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* [http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AlA2kOz33tdvdEhKS1JLSXFwOU5IQU1NUjk5R0xXR0E&hl=en Document Publication Schedule]
* [http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AlA2kOz33tdvdEhKS1JLSXFwOU5IQU1NUjk5R0xXR0E&hl=en Document Publication Schedule]
:* Schedule to be used to plan publication work for newly hired Documentation Specialist
:* Schedule to be used to plan publication work for newly hired Documentation Specialist
:* ITI supplement documents to be first set published with help of Documentation Specialist
:* Documentation Specialist responsible for publishing documents approved and provided by committees; committees are still responsible for folding supplements into Technical Frameworks
:* '''Action Item:''' Chris Carr to share document with Domain Coord Cmte list
:* '''Action Item:''' Chris Carr to share document with Domain Coord Cmte list
:* '''Action Item:''' Planning Committee Co-chairs to confirm/update information provided
:* '''Action Item:''' Planning Committee Co-chairs to confirm/update information provided

Revision as of 11:59, 18 May 2010


  • David Booker - CAP/Lab
  • Bruce Curran - RO Tech
  • Ken Fuchs - PCD Tech
  • Cory Hall - CAP/Lab
  • Yvonne Horton - HIMSS
  • Flora Lum - Eye Care Plan
  • Mike McCoy - PCC Plan
  • Joan McMillen - RSNA
  • Mike Nusbaum - ITI Plan
  • Kevin O'Donnell - Rad Plan
  • Andrea Pitkus - CAP/Lab
  • Celina Roth - HIMSS
  • Karen Witting - ITI Tech
  • Domains not present: Anatomic Path, Cardiology, Pharmacy, QRPH


General Committee Business

1. Roll Call see Roster

  • Quorum attained

2. Approval of Minutes

3. Flag any Future Agenda Topics for Next Meeting

  • No topics advanced

4. Review Action Items List

  • Action Item list to be updated with April 13 items

Domain Announcements

1. Domain Milestone Dates

  • EYECARE - Trial Implementation Version
    • Eye Care Appointment Scheduler(ECAS) - Specifies how a healthcare provider can request an appointment and receive appointment information within an eye care clinic.
    • no specific review requested
  • IHE Eye Care Webinar on June 3 and June 4, 2010 from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. ET.
  • Schedule to be used to plan publication work for newly hired Documentation Specialist
  • ITI supplement documents to be first set published with help of Documentation Specialist
  • Documentation Specialist responsible for publishing documents approved and provided by committees; committees are still responsible for folding supplements into Technical Frameworks
  • Action Item: Chris Carr to share document with Domain Coord Cmte list
  • Action Item: Planning Committee Co-chairs to confirm/update information provided

Domain Coordination Issues

  • ITI Cross-domain outreach process
  • Mike Nusbaum reported that ITI Planning Cmte has established liaisons in ITI Planning Cmte to perform outreach to other domain and national deployment committees
  • Geert Claeys provided input from IHE Europe and IHE Pharmacy
  • Action Item: Cor Loef and Kevin O'Donnell to present proposals from Radioloogy: Critical Results, Enterprise Scheduling
  • Action Item: Mike Nusbaum will contact co-chairs of other domains where no liaison has yet been established
  • Yvonne Horton and Celina Roth reviewed the current schedule and plans to complete schedule
  • Domain update sessions are to focus on new and revised profiles, with enough information about established profiles to set scope and context of domain; can refer to existing Webinars for details on older profiles
  • Action Item: Yvonne Horton will email co-chairs to get confirmation of dates and lead presenters
  • Template update: Chris Carr adding section with patent disclaimer text to each supplement at time of publication. Will add to supplement template for subsequent authoring cycles.

  • Barcode / RFID Usage in Transactions Involving Patient IDs
    • A number of PCD transactions are predicated on the point-of-care identification of a patient, as well as clinicians, devices, medications, etc. There have been a number of requests for profiling the information and format per technology used.
    • Which domain(s) should collaborate on this activity?
  • In addition to PCD, Radiology, Cardiology, Radiation Oncology, Lab and Pharmacy are all domains that might wish to develop profiles incorporating barcodes and/or RFID
  • Propose adding to ITI's road map the development of barcoding and RFID components that could be incorporated into profiles across domains
  • Action Item: PCD Tech (Ken Fuchs and Todd Cooper) to spearhead developing proposal for coordinated development of these components in ITI

  • Non-participating Domains
  • A number of domains are not regular participants in Domain Coordination Committee
  • Need action plan to pull missing co-chairs into this Cmte
  • May be able to springboard from Domain Applications; require development and communication of two-year plan, emphasize requirement to participate in coordination activities
  • E.g. "Welcome to IHE" email to cochairs of Approved domains outlining responsibilities, linkups
  • Action Item: Chris Carr to include list of absent domains in publishing minutes of Domain Coordination Committee

  • ITI section as model for publication:
  • Move Archives section to separate page
  • List of CPs should include only those that apply to current version of Technical Framework; move older ones to archive
  • Action Item: Revisit page layout in Mid-June with document specialist

Documentation, Websites and Public Information

  • Action Item: Planning Committee chairs to review list and add/update profiles in their domains

Next Meeting

  • May 25, 9-10:30am CDT
  • HIMSS 11 IHE Presentation
  • MarComm issues: recruiting participants
  • Webinar schedule upate
  • Document publication plan

Domain Coordination Committee