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==ITI, PCC, & QRPH Domain F2F Meetings- November 2019 - July 2020==
==ITI, PCC, & QRPH Domain F2F Meetings==
2019-2020 IHE Int'l Planning/Technical Meetings to support the development cycle beginning November 2019 to July 2020 and testing at the IHE North America Connectathon 2021.  
2023-2024 IHE Int'l Planning/Technical Meetings to support the development cycle beginning November to July and testing at the IHE North America Connectathon 2024.  
PCC & QRPH may hold four day Technical Committee meetings, based on workload. For final dates please visit the Committee Wiki and visit this page for updates.
PCC & QRPH may hold four-day Technical Committee meetings, based on workload. For final dates please visit the Committee Wiki and visit this page for updates.
=== 2019 - 2020 Face to Face Meeting Dates ===  
=== 2024-2025 Meeting Dates ===  
The meeting cycle for 2019 - 2020 is listed below. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings will be taking place in the Illinois region, at the RSNA headquarters located in Oak Brook, IL.  
The meeting cycle for 2024-2025 is listed below. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings may move to virtual as health & safety guidelines for in-person meetings change.
RSNA Headquarters is located at: 820 Jorie Blvd., Oak Brook, IL 60523.
'''2024 Joint ITI/PCC/QRPH Domain Meeting Dates'''
'''2019-2020 IHE International Meeting Dates'''
''' Fall Meetings'''
• October 21-25, 2024
• November 11 - November 15, 2019: Profile Evaluation Meeting
'''Location: RSNA Headquarters'''
''' Winter Meetings'''
820 Jorie Blvd, Suite 200
• February 17 - February 21, 2020: Volume One Meeting: Oak Brook, IL
Oak Brook, IL 60523
''' Spring/Summer Meetings'''
May 4 - May 8, 2020: Public Comment Meeting: ZVEI (Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e. V.  – German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association) at Lyoner Strasse 9, 60528 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
February 17-21, 2025
• July 20 - July 24, 2020: Trial Implementation Meeting: Oak Brook, IL
'''Location: RSNA Headquarters'''
== '''February 2020''' Face-to-Face: Oak Brook, Illinois ==
820 Jorie Blvd, Suite 200
Oak Brook, IL 60523
=====Key Dates – RSVP & Hotel Block Deadlines=====
• February 7th, 2020- [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfJpUOINmOb9VXzYfggCVFqZpopDSr2a7G5-SXRt-BzgaAFJA/viewform?usp=sf_link/ Online RSVP form]
Hotel Block Info - [https://www.marriott.com/event-reservations/reservation-link.mi?id=1580317655391&key=GRP&app=resvlink/ Book your room]
April 28-May 2, 2025
=====RSVP Survey Links=====
'''Location: RSNA Headquarters'''
820 Jorie Blvd, Suite 200
Secure your attendance at this meeting by completing the [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSefv6p1FLCbGi-4HG1PnUOGM5mbUz3o0sM-pCxmIc8vNmtHwg/viewform?usp=sf_link/ Online RSVP form]  by November 1st
• Only IHE International members can attend events onsite. Interested in joining us onsite? Visit the [http://ihe.net/Join_IHE_Application/ IHE Online Application] to submit your application today!
=====Meeting Details – Location, Date and Times=====
February F2F: Oak Brook, Illinois
• February 17th - 21st, 2020
• Meeting Location:
RSNA Headquarters
820 Jorie Blvd
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Oak Brook, IL 60523
[https://goo.gl/maps/pD9rMeYi2YzfA2aPA Click here for map and directions]
=====Meeting Times:=====
• July 14-18, 2025
''Note: meeting times may vary as needed''
'''Location: RSNA Headquarters'''
For Domain Specific Agendas, please visit the following links:
820 Jorie Blvd, Suite 200
[http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=ITI_Technical_Committee#Current_Meetings  ITI Agenda]
Oak Brook, IL 60523
[http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=Patient_Care_Coordination_Technical_Committee#View_F2F_Meeting_Schedule_and_Events_for_ITI.2C_PCC.2C_and_QRPH PCC Agenda]
== '''October 2024 Meeting''' ==
[http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=Quality,_Research_and_Public_Health_Technical_Committee#Meetings QRPH Agenda]
=====Meeting Details=====
October 2024 Face-to-Face
'''Daily Agenda'''
October 21-25, 2024 | 8:00am - 5:00pm, US Central Time Zone
• Breakfast 8:30-9am
''Note: meeting times may vary as needed''
• Meetings 9-10:45am
'''Location: RSNA Headquarters'''
• Break 1: 10:45-11am
820 Jorie Blvd #200
• Meetings 11-12:30pm
Oak Brook, IL 60523
• Lunch: 12:30-1:30pm
[https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com_-3Furl-3Dhttps-253A-252F-252Fsecure-2Dweb.cisco.com-252F1MwESCnIW-5FuW0PTqkyDks2Pp3woy8M0gP2ZwkxyTPzE8AeDiFTCbj7iqi9e-5Fc3E6D5lxcF1H2ZGATuwTjR58TMge2JOWEdfj4lt10jk9hh-5Fzx7JpSo5Oz1th7gbziqyFLzm3puc2kMVpP4Tt1cRuOjUDAF2ESfZjJK2zIRB7-5FZSlbpy59hfaetQcKYFfyTmR4IJscfQFDB6tfspExPxcWBCpZiCc5BFHDsiUFTFpXkmsprXPfvM2-2DhzwstmUncf3rW92U-5F7pg7P6x-2DLLAfYs1UjzaLGlIedapU90uo4gH-5FdvSgxb1OSE3s93XF6R33oOuDkULFbw-2D13Se3AP7T-2DL9aOVHW1ALSMm-5FUdgfsqVDuWP3zgeFPRSCyKjUepPWrcRRaLC6IA5-5F0P2Nn1qgInmYzdcmcPg3nXwj99F6JUtsJtyQh77dYvBjIdB6cNeOWoWr-252Fhttps-25253A-25252F-25252Furldefense.proofpoint.com-25252Fv2-25252Furl-25253Fu-25253Dhttps-2D3A-5F-5Fwww.google.com-5Fmaps-5Fplace-5FRadiological-2D2BSociety-2D2Bof-2D2BNorth-2D2BAmerica-5F-2D4041.844743-2D2C-2D2D87.940125-2D2C15z-5Fdata-2D3D-2D214m2-2D213m1-2D211s0x0-2D3A0x2c63fbf728c2b505-2D3Fsa-2D3DX-2D26ved-2D3D0ahUKEwiF9IPa-2D2D8XLAhUDWh4KHT-2D5FdAggQ-2D5FBIIeDAK-252526d-25253DDwMF-2Dg-252526c-25253DJHHkSQuaqwDHGORnIQuaBw-252526r-25253DBsBR7vJUV0REs17E-5Fy8yZQ-252526m-25253D9DgN9zwnGlPp48655wikJ9wqE3pO-2D365wmifKuRTvL4-252526s-25253D7v2qZCdgiRhF2SSOB-5FHGKfFGRsD-2DF2-2DKi-5FH26bE13ls-252526e-25253D-26data-3D05-257C01-257Ctsoutherland-2540kno2.com-257Ce00232b959514f8d381908da5abd7e26-257C4f0d98b90f1c4f7aa50163efaf03de21-257C0-257C0-257C637922067163254295-257CUnknown-257CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0-253D-257C3000-257C-257C-257C-26sdata-3DjilGndWNM9ch2-252FFsREOxVaxZB1sKIkYgMuDyK1Lc-252FGM-253D-26reserved-3D0&d=DwMFAg&c=JHHkSQuaqwDHGORnIQuaBw&r=Au04JVcNQeHbxM8VVVNE30vIoJaknxqc5FbQ88rDhm0&m=KG6cAMxiynCPv8K3LmIUCa40mCKt2LI6a7f-fNlaci-fRwgTTj2SrCMDXToMELkg&s=tbHbzHSMuP3iSU-N2XBlTH0TJh9qgo7K7GIa8bJr0CY&e= Map and Directions]
• Meetings: 1:30-3:30
• Break 2: 3:30-3:45pm
'''[https://forms.gle/t5sCGCQqSjv768UV8 RSVP for in-person attendance here]'''
• Meetings 3:45-5pm
For Domain Specific Agendas, please visit the following links:
=====Hotel Accommodations – Location & Room Block Details  =====
[http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=ITI_Technical_Committee#Current_Meetings  ITI Agenda]
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Residence Inn, within walking distance of the meetings. [https://www.marriott.com/event-reservations/reservation-link.mi?id=1580317655391&key=GRP&app=resvlink/ Book your room]  
Residence Inn Chicago Oak Brook
790 Jorie Boulevard
Oak Brook, Illinois 60523
[http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=Patient_Care_Coordination_Technical_Committee#View_F2F_Meeting_Schedule_and_Events_for_ITI.2C_PCC.2C_and_QRPH PCC/QRPH Agenda]
=====Meeting WebEx Details=====
If you are unable to attend onsite, meeting information will be disclosed in October 2019 and will also be sent via an Outlook calendar invite.
=====Virtual Meeting Details=====
For International Members outside the US dialing in, please refer to the Global call-in numbers list here:
Meeting information will be sent via an Outlook calendar invite through the Domain Google Groups. If you need access to the ITI, PCC, and/or QRPH Google Groups, please email Sarah Bell at sarah.bell@himss.org
'''ITI Tech Domain WebEx Info'''
'''ITI Domain Teams Info'''
Meeting Number: 925 611 542
[https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NmU4ZTFlZjQtMTZlOS00OTk2LThiOWMtYzNiMGI5ODMzY2Jm%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2202a9376b-a4f9-4a63-a240-52c43ebf9a89%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%226459fea4-110a-4d17-85f0-00587211a0c0%22%7d Click here to join the meeting]
Meeting Password: Meeting1
Meeting ID: 230 201 142 274
To join this meeting
1. Go to https://himss.webex.com/himss/j.php?MTID=m8489f56634b8975c7796a85376e52bbe
2. Enter the meeting password: Meeting1
3. Click "Join Now".
4. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen to join the teleconference.
Passcode: kBNpMP
'''•PCC Tech Domain WebEx Info'''
Meeting Number: 927 215 416
Meeting Password: Meeting1
'''PCC/QRPH Tech Domain Zoom Info'''
To join this meeting
1. Go to https://himss.webex.com/himss/j.php?MTID=mbb7dfefc71abf359055c9c77386049aa
2. Enter the meeting password: Meeting1
3. Click "Join Now".
4. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen to join the teleconference.
[https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZWM4NDRjMGUtY2RhYS00MDg5LThlZjEtNGU0NmRmZDM0ZjZi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2202a9376b-a4f9-4a63-a240-52c43ebf9a89%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%226459fea4-110a-4d17-85f0-00587211a0c0%22%7d Click here to join the meeting]
'''• QRPH Tech Domain WebEx Info'''
Meeting ID: 266 692 043 265
Passcode: pFzA7R

Latest revision as of 17:02, 17 October 2024

ITI, PCC, & QRPH Domain F2F Meetings

2023-2024 IHE Int'l Planning/Technical Meetings to support the development cycle beginning November to July and testing at the IHE North America Connectathon 2024.

PCC & QRPH may hold four-day Technical Committee meetings, based on workload. For final dates please visit the Committee Wiki and visit this page for updates.

2024-2025 Meeting Dates

The meeting cycle for 2024-2025 is listed below. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings may move to virtual as health & safety guidelines for in-person meetings change.

2024 Joint ITI/PCC/QRPH Domain Meeting Dates

• October 21-25, 2024

Location: RSNA Headquarters

820 Jorie Blvd, Suite 200

Oak Brook, IL 60523

• February 17-21, 2025

Location: RSNA Headquarters

820 Jorie Blvd, Suite 200

Oak Brook, IL 60523

• April 28-May 2, 2025

Location: RSNA Headquarters

820 Jorie Blvd, Suite 200

Oak Brook, IL 60523

• July 14-18, 2025

Location: RSNA Headquarters

820 Jorie Blvd, Suite 200

Oak Brook, IL 60523

October 2024 Meeting

Meeting Details

October 2024 Face-to-Face

October 21-25, 2024 | 8:00am - 5:00pm, US Central Time Zone

Note: meeting times may vary as needed

Location: RSNA Headquarters

820 Jorie Blvd #200

Oak Brook, IL 60523

Map and Directions

RSVP for in-person attendance here

For Domain Specific Agendas, please visit the following links:

ITI Agenda


Virtual Meeting Details

Meeting information will be sent via an Outlook calendar invite through the Domain Google Groups. If you need access to the ITI, PCC, and/or QRPH Google Groups, please email Sarah Bell at sarah.bell@himss.org

ITI Domain Teams Info

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 230 201 142 274

Passcode: kBNpMP

PCC/QRPH Tech Domain Zoom Info

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 266 692 043 265

Passcode: pFzA7R