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** Juergen Brandstaetter ( IHE, Codewerk, Austria)
** Juergen Brandstaetter ( IHE, Codewerk, Austria)
** Niels Speksnijder ( ISO, KNMP, Netherlands)
** Niels Speksnijder ( ISO, KNMP, Netherlands)
** Orlando Rodriguess (Host, Glint, Portugal)
** Orlando Rodrigues (Host, Glint, Portugal)
** Christian Hay (ISO, GS1, Switzerland)
** Christian Hay (ISO, GS1, Switzerland)
** Simon Letellier ( IHE, EAHP, France)
** Simon Letellier ( IHE, EAHP, France)

Revision as of 04:16, 12 June 2014

09:00-9:30 Welcome

  • Introduction of attendees
    • John Hatem ( HL7, Oracle USA)
    • Frits Elferink ( ISO, KNMP Netherlands)
    • Tom de Jong ( HL7, NovaPro Netherlands)
    • Christof Gessner (ISO, HL7, Gematik, Germany)
    • Sebastiao Ferreira da Silva ( Host)
    • Juergen Brandstaetter ( IHE, Codewerk, Austria)
    • Niels Speksnijder ( ISO, KNMP, Netherlands)
    • Orlando Rodrigues (Host, Glint, Portugal)
    • Christian Hay (ISO, GS1, Switzerland)
    • Simon Letellier ( IHE, EAHP, France)
    • Jose Costa Teixeira (IHE, Portugal)
    • Michael Tan ( IHE, Nictiz, Netherlands)
    • Melva Peters ( HL7, Jenaker Consulting, Canada)
    • Jacqueline Surugue ( IHE, PHAST, France)
  • Announcements
  • Agenda and Schedules
  • Housekeeping

09:45-10:15 Activities from ISO WG 6

  • Presentation Christian Hay

10:15-11:00 Activities from IHE Pharmacy

  • Presentation Jurgen

11:00-11:30 Break

11:30-12:15 Activities from HL7 Pharmacy

  • Presentation Melva
    • Explanation about the meaning and status of FHIR
      • FHIR is now for trial use (DSTU).
      • The ONC and meaningful use is seriously looking into the use of FHIR
      • The development of FHIR resources like prescription, dispense is doen by the same members of HL7 Pharmacy
      • IHE is worried that the development of FHIR causes doubt among users which standard to use.
      • FHIR will certainly grow, most likely in new mobile communication. Existing standards such as CDA and HL7v3 will remain in existing profiles.
      • FHIR also have profiles, but these do not deal with work flow, but is a guideline how to use a resource in for example a document.

12:15-13:00 IHE Medication Management Topic

  • Explanation of Medication Management List document ( Michael)
    • The existing document has been changed drastically to make a breakthough in the discussion.
    • The approach is from the workflow. This can be understood by any person.
    • Overall impression is that is improvement compared to the previous version.
    • John wanted to go deeper and into the context, but that would mean that we would go to the second level of syntax, while this document was meant for the concept.
  • Explanation of Medication Management Data ( Jose)

13:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00-16:00 Time slot for ISO Topic

  • e-Prescription
    • The e-prescription contains the general outline of what an electronic prescription should contain.
    • ISO ballot of the e-Prescription: National bodies have a say, but also the liaison have a say in the vote. ISO have also an obligation to spread their documents to their liaisons.
    • Their are copyrights on the ISO documents. They should not be spread further then the experts.
    • The document has gone into ballot in september 2013. There were a lot of comments. These were adressed. In the May it has reached the draft status. The ISO is aware that there will be issues, but nonetheless it will be published for trial use.
    • Annex A contains the data elements.
    • Annex B contains optional information.
    • The scope of the document is to set the requirements for exchanging information HL7 thru electronic prescribtions.
    • Running through the definitions and the desire to harmonize the contents.
    • There are exceptional workflows ( for example trial medication), that have exceptional ways so that means we leave it out of scope.
    • The ballot is a 2 month period starting July 14th.
    • ISO asked to schedule a call for discussion on the e-prescription (Niels Speksnijder) . MTa will put it on a IHE call beforehand.
  • Medicinal Product 11238
    • See FDA slide where we see the relationship between the various levels of details.
  • MPD Medicinal Product Dictioniary. The IDMP specs are input to the product dictionary.
    • The MPD is comparable with the G-standard or the First data bank information. We should not discuss the need for the MPD, that has been already decided.
    • Identified a need to a discussion between the authors of the MPD and the IHE Pharmacy task group who are interested in the IHE pharmacy catalogue.
  • Requirements on record of the dispense information
    • Work has been done on the ballots comments.
    • The dispense should have a prescription. But what to do with OTC? Only a dispense when the patient is know.
    • When a medicinal product has been prescribed it has to be dispensed before it can be dispensed to a patiënt.
    • New use cases will be investigated like:
      • Counterfeit products and verification of authenticity
      • Dispense of compound medicine
      • Dispense prior generation of prescription
      • Internet sale of prescription medicinal product.
      • Between now and mid August this document will be delivered. Question if anyone will participate to give input. Or do we want to join in the next phase of product. .

16:00-17:30 Presentation for students

  • ISO WG6
  • HL7 Pharmacy
  • IHE Pharmacy

17:30-18:00 Recap of formal meeting

  • Next time dive deeper into the material. Send material beforehand, but also what topic should be discussed and what the discussion will be.
  • Also set goals beforehand and set action items.
  • When do we convene again. Combine with a meeting. Overseas participants only go once to Europe.
  • A possibility is San Francisco ISO 22/23 April.
  • Decide on combination with the HL7 WGM May meeting in Paris joint Friday 15th May 2015.
  • Melva will ask if the joint meeting can be hosted by HL7 (room, lunch, internet).
  • If not Jacqueline will inquire about alternatives through her network in France.
  • Michael, Christian, Melva to coordinate the joint meeting.

19:00-22:00 Dinner arrangement

Pharmacy Technical Committee