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Latest revision as of 13:41, 14 April 2014

Patient Care Device Cochairs Weekly Meeting

Date: Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Time: 3:00 pm, Eastern Time

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

1. Review & Approve Agenda
2. Review Previous Meeting Summary previous Discussion Summary from 2012.09.11
3. Profiles and TF Updates
4. Standards Coordination
5. IHE International
6. October F2F
- Agenda
- Brief Proposals and Ballot
- PC, TC meetings leadingto the F2F
7. Connectathon
8. Recruiting
9. Action Items (Last reviewed July 31)
10. Meeting schedules leading to the F2F (co-chair, committees)
11. Additional Business

Attachments / Materials

See PCD Cochair Action Items page. Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

Meeting Summary


Cochairs: John Garguilo, Steve Merritt, Monroe Pattillo, John Rhoads
Guest: Paul Schluter
Chair: John Garguilo
Technical Project Manager: Manny Furst


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair: Garguilo


Agenda Accepted

Action(s): No new Action Items

2 Review Meeting Summaries
- Chair: Garguilo
Status/Discussion: Meeting notes reviewed



3 Agenda Items
- Chair: Garguilo

3. TF and Profiles Update:

- Nothing to report.

4. Standards Coordination:

- The joint HL7/IEEE meeting was held in Baltimore last week. Paul and John Rhoads participated. The material will be posted to the HL7 website in the near future. John Garguilo summarized the test tool discussion Tuesday morning, with work on the DIM editor.
- Annotated ECG Extension: passed with one abstention; Paul is addressing the concern.
- John Garguilo described the need to ____________________ Todd’s email 9/17

5. IHE International:

- Nothing to report.

6. October F2F:

- Nothing to report.

7. Connectathon:

- No interest expressed to date for RDQ. John Zaleski provided a minimal data set for the first year’s testing.
- ACM refers to HL7 v2.6 understanding that it may move to v2.8 in the future.

8. Recruiting

- Nothing to report.

9. Action Items:

- Deferred.

10. Meeting Schedules:

- Will be discussed tomorrow.

11. Other Business:

- Nothing to report.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be September 25, 2012 PCD Cochairs 2012-09-25 Webex

<For Decision Meetings, add review line here when minutes are approved; e.g., "(Reviewed & approved by PCD RTM Vent TG 2008-04-16)">

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