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== June, 2014 Meetings ==
== June, 2014 Meetings ==
June 17, 2014 Agenda
Review PCD Connectathon tests, prioritizing them as:
1.  Needs major changes
2.  Needs minor changes
3.  No changes this year.
Based on lessons learned at the last Connectathon plus the balloted changes (CPs and new TFs)
:CP 097: OBX-4 clarification
:CP 099:  PIV - change in-progress rate/dose
:CP 100:  PIV - add PCA changes and update glossary
:CP 101:  EUI64 identifier
:CP 102:  Next of Kin segment
:CP 103:  ACM - Alert Receiver
:Draft TFs for MEM DMC and LS
Test Profiles:
== July, 2014 Meetings ==
== July, 2014 Meetings ==

Latest revision as of 10:27, 16 June 2014

This is the entry point for this Working Group in the 2014-15 Connectathon and HIMSS Showcase cycle.

Meeting Purpose

Collaborative effort to discuss implementation and demonstration issues and preparations

WebEx Information

Topic: PCD Connectathon and Showcase Working Group

Dates: Regularly Scheduled Weekly Meetings -- Most Tuesdays, through some time in March, 2014

Time: 2 pm, Eastern Time (New York EST, or EDT depending upon the date)

Duration: 60 Minutes

Related Pages and Documents

This page will continue to be updated for the 2015 North American Connectathon, HIMSS15 and AAMI 2014

North American Connectathon

This Page is listed in March, 2014 and will be updated over time. In the interim much of the page has old references to the previous cycle

Orientation to IHE Connectathons and Showcases (demonstrations): Webinars: the entire schedule is available at http://ihe.net/Webinars/. They were recorded.

The IHE USA website: http://iheusa.org/connectathon-contacts.aspx. IHE USA Participant Resources: http://iheusa.org/connectathon-participantresources.aspx Consider joining IHE USA or, at least, subscribing to their emails.

Consider joining IHE International: www.ihe.net/governance.

The home page of gazelle is http://ihe.wustl.edu/gazelle-na/home.seam.

IHE NA Connectathon 2014: Technical Support Material website: http://na2014.wustl.edu. Technical Prep webpage: http://na2014.wustl.edu/TechnicalPrep.html

Sign up for the Google Group (GG) used for connectathon-related technical preparation & logistics announcement: NA_connectathon+subscribe@googlegroups.com.

NA Connectathon Participant Schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AkpIuejcpSerdFZxeHd3T0tuMzJSZjRxd2JyeGNDekE&single=true&gid=0&output=html

Please see the October 22, 2013 meeting and associated recording https://himss.webex.com/himss/lsr.php?AT=pb&SP=MC&rID=71782507&rKey=8bbdf2ba85e23dc3 for an overview of the Connectathon process and to learn about PCD resources. The recording is titled CD Connectathon and Showcase WG-20131022 1817-1, Tuesday, October 22, 2013 2:17 pm New York Time and the discussion lasted about 45 Minutes.

November & December Connectathon preparation steps, the recording is here: https://himss.webex.com/himss/lsr.php?AT=pb&SP=EC&rID=72022052&rKey=690cabc6d726f664. For future reference, that link and the slides are posted on the Support Materials website: http://na2014.wustl.edu/Training.html

Drafts of the PCD Connectathon tests are available in Excel format. Contact the Project Manager for copies of the latest version or look in the email archive of the PCD Connnectathon and Showcase WG's GG.

Index of IHE Test Tools (all domains): http://ihewiki.wustle.edu/wiki/index.php/Index_to_Preconnectathon_Test_Software

NIST Tools: A Year Ago (in 2012) John Garguilo described some background information about the tool and future direction. This was recorded in the Thursday morning Webex (not in the NIST Tool Tutorial). https://himss.webex.com/himss/lsr.php?AT=pb&SP=MC&rID=62698142&rKey=0a435beba33d5a6c

PCD F2F Th Morning-20121018 1416-1 Thursday, October 18, 2012 10:16 am New York Time (20 Minutes)

NIST Test Tool Tutorial: https://himss.webex.com/himss/lsr.php?AT=pb&SP=MC&rID=72200047&rKey=1be183a6eb158808 The recording details:

PCD Connectathon and Showcase WG-20131105 1900-1 Tuesday, November 5, 2013 2:00 pm New York Time 1 Hour

Message Workbench Tutorials: ftp://ftp.ihe.net/Patient_Care_Devices/Tools/MWB/MWB%20Recordings/ The MWB is a development tool provided by the VA. Unfortunately, it has not been updated, but it may still be useful in developing HL7 v 2 messages. A tutorial was recorded and is available at this location. The last version (several years old) may be downloaded as well.

2014 North American Connectathon Overview and Detail - Important to View Periodically: http://na2014.wustl.edu/. Please bookmark these pages and refer to it and the related pages regularly for updates. Pages include:


Expectations for your participation at the IHE NA Connectathon 2014 are outlined in the Policies & Guidelines: http://iheusa.org/connectathon-participantresources-guidelines.aspx

We strongly encourage testing with potential partners in advance of the Connectathon - over the Internet or by means of a workaround if a firewall interferes (see last year's site): PCD Virtual Connectathon Testing

The 2012-13 cycle may provide a useful introduction to the preparation for the 2013-14 cycle: http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD_Connectathon%26Showcase_WG_2012-13.

Background information about PCD:

PCD Getting Started page with useful links http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD_Getting_Started

Published and Draft Versions of the TF, Supplements, Other Documents:

- The PCD ftp site has draft versions. For those submitted to IHE for publication in most cases there will be few significant changes and these drafts will be useful while waiting for the published version.
- Published (and possibly in the process of being replaced with new versions):
- Not Yet Published:
PCD CPs are found at PCD_CP_grid - CPs that have not yet been incorporated into the Technical Framework Final Text or into an updated Supplement may be in effect for Connectathon Testing and demonstration at HIMSS. Watch for the deadline announcements and consult the Project Manager if there are questions.

The recent PCD Face to Face meeting: http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD_PC%26TC_2013_Oct._8-11_F2F

IHE and IHE Processes

IHE International home page: www.IHE.net.

HIMSS Showcase:

HIMSS14 http://www.interoperabilityshowcase.org/himss14/ Note: Registration extended, now closes October 31, 2013.

HIMSS14 Information including deadlines, schedule (set up, etc.): http://www.interoperabilityshowcase.org/himss14/sponsor_home.aspx

HIMSS provides a First Timers Meeting November 5, 2013: http://www.interoperabilityshowcase.org/himss14/sponsor_firsttimers.aspx

Of possible interest: PCD Showcase 2013 Scenario, PCD Showcase 2012 Scenario, PCD Showcase 2011 Scenario

Pictures from past HIMSS Interoperability Showcases are on the PCD ftp site.

Some of the meetings are recorded. Links to the recordings are provided below, along with links to the discussion summaries when available.

Profiles and Supplements

PCD links to profiles are found at http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD_Profiles

Profile candidates for testing in the North American Connectathon in January, 2013: ACM with WCM option; DEC with SPD, POI, WCM options; IDCO; IPEC; PIV; RTM

Other profiles that are works in process can be found through the PCD Wiki page above.

Action Items (Details in meeting notes)

Action Items are tracked on PCD-Connectathon&Showcase-ActionItemsCycle8-2013-2014

March, 2014 Meetings

Please see the Wiki page for the 2012-13 cycle for the earlier meetings

This includes the HIMSS14 Lessons Learned summary of March 6, 2014.

Preparation for the 2014 N. A. Connectathon and HIMSS14 begins with these reviews.

First Meeting, 2014-2015 Cycle: March 11, 2014, 2 pm EDT PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_2014-03-11_Webex

The meeting was ___ recorded:
  • Introductions
  • Announcements
- Planning the AAMI Mini-demonstration
  • HIMSS14 Showcase Lessons Learned
- Notes are found through reference to the last cycle Wiki page

April, 2014 Meetings

May, 2014 Meetings

June, 2014 Meetings

June 17, 2014 Agenda

Review PCD Connectathon tests, prioritizing them as: 1. Needs major changes 2. Needs minor changes 3. No changes this year.

Based on lessons learned at the last Connectathon plus the balloted changes (CPs and new TFs)


CP 097: OBX-4 clarification
CP 099: PIV - change in-progress rate/dose
CP 100: PIV - add PCA changes and update glossary
CP 101: EUI64 identifier
CP 102: Next of Kin segment
CP 103: ACM - Alert Receiver
Draft TFs for MEM DMC and LS

Test Profiles:


July, 2014 Meetings

August, 2014 Meetings

September, 2014 Meetings

October, 2014 Meetings

November, 2014 Meetings

December, 2014 Meetings

January, 2015 Meetings

February, 2015 Meetings

March, 2015 Meetings

Links to PCD Home and Meetings

PCD Home