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:* difficulty coordinating tracking across multiple departments and multiple institutions
:* difficulty coordinating tracking across multiple departments and multiple institutions
:* the need to converge on one of the available standard approaches
:* the need to converge on one of the available standard approaches
:* a chicken-egg situation between the dose record producers, the dose record recievers and the dose record consumers
:* a chicken-egg situation between the dose record producers, the dose record receivers and the dose record consumers
These are, of course, many of the typical problems that IHE is used to addressing.
These are, of course, many of the typical problems that IHE is used to addressing.
==3. Key Use Case==
==3. Key Use Case==

Revision as of 06:18, 23 July 2007

IHE Profile Proposal (Brief)

1. Proposed Profile: Radiation Dose Profile

  • Proposal Editor: Joel Chabriais/Bernard Aubert/Kevin O'Donnell
  • Date: N/A (Wiki keeps history)
  • Version: N/A (Wiki keeps history)
  • Domain: Radiology (SFR, ACR, AAPM, IRSN, RSNA, FDA)

2. The Problem

Tracking radiation dose delivered to patients for medical purposes is gathering increasing attention from professional societies and regulatory groups. Publications include: European directive Euratom 97/43, ACR Dose Whitepaper and some Japanese regulations).

Many such groups have expressed a desire to establish standards of practice based first on a quantitative understanding of current practice, however they have found it prohibitively difficult to collect such data. Needs have been expressed to track both dose to individual patients and to assemble population data.

Physicians are asked to follow guidelines like constraining their patients dose to As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA), but it is difficult or impossible for them to see what their patient dose was, or to assemble comparison values as to what is reasonably achievable.

In most of the world, although it should be, it is not possible to do things like:

  • view the dose a patient (or particuar organs) received for a certain exam, hospital stay or course of treatment
  • view a patients cumulative dose history
  • determine if a given patient dose exceeds maximum guidelines or is otherwise an "outlier" requiring investigation
  • compute the "dose profile" for a certain hospital or region
  • compute the "dose profile" for a certain pathology
  • compare "dose profiles" against other sites/regions, against local policy targets or against standards of practice

In the vast majority of medical procedures involving radiation, the potential benefit to the patients health outweighs the potential risk, but the tradeoff should not be forgotten, and without technological mechanisms, the evaluation cannot be made.

The problem is that although standards exist (see below) dose tracking has not been widely deployed due to:

  • difficulty coordinating the roles of the different systems involved (which actors should do what)
  • difficulty coordinating tracking across multiple departments and multiple institutions
  • the need to converge on one of the available standard approaches
  • a chicken-egg situation between the dose record producers, the dose record receivers and the dose record consumers

These are, of course, many of the typical problems that IHE is used to addressing.

3. Key Use Case

<Describe a short use case scenario from the user perspective. The use case should demonstrate the integration/workflow problem.

Frank Smith is hospitalized following an automobile accident.

The ER doctor sends him for an abdominal CT. Later, his attending physician sends him to Radiology once for a chest X-ray and twice for a right arm and left leg X-ray. A referral to Cardiology results in a coronarography (fluoroscopy and radiographies were done).

The hospital would like to believe it's doctors are following site policy and it's practices are in line with national norms, but doesn't know if that is actually true and has little or no data to back it up. It has little or no tools for implementing a dose management or reduction plan and no tools to measure progress towards it's targets.

Some of the modalities have included some dose details in headers of images that are distributed across the Radiology and Cardiology PACS systems. A few of the Reporting workstations display dose values some of the time when the details in the image header match what it expects to find. Other details are available in some of the MPPS messages sent to the RIS and the CIS. All the HIS has to work with is the names of the radiology procedures ordered. No system has a complete picture and due to inconsistency of data format and distribution, none of them attempt to compile a dose record. Correlation with Mr. Smiths radiotherapy at the clinic across town earlier this month and again next month is completely out of the question.

<Feel free to add a second use case scenario demonstrating how it “should” work. Try to indicate the people/systems, the tasks they are doing, the information they need, and hopefully where the information should come from.>

When placing the order, the system can provide guidance to the physician, taking into account the dose of considered procedures and current patient dose.

At the end of the stay, the HIS have to know all event using ionizing radiations occurred during the stay of John Doe, keep track of all data and calculate and archive the total dose delivered during the stay. John Doe had several visits in Enterprise before, the HIS have to consolidate the total radiation dose delivered through all stays. Data have to be send to the regional EHR sytem to be consolidate with the data received from the other enterprise John Doe visits during his life. Data shall also be transmit, after anonymization to the national organization in charge of the survey of radiation dose delivered for medical purpose to the population.

4. Standards & Systems

<List existing systems that are/could be involved in the problem/solution.> Systems that schedule studies (RIS), administer radiation (modalities, and therapy systems), and store and report the results (PACS?, HIS?, EHR?),

<If known, list standards which might be relevant to the solution> Standards related to dose tracking exist (DICOM SR Dose objects, DICOM IOD’s attributes, MPPS attributes and possibly others in radiotherapy and nuclear medicine),

5. Discussion

<If possible, indicate why IHE would be a good venue to solve the problem and what you think IHE should do to solve it.>

Acknowledge that some controversies exist over measures/interpretation. Profile will need to stick to common denominator measurements, to empower analysis but not to dictate interpretation/policy.

<Try to keep the proposal to 1 or at most 2 pages>