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Latest revision as of 17:27, 20 July 2012

Patient Care Device Domain

Meeting Purpose

Regularly Scheduled PC Meeting

WebEx Information

Topic: PCD Planning Committee Meeting

Regularly Scheduled Meeting

Date: Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York)

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

1. Agenda Approval
2. Review Discussion Summaries: August 18 PCD PC 2010-08-18 Webex
3. Document Status
  1. Technical Frameworks for Trial Implementation
  2. Technical Framework Final Text
  3. WCM (Waveform Content Message) Document
4. Co-chair elections
5. October F2F - http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD_PC%26TC_2010-10-18_to_22_F2F
  1. Please make hotel reservations at the stated location
  2. Special invitation to local CEs, BMEs, etc.?
6. MEM Interest
7. New Work Item Proposals
8. Connectathon / Showcase News
9. Standards updates
  1. GS1 to lead new standards work item for patient identification
  2. HL7 Director Elections Open
10. Korean Connectathon Report
11. Action Item Review
12. Additional Business
13. Next Meetings

Action Items from Previous Meetings

See PCD Planning Committee Action Items.

Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.


Chair: Ken Fuchs
Terry Bettis, Jon Blasingame, Bikram Day, Al Engelbert, Ken Fuchs, John Garguilo, Rich Hillman, John Leung, Deborah Leyva, Gary Meyer, Monroe Pattillo, John Rhoads, Paul Schluter, Khalid Zubaidi, Manny Furst


Discussion Summaries do not require formal approval, while minutes of meetings where votes are taken do. Participants are encouraged to review and bring up significant issues with discussion summaries of previous meetings. Votes will be taken to approve meetings where votes took place; these may be email ballots.

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


  • Agenda approved


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair
  • Discussion Summary of previous meeting was accepted



3 Agenda Items
- As Noted
3. TF Status: Volume 1 was sent to Mary Jungers who will prepare it for publication after the cochairs take a final look at it. Volume 2 will be sent to Mary Jungers today.
- Ken noted that some content will be removed (items not appropriate in FT) to make these final text (FT) documents. The PC will then review and approve them as FT.
- WCM met Monday to review some of the comments. Some complex comments remain. One issue is the question of using OBX vs. OBR for grouping. Manny will add WCM to Gazelle for registration. It is likely to be only New Directions. WCM will be known as Waveform Content Message.
5. F2F: Ken reminded members to make hotel reservations. The meeting will end at 12:30. Monday morning will include a PCD orientation for local people of interest. The actual meeting will likely not start until after that, in late morning. The agenda is largely a placeholder, but the PC will meet Tuesday, PC joint with TC Tuesday, and the TC the rest of the week. Paul asked if Erin can provide a tour. Ken will ask.
6. MEM Security is meeting on alternate weeks and a Work Item Proposal for a White Paper will be coming. MEM RTLS will be Friday.
7. Work Item Proposals: The PC will discuss the proposals. It is possible that these will be voted on at the meeting. Last year’s proposals will be considered and it is possible to add at the meeting.
8: Connectathon and Showcase: Ken noted the weekly Tuesday meetings.
- Connectathon Registration:
o Ken noted that Connectathon registration requires personal registration, then company registration, then someone in the company authorizes registration.
o The contract hasn’t been added to Gazelle.
o Manny will add WCM registration to accommodate registration. Some tests may be added prior to the Connectathon. It doesn’t appear we have sufficient support for formal testing in January.
- Showcase Registration:
o Showcase registration requires selection of one or more scenarios and roles. PCD is unique, and should consider the existing scenarios as placeholders while we develop potential scenarios for HIMMS11.
o Manny noted new opportunities for working with non-PCD domain systems, perhaps with one or two PCD vendors at other pods, as well as messages from Continua.
o WCM likely to be New Directions.
9. GS1 was notified of PCD’s interest. Todd said the Korean Connectathon was successful. He is on an ISO call and will report later. John Garguilo and NIST staff and John Rhoads provided a lot of rapid support to help make it a success. Much was learned that will help manage future Connectathons.



4 Announcements
- As Noted
  • Ken noted that IHE is a sponsor of the AAMI/FDA Infusion Pump conference.



5 Action Items
- Chairs
  • 71. Recruiting – The first day of the F2F will include introduction/orientation as was done in Berkeley. John Leung mentioned a biomed conference in Canada and would like to explore a mini-showcase.
  • 92. Vendor Recruiting – Ken and Manny had a Webex meetiing with the FDA last week. They are interested in PCD applications for adverse events, ventilator data communication and RTM. They’ve met with NIST to learn more about their work. John Leung mentioned a biomed conference in Canada and would like to explore a mini-showcase (noted in Action Item 71). Manny and John will talk after this meeting.
  • 93. Certification - John Garguilo noted that NIST is focused on tests for Meaningful Use (MU). Devices will not be the subject of MU until 2014.
  • 105. Implementation Guide - John Garguilo reminded the PC of the need for this guide and its relation to user and vendor work. He will provide a short presentation at the F2F. Add to Monday F2F agenda. Change date to November 1.
  • 110. PCD Success Stories - Presentation has been made. Ken asked for slide set to post. Manny to seek slides. Close.
  • 111. Recruit WCM Vendors - There’s enough interest to have New Directions.
  • 112. Roadmap - Will be presented at F2F.
  • 113. Selection of WCTP - Close as completed.
  • 114. WCTP MOU - No MOU is required. Ken has an email giving PCD permission.



  • 105. Add to Monday F2F agenda. Change date to November 1.
  • 110. Manny to seek slides. Close.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be September 15 PCD PC 2010-09-15 Webex

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