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| '''2014 N A Connectathon: Review of PIV Tests''' <br>- Manny
| '''2014 N A Connectathon: Review of PIV Tests''' <br>- Manny
| '''Status/Discussion:'''  
| '''Status/Discussion:'''  
Open Q & A:
PIV Tests Discussion March 19, 2013:  
PIV Tests Discussion March 19, 2013:  
:- Monroe: Indicated there are four items revealed by the certification testing. These will be addressed with ICSA and IHE-USA.
:- Monroe: Indicated there are four items revealed by the certification testing. These will be addressed with ICSA and IHE-USA.

Latest revision as of 22:28, 1 April 2013

PCD Connectathon & Showcase Meeting 2012-2013 Cycle

Action Items

You can find the Action Items at PCD-Connectathon&Showcase-ActionItemsCycle7-2012-2013


You can find the agenda at http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD_Connectathon%26Showcase_WG_2012-13

This meeting was ______ recorded,


Placeholder Participants: Gabe Anderson (Masimo), Jerry Bastian (SunTech Medical), Chris Courville, Sue-fen Cuti (Careeverywhere), Patrick Dragani (GE), , Al Engelbert, Robert Flanders, John Garguilo, Bob Gold (Philips), John Hoyt (Philips), Brad Lunde, Mamans Mariadasan (Covidien), Jeff McGeath, Monroe Pattillo, Paul Schluter, Charlie Schmidt (Masimo), Tomi Suviola (GE), Manny Furst


Item3 Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Manny
No changes were made to the agenda.
Discussion Summary from last meetings were deferred.



2 2014 N A Connectathon: Review of PIV Tests
- Manny

PIV Tests Discussion March 19, 2013:

- Monroe: Indicated there are four items revealed by the certification testing. These will be addressed with ICSA and IHE-USA.
- Paul: Some vendors can simulate data from many devices. The need to bring only a small number of devices to the Connectathon limits what the actual device can do. The more general question is that of completeness. E.g., GE has a simulator for all types of supported devices for a single patient. Perhaps this can be an approach for NIST or Connectathon tests. This would exercise much of, or the entire RTM database. Julien responded that NIST is working on this, including a table of patient demographics.
- Paul: What do we need to provide in testing to assure the customer that the systems will do the essential parts of what is required for given use cases.
- See notes on the Excel PIV spreadsheet.
- Paul Sherman: There was a problem with Dopamine as piggyback – one vendor does not support this. Al asked if a larger drug library would be preferable. John Garguilo responded that this is possible if a table is agreed to. Al indicated that their pump must be programmed in dose/hour for piggyback. Al indicated that is isn’t necessary to have an extensive library, but only to provide multiple dosing. John responded that a larger table might be useful to developers and not necessarily for Pre-C or C testing. This may be more appropriate for certification testing. Al: For Pre-C and C testing PCD-01 and PCD-10 are more important.
- John Garguilo asked if the F2F Agenda should include discussion of general issues leading to improved tests and increased rigor. Richard suggested adding discussion of automating more of the testing.
- Al asked if additional tests are added in subsequent years by other domains and how this influences supportive testing; Manny to ask Lynn. John responded that there is a challenge when non-PCD systems are needed for testing and other actors may not be available.
o NOTE: Manny learned that additional tests have been added by other domains. The issue of supportive testing is up to the project manager (Manny). This will likely depend upon the extent of the changes.



3 2013 AAMI Demonstration
- Manny



4 Next Meetings
- Manny
- Next week’s meeting will continue addressing both events.



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