)
    • Promote to vocab workgroup
  • MHDS
    • John to create three slides and record video (What problem is solved, minimally how, what open issues)
      • Deadline March 1 (review and approve at next ITI Planning t-con)
    • Promote at HIMSS
    • Promote at EU-Connectathon
    • Promote to OpenHIE (Derek)
    • Africa CDC HIE task force (Luke)
  • SNIF
    • Steve to create three slides and record video (What problem is solved, what open issues)
      • Deadline March 17 (next ITI Planning t-con)
  • MHDS and SVCM creation of profiles page using template
    • Link to github, github/fhir, video, and ppt as appropriate
  • Produce text equivilant of the slides
    • What problem is solved, minimally how, and what open issues
    • Put the public comment intro on the wiki profile page for these profiles (and whitepaper)

ACTION: Luke and John to work with Mary on predicting the future publication needs

new work item queue

We have two ITI-Planning meetings to evaluate and priortize prior to the next face-to-face New work item proposals

  • Publishing Volumes in html form
    • John
  • Change MHD from DocumentManifest to List
    • John
  • Federate MHDS using FHIR including patient and user federation
    • John
  • Provider Directory alignment (mCSD) with Argonaut, Sequoia, and DirectTrust
    • Luke
  • Federated PIMR using FHIR (might be just a whitepaper) (QEDm federation)
    • John (Luke would be interested in the result)
  • Federate MHDS using XCA
  • Federated QEDm (or mXDE output inclding QEDm sources)
  • FHIR Consent Management for Simple consents (BPPC subset of consents)
  • Scanned document using FHIR Document (not CDA)
  • MHD On-Demand -- document how MHD would support On-Demand -- where backend is XDS, where backend is XCA, where backend is native FHIR

Not discussed

  • XDM on FHIR -- usecases from XDM, but where the encoding of the metadata is using FHIR structure
  • MHD asynchronous -- usecases from MHD, but where there is a need for asynchronous. Such as MHD as an API to XCA where the asynchronous MHD would allow for non-blocking
  • FHIR Client security -- package up the requirements for a FHIR Client to be secure. Subset of ATNA without client side cert + IUA +???
  • SMART-on-FHIR usecases -- authorization of application space, specification of OAuth scope, specification of OAuth interaction (beyond IUA has today)
    • SMART-on-FHIR is about to be published as normative STU from HL7
    • Must deal with SMART-on-FHIR overlap. Is there anything to profile? Can we just reference SMART?
  • PAM on FHIR -- all of the PAM use-cases in FHIR form
  • Re-Document ITI-18 -- simplify, clarify, various items Thing ONE
  • Work more closely with PCC and QRPH to align their newest work with ITI
  • Profiling of CDS-hooks for specific clinical usecases. Or does this become a clinical domain responsibility (PCC, etc)
  • Provider Directory maturity
    • Alignment with Argonaut
    • Alignment with Sequoia Directory
    • Alignment with DirectTrust.org Directory
  • Overall alignment of our FHIR profiles with Argonaut and/or Da Vinci
  • Add in Sequoia - CareQuality -- Point-of-Care Consent mechanism to XCPD and XCA

Volumes getting too big

  • Plan for addressing Volume size and approachability
    • Can we change to publishing the volumes in XHTML on a web
    • Would be aligned with the output of IG Publisher
      • How do we Edit?
        • Doc stays as the formal source with export to xthml
        • Markdown?
        • Edit the xhtml?
        • OpenDoc (like DICOM uses)
        • other sphinx, mkdocs, docusaurus
          • manages the relationship between multiple doc and the html output
      • How do change the CP process?
      • Can we reliably make the export
        • Using PanDoc?
          • need the output to be as clean of style as possible so that CSS can manage style
      • Manage in GitHub?
      • Initially just the formal text volumes, not supplements or whitepapers
      • Note that github has automatic publication of a repository of type .io
    • research
      • Prototype based on a supplement
        • Luke 2-second effort with pandoc was too messy, would require specific use of pandoc (switches) and automation, and cleanup of things we don't need (like table of content) etc
      • Ask Clune about DICOM experience
      • Volume 1 -- break down to each profile as independent addressable page
      • Volume 2 -- break down to each transaction
      • Volume 3 -- metadata as a page, content profiles as pages
      • Volume 4 -- breakdown to each language?
      • Appendix -- breakdown to each appendix
      • Links as a maturity effort
        • Links only at this level from Volume 1 --> 2-x
        • Links from transactions and content to Volume 1
        • Section level linking
    • Requires IHE can publish raw xhtml (which is already being driven by IG publisher)
    • Approvals will need to go thru DCC and Board... ITI can't go forward alone (we can do experimentation alone)
    • If we pick this up as a formal new work item, it would be presented to DCC to see if others object or pile on

ITI Planning DECISION t-con

The purpose of the monthly t-con is to work on promotion opportunities.

Monthly on the third Tuesday of the month at 11:00 - 12:00 Central time -- https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19:Pi8eAzQkSYTx4LnSKGnKDT7NMNUeljRK7_Yxk_H9kF41@thread.tacv2/1660835936985?context=%7B%22Tid%22:%2202a9376b-a4f9-4a63-a240-52c43ebf9a89%22,%22Oid%22:%226459fea4-110a-4d17-85f0-00587211a0c0%22%7D

2020 October 20


  • Review backlog of proposed projects: https://github.com/IHE/IT-Infrastructure/projects/2
    • Added item to convert MHD to IG publisher with time estimates
      • Re-ordered priorities. Luke motioned to accept new priorities, Steve seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
  • Review promotion materials
    • SVCM Luke/Jenny tbd --- ACTION Luke to continue to work on this

2020 September 15


2020 August 18



  • Did not achieve quorum.
  • will bring up same agenda for September

2020 July 21


2020 June 16


  • Attendance -- taken by Sarah
  • Review
    • Change of Face-to-Face May meeting moved to Virtual
  • Review Youtube announcements of Public Comment
  • Review new wiki pages
    • None ?
  • Review New Work Items
  • SNIF outreach
    • Planning committee should help with outreach of the SNIF whitepaper
    • SNIF team should write up the draft of what they would like to have sent
    • This can be posted to informal outlets
    • IHE proper will help make it formal and promote it to formal outlets
  • New business
    • Note some ITI projects are using Kanban board built into GitHub
    • Note some ITI white papers are using GitHub pages theme
      • Mary's Documentation Workgroup has been asked to select a canned theme and/or enhance one

2020 May 19


2020 April 21

Webex https://himss.webex.com/himss/j.php?MTID=m0e3471bc0ec528ad677827c171f40bde


  • Attendance -- taken by Sarah
  • Review
  • Review Youtube announcements of Public Comment
  • Review new wiki pages
  • Review New Work Items
    • Current development
    • New Proposals to prioritize https://github.com/IHE/IT-Infrastructure/tree/master/Proposals
      • Update HIE Whitepaper to include MHD
      • Update publication of final text volumes using html rather than PDF
      • Update MHD from DocumentManifest to List(s)
      • Federate MHDS using FHIR including Patient and User federation
      • Provider Directory alignment (mCSD) with Argonaut, Sequoa, and DirectTrust
    • backlog not written or proposed
      • Federation PIMR using FHIR (might be just a white paper) (QEDm federation?)
      • Federation of MHDS into XCA network
      • Federation of QEDm (or mXDE output including QEDm sources)
      • FHIR consent management (beyond what is already in MHDS)
      • Scanned document using FHIR Document (not CDA)
      • MHD On-Demand -- document how MHD would support On-Demand -- where backend is XDS, where backend is XCA, where backend is native FHIR ($document)
      • XDM on FHIR?
      • MHD asynchronous
    • IUA update may need to be re-evaluated as it missed two milestone meetings
      • Swiss may be interested
    • Decision
      • Proposals reviewed and prioritized (note items 1 and 2 were very close priority. Item 3 and 4 were very close priority)
        • Publish Final Text Technical Framework in html
        • MHD SubmissionSet List
        • Update HIE Whitepaper to include MHD
        • Provider Directory Alignment
        • Federated MHDS
  • Work on prototype of html publishing of Technical Framework
    • No work to report
  • New business
    • Mick Tally - Cross-Boarder Health Information Flow discussion. Noted this is mostly available with HIE solutions from whitepaper.

2020 March 17


  • Change of Face-to-Face May meeting moved to Virtual
    • Recommendations?
    • Reminder to assure your headset battery can last all day
    • Camera? or not?
  • Review Youtube announcements of Public Comment
  • Review new wiki pages
  • Review promotion of Trial Implementation
    • Final Text Process
    • XPID -- Abdallah Miladi - Tiani Sprit
      • 5 of them(ICW, Icoserve, Hyland, Agfa, MERGE),
      • Checklist approved -- Dave Pyke/ Charles Parisot: 12,0,0
    • DEN -- Massimilano Masi - Tiani Sprit
      • Implementations IRM, soffico, forecare, tiani-spirit, EndoSoft
      • Actions
        • Need updates of underlying standards -- Masi
        • Need addressment of OpenIssue - SHA1 use for signature with secret -- Masi
        • Address CP on MimeTypeSufficient -- John
    • HPD -- Oliver Egger - IHE Suisse
      • Many open CPs 1181, 1107, 921, 910, 766, - Oliver
      • Address open issues -- Oliver
  • Review New Work Items
    • None submitted
    • Current development
    • John to work on some
      • Update MHD from DocumentManifest to List(s)
      • Federate MHDS using FHIR including Patient and User federation
      • Provider Directory alignment (mCSD) with Argonaut, Sequoa, and DirectTrust
      • Federation PIMR using FHIR (might be just a white paper) (QEDm federation?)
      • Federation of MHDS into XCA network
      • Federation of QEDm (or mXDE output including QEDm sources)
      • FHIR consent management (beyond what is already in MHDS)
      • Scanned document using FHIR Document (not CDA)
      • MHD On-Demand -- document how MHD would support On-Demand -- where backend is XDS, where backend is XCA, where backend is native FHIR ($document)
      • XDM on FHIR?
      • MHD asynchronous
    • IUA update may need to be re-evaluated as it missed two milestone meetings
  • Work on prototype of html publishing of Technical Framework
    • No work to report
  • New business

Educational Webinars


See Also
