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='''Minutes Feb 15th'''=
='''DAY 4: Minutes Feb 18th'''=
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Gila Pike (Cognaissance),  
Gila Pike (Cognaissance),  
Christopher Melo (Philips),
Daniel Berenzeanu (Ready Computing),  
Daniel Berenzeanu (Ready Computing),  
John Stamm (EPIC)
John Moherke (GE Healthcare)  
John Moherke (GE Healthcare)  
Line 20: Line 16:
Sylvie Colas (Asip Santè),  
Sylvie Colas (Asip Santè),  
Sensmeier Joyce (Himss),
Mauro Zanardini (consorzio Arsenàl.IT),  
Mauro Zanardini (consorzio Arsenàl.IT),  
Line 31: Line 25:
Rob Horn (AGFA Healthcare),
Rob Horn (AGFA Healthcare),
Ben Levy (CorePoint Health),  
Tarik Idris (ICW),
Karen Witting (Ready Computing),
Elliott Lavy (quadramed)
Tarik Idris (ICW),
Diana Warner (AHIMA)
Jose Costa Teixeira (equip-med)
Harry Rhodes (AHIMA)
Charles Parisot (GE Healthcare),
Bill Majuwrsky (NIST)
Diana Warner (AHIMA),
Karen Witting (Ready Computing)
Anna Orlova (AHIMA),  
Ben Levy (CorePoint Health),  
Harry Rhodes (AHIMA).
-'''Introductions''' (round table presentations) and Agenda Review.
'''10:00am – 10:45am: Lynn Felhofer leads the session related to CP management''':
-It was decided to schedule a specific call on Thursday this week asking Bill Majurski to join. The Cmte will use that time to discuss main XD* issues still open.
-Robert Horn suggested to assign 2-3 CPs to him John and Bill and to address them off-line to be more effective.
-The Cmte agreed to split activities in two groups after the break and address separately dandling CPs related to Security and XDS. Mauro will work separately on DSUB CPs. Work Groups are asked to provide the following feedbacks:  Propose a change, Propose re-assignement, Propose CP cancelation or something else. 
-Daniel went through PIXm to show the Cmte how the PIXm working-group has addressed the audit message requirements without replicating the whole table defined in PIX profile. The Cmte opened a discussion about how to document Audit messages structure in FHIR stuff and in all the profiles that inherit the ATNA Audit message structure form other profiles with some further requirements. John Moherke leaded the workgin-group that took the decision for PIXm and explained to the Cmte reasons to use the new approach without new tables. This choice was made because PIXm is relying on the basic transaction (defined in PIX), and maintaining two different tables can cause problems especially if they start to diverge.
Conclusion: the Cmte agreed that the model used is fine for the ballot. The text used in PIXm just need to be fixed with more explicit references to the PIX Security and Audit Considerations section, and some updates to make explicit the new requirements introduced by PIXm.
'''11:15am – 12:30am: CP working-groups'''
-XDS CPs:  Elliot leads XDS CP work-group. Sylvie, Nader, Daniel, Mauro, Charles participated to the discussion.  This group addressed the following CPs:
• CP-ITI-751-01 – Agree with proposed solution.  Need to implement.
• CP-ITI-764 – Tentatively complete. Assigned to John for review, in the F2F CP-blitz “reassigned” directory
• CP-ITI-767 – This should be split into two CPs: a new one addressing homeCommunityId issues in CXi (I will submit), and the existing one with the editorial and
example changes (which I will move to ready for ballot in the F2F directory).
• CP-ITI-799 – needs further review
• CP-ITI-880 – ready for ballot.
- '''9:30-10:00 FHIR DSTU2: discussion on the plan and on timeline for the publication of the new TI version of MHD, PIXm PDQm.'''
-Security CPs: Rob leads the group. Lynn, John, Rob, Gila participated to the discussion.
The cmte should take in consideration the following timeline:  
• CP-709 - Complete and updated version -03 uploaded
*Ready for ballot = X
• CP-891 - Cancel.  This CP duplicates changes already in the FHIR DSTU2 set of CPs.
*Go out for ballot = X + 1 week
• CP-902 - Review.  The ISO doc reference coresponds to XADES (rob, massi, gila, manuel to review for any issues).  Rob to write "these are equivalent" phrasing so that standards referenced can list both XADES and ISO, using "these are equivalent for medicine" words.
*Return ballot =X + 4 weeks
'''1:30pm - 3:00pm: Karen lead this session about Document Sharing Redoc PC resolution.'''
*Resolve ballot =  X + 5 weeks
-The document produced affects Vol.2b: sections 3.41 3.42 , Vol.3 section 4.3.1, Vol.1 and Vol. 2x.  
*some days to have a cleaned version for publication (…6 weeks total for the entire process of re-publication).
The Cmte resolved 2 open comments. Karen asks to agree on the approach to approve the Redocumentation for integration in Final Text.
After a Cmte discussion, '''the following motion is moved by Karen Witting (Ready Computing)''':
• Karen will complete the document with minor editing related to comment resolved during this meeting.  
-'''10:25am - 11:15am PIXm: Daniel leads the presentation.'''
• Karen and the team of XDS experts will integrate into the new version of the re-doc all the CPs already balloted and approved.
PIXm is revised by the Cmte. '''Elliot Silver move the motion to approve PIXm as ready for the ballot, John Moherke seconded it, no abstensions MOTION APPROVED'''
• Karen will submit to Mary the final version of vol.1 , vol.2b, vol.3, vol.2x just after the EU Connect-a-thon.
This version is available in the FTP site:
• New CPs / Assigned CPs that affects sections re-documented need to be re-drafted in accordance to the new version of the Final Text and will be integrated following the normal process for CP integration.  
'''Mauro Zanardini (consorzio Arsenàl.IT) seconded the motion. Jose Costa Teixeira (equip-med) abstains. MOTION APPROVED.'''
-'''11:15am- 12:30 Dicussion on APPC: Tarik Leads the discussion'''
Jose Costa Teixeria propose to move the discussion related to publication schedule and dependencies maintenance within profiles to the IHE Documentation Work-Group to grant that all domains have consistent approach. The Cmte evaluates that the topics have some overlap but they are not strictly related so the contribution to the Re-documentation work-group is not needed but encouraged by the Co-Chairs.  
Review of the glossary.
'''Karen Witting lead the discussion related to [ITI-61] On-demand Document Redoc'''.  
Review of the View option defined for the Content Consumer actor.  
-The document will be ready for public comment by the end of the week and affects Final Text Vol.2b section 3.61 and vol.1.
Concept still need some work but probably vol.3 stuff can affect this section. Suggestion give 45 minutes more to formalize issues and questions related to that section.
'''Gila Pike (Cognaissance) moves the following MOTION:'''
13:35 MHD john leads the discussion:  
• approve for PC the On-Demand Document re-documentation
• This document will be sitting until the end of the next f2f.
• ITI Tech will submit the document to Mary at the end of the next face to face as part of the regular public comment in June.
'''Mauro Zanardini (consorzio Arsenàl.IT), Silver Elliot (McKensson)  seconded it. No abstension.  MOTION APPROVED.'''
The Cmte reviews the document , some transactional documentation is moved from vol2 to Appendix Z due to their reusability.
-'''John move to approve MHD PDQm Appendix Z, Rob second it. Approved.'''
-The cmte started a discussion about CP-799 “Submission immutable”. The discussion will continue on Thursday afternoon.
-'''14:30: Move to APPC to schedule tconf'''
'''3:00pm-3:30pm Planning Cmte updates:'''
A bi-weekly call is defined. That serie of calls,  starts form 22th February for bi-weekfly call ( APPC  8:00-9:30 CT.)
- The ITI Planning Co-chairs provide some updates about ongoing activities in charge to the Planning Cmte:  
-Wiki details review
-'''15:00 AHIMA report of ongoing activities.'''
*To Do:
** Patient Location Tracking by Ben
**mACM by Karl
**XCDR by David P
*In Progress:
**Secure Retrieve
-Re-recording of webinars: Offline scheduling is planned for March / April timeframe;
-PowerPoint presentations: 
wiki page for ongoing AHIMA work.
*XCDR PowerPoint presentation
-HPD National (USA) Extension work updates
-'''15:10 – APPC read new use-case'''. Tarik lead. The content of Security Considerations Secction.
-Weekly ITI PC co-chairs meetings for coordination
-'''16:15 CP discussion'''
-Website updates
*'''CP-553''': Delete Doc from Repository. Bill asks the cmte to have a direction on this: decide to go forward or stop the work on it. The cmte decides to move forward on this topic.
*'''CP-799''': Bill submits a proposal to address the issue of patientId merge with MU and a new option (so that we are not invalidating “magic” implementations that already do the merge in legacy ways).
The CP is split by the Cmte in two CPs:
**SubmissionSet clarification and removing the immutability concept --> COMPLETED
**A second CP that defines the formal approach to manage the merge of Patient Ids using MU will be drafted later.
Both the Cps are in charge to Bill. The Cmte asks Bill to work on CP-799 with higher priority.
4:15pm – 5:45pm APPC: Tarik leads this working session addressing Open Issues.
-'''17:30 - 18:00: ITI-41 , ITI-42 Re-documentation'''
The cmte refines the decision taken about ITI-41 ITI-2 re-documentation:
Tarik asks for some homework: cmte members are asked to provide comments and review version 7 of the APPC profile. Comments are due before tomorrow noon.
Vol 1, 2b , 2x, 3 will be published after EU Connect-a-thon. CPs already balloted at the end of the CAT will be not integrated at that time in the spec. Charles/Karen will define a message to sent out when the new version of TF will be published, underlining that technical requirements are unchanged at all.

Latest revision as of 14:38, 23 February 2016

DAY 4: Minutes Feb 18th


Elliot Silver (McKesson),

Gila Pike (Cognaissance),

Daniel Berenzeanu (Ready Computing),

John Moherke (GE Healthcare)

Raphael Oliveira (Porto Univeristy),

Nader Cheaib (Asìp Santè),

Sylvie Colas (Asip Santè),

Mauro Zanardini (consorzio Arsenàl.IT),

Jens Kristian Villadsen (Region Midtjylland),

Lynn Felhofer (ITI Tech Manager),

Rob Horn (AGFA Healthcare),

Tarik Idris (ICW),

Elliott Lavy (quadramed)

Diana Warner (AHIMA)

Harry Rhodes (AHIMA)

Bill Majuwrsky (NIST)

Karen Witting (Ready Computing)

Ben Levy (CorePoint Health),


- 9:30-10:00 FHIR DSTU2: discussion on the plan and on timeline for the publication of the new TI version of MHD, PIXm PDQm.

The cmte should take in consideration the following timeline:

  • Ready for ballot = X
  • Go out for ballot = X + 1 week
  • Return ballot =X + 4 weeks
  • Resolve ballot = X + 5 weeks
  • some days to have a cleaned version for publication (…6 weeks total for the entire process of re-publication).

-10:25am - 11:15am PIXm: Daniel leads the presentation.

PIXm is revised by the Cmte. Elliot Silver move the motion to approve PIXm as ready for the ballot, John Moherke seconded it, no abstensions MOTION APPROVED

This version is available in the FTP site:

[ftp://ftp.ihe.net/IT_Infrastructure/iheitiyr14-2016-2017/Technical%20Cmte/Workitems/DSTU2updates/PIXm-working-area/IHE_ITI_Suppl_PIXm_Rev1.1_TI_20160218b_approved.docx ]

-11:15am- 12:30 Dicussion on APPC: Tarik Leads the discussion

Review of the glossary.

Review of the View option defined for the Content Consumer actor.

Concept still need some work but probably vol.3 stuff can affect this section. Suggestion give 45 minutes more to formalize issues and questions related to that section.

13:35 MHD john leads the discussion:

The Cmte reviews the document , some transactional documentation is moved from vol2 to Appendix Z due to their reusability.

-John move to approve MHD PDQm Appendix Z, Rob second it. Approved.

-14:30: Move to APPC to schedule tconf

A bi-weekly call is defined. That serie of calls, starts form 22th February for bi-weekfly call ( APPC 8:00-9:30 CT.)

-15:00 AHIMA report of ongoing activities.


wiki page for ongoing AHIMA work.

-15:10 – APPC read new use-case. Tarik lead. The content of Security Considerations Secction.

-16:15 CP discussion

  • CP-553: Delete Doc from Repository. Bill asks the cmte to have a direction on this: decide to go forward or stop the work on it. The cmte decides to move forward on this topic.
  • CP-799: Bill submits a proposal to address the issue of patientId merge with MU and a new option (so that we are not invalidating “magic” implementations that already do the merge in legacy ways).

The CP is split by the Cmte in two CPs:

    • SubmissionSet clarification and removing the immutability concept --> COMPLETED
    • A second CP that defines the formal approach to manage the merge of Patient Ids using MU will be drafted later.

Both the Cps are in charge to Bill. The Cmte asks Bill to work on CP-799 with higher priority.

-17:30 - 18:00: ITI-41 , ITI-42 Re-documentation

The cmte refines the decision taken about ITI-41 ITI-2 re-documentation:

Vol 1, 2b , 2x, 3 will be published after EU Connect-a-thon. CPs already balloted at the end of the CAT will be not integrated at that time in the spec. Charles/Karen will define a message to sent out when the new version of TF will be published, underlining that technical requirements are unchanged at all.