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| '''Connectathon''' <br>- Chair
| '''Connectathon''' <br>- Chair
| '''Status/Discussion:'''
| '''Status/Discussion:'''
:* EUI-64 at the Connectathon: John Rhoads raised the question about this requirement and whether we need a transition period to permit companies to acquire their registration. Paul described this as the MAC address and required for any device on the Internet. He recommended we try hard to implement this year, noting there are workarounds if required. He noted that a combination of device ID and time provides a unique patient identifier if required when other patient IDs are not possible. Paul suggested this be tested this year. Ruth asked that OBR-2 not become a requirement – many of the systems their enterprise systems receive do not have OBR-2. HL7 Orders and Observations chair said that OBR-2 OR OBR-3 are required. Paul noted that some have suggested that OBX-18 could be used. John Rhoads indicated there are two issues: OBR-2 is not meant to ID the device, rather the application. Paul indicated that Placer and Filler numbers could be used, but this may not be optimal. Ruth noted that some data (e.g., height, weight) do not require a device; an EUI-64 is not available. Paul noted there are other situations where EUI-64 will not be available. In conclusion, OBX-18 will be used, and the MDC hierarchy will permit its entry just once. Jeff asked how this would be used when it is applied to pump systems.
:* EUI-64 at the Connectathon: John Rhoads raised the question about this requirement and whether we need a transition period to permit companies to acquire their registration. Paul described this as a company ID combined with the device MAC address; the MAC address is required for any device on the Internet. He recommended we try hard to implement this year, noting there are workarounds if required. He noted that a combination of device ID and time provides a unique patient identifier if required when other patient IDs are not possible. Paul suggested this be tested this year. Ruth asked that OBR-2 not become a requirement – many of the systems their enterprise systems receive do not have OBR-2. HL7 Orders and Observations chair said that OBR-2 OR OBR-3 are required. Paul noted that some have suggested that OBX-18 could be used. John Rhoads indicated there are two issues: OBR-2 is not meant to ID the device, rather the application. Paul indicated that Placer and Filler numbers could be used, but this may not be optimal. Ruth noted that some data (e.g., height, weight) do not require a device; an EUI-64 is not available. Paul noted there are other situations where EUI-64 will not be available. In conclusion, OBX-18 will be used, and the MDC hierarchy will permit its entry just once. Jeff asked how this would be used when it is applied to pump systems.
:* Kick off meeting later this month. Moved to avoid WCM, IHE webinars.
:* Kick off meeting later this month. Moved to avoid WCM, IHE webinars.
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Latest revision as of 14:44, 17 May 2010

Patient Care Device Domain

Meeting Purpose

Regularly scheduled meeting of the PCD Planning Committee

WebEx Information

Topic: PCD Committee Tcons

Date: Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York )

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

Please Add Your Suggestions

  • Review of Discussion Summaries PCD PC 2009-06-24 Webex
  • HITECH Meaningful Use response
  • Update on White Papers and Supplements:
  • ACM
  • PIV
  • RTM
  • IDCO
  • DPI
  • WCM
  • MEM
  • Update on TF
  • Need to determine which version of HL7 2.x (2.6 preferred) will be used going forward.
  • Connectathon and Showcase Preparation
  • Kick off meeting soon (July 22?)
  • Wiki page established PCD_Connectathon&Showcase_WG_2009-10
  • ECRI Institute identification of issues to be considered in purchasing alarm integration systems
  • Email Poll
  • IHE International
  • Continua
  • EUI-64 Usage Requirements at 2010 Connectathon
  • Vendor Recruiting
  • AAMI/HIMSS Workshop - Todd suggests a workshop around Infusion Device topics such as PIV, ICE-PAC, workflow, etc.
  • Review Action Items
  • New Business

Discussion Summary and Action Items from Previous Meetings

Updated With meeting of June 24 PCD PC 2009-06-24 Webex. Decision meetings will have minutes that require approval. This may be accomplished by email ballot.

No. Action Item Owner Participants Due Open/Closed Description/Update
41 Monitor FDA actions on Universal Device ID Jeff Secunda -- July 8, 2009 Open Ken reported that there is activity on this topic, but nothing concrete to report. He saw the headline to an article that claimed that the initial focus will be on Class III devices.
71 Recruit clinicians; develop novel ways, attend to their priorities and schedules Ken, Manny -- Open Open Profile development may be a reasonable initial focus for involvement and perhaps lead to further involvement in PCD. Paul had suggested a booth at at ACC, other meetings. Liase with standards groups such as ASTM, professional societies. Manny spoke with Cristal Anderson, HIMSS. Steve is talking with the Mass Health Data Consortium.
72 Press releases as recruiting tool, including the Showcase. Manny -- Open Open Following the F2F – good timing for a press release.
74 Mapping PCD into v3 CDA with relevance to RTM Todd Peter Hendler July 8, 2009 Open Todd: VA was planning to move forward about use of CDA. He will talk with James McCain. Peter: Kaiser and VA working to trade documents as part of NHIN project.
Goal is to assure the appropriate set of medical device semantic components is included in the appropriate location in CDA/CCD documents and HL7 v3 nessages.
Todd will ask the VA as to whether there is still any interest in this project.
Todd will schedule a webex the end of August/early September to discuss the status of the profile proposal and identify what needs to happen to move it forward in this next cycle.
Will be addressed in Vancouver meeting the week of September 15.
The HITSP CMDC/CDC Use Case includes a document communication profile. HL7 Technical Steering Committee, HITSP management, VA and Kaiser are considering how to move this forward. The technical requirements are clear, but there’s a lack of a sufficient number of volunteers to do the work. Will likely come up next week at HITSP meetings.
PCD and HL7 will meet at HIMSS. HITSP is pushing for more robust document communications. Change date to April 15.
78 2009 Survey Development Ray Zambuto Manny July 8, 2009 Open See earlier meetings for history. Ray to release updated survey to HIMSS Analytics.
82 Users Guide Steve Merritt -- July 8, 2009 Open Steve indicated a Wiki page is available and will set up a WebEx to review in mid-July.
86 Contribute to, or develop a glossary. Steve -- August 5, 2009 Open Ray will contact Patrick Bernat to arrange collaboration. Ray’s discussion with Patrick at AAMI revealed that Yadin is working on a glossary for a related area, but the CE-IT group has nothing on the agenda. PCD will take the lead. Steve Merritt will fold this into the User Handbook. DPI will include a specialized glossary and coordinate with Steve. This work should lead to a harmonized glossary. Steve will take responsibility. Ken will ask Ray about this one.
90 Monitor HITSP’s Work (also on TC list) Jan Wittenber Maria, Lisa Carnahan July 8, 2009 OPEN Jan is on the relevant tiger team. Jan and several PCD members will participate in developing the response. Maria will generate the materials, Jan will get it to HITSP, Lisa will contact HITSP and USHIK (within AHRQ). Anticipate this will pick up in mid-July including some PCD related items. Jan submitted some RTM items in the Tiger Team required format and showed that the semantic requirements differed from the original concepts. Definition of Meaningful Use has been published and does pertain to device connectitivity (target 2015]. [06/24/09]Co-chairs will be sending a letter asking that this be accelerated given the existing work that is already available.
91 Develop New Brief Profile Proposals for Cycle 5 2009.08.05 OPEN For MEM: Battery management (leverage existing PCD-01), Location boundary alarms, Nomenclature requirements (Data types, names, value sets), Examine status of location services within HL7 Manny to look at setting up a Wiki page and confer with Todd. Paul suggested including device related terms (status, etc.) and location information.
92 Vendor Recruiting for Cycle 5 Manny Barbara, Monroe, Steve Merritt July 8, 2009 OPEN Manny offered to make initial contacts with potential participating companies and asked Barbara to provide a list of what users want. Manny will contact companies identified by ECRI Institute and Monroe, and include a list of user needs and priorities for ACM. Press releases represent another tool. Manny to remind participants that PCD should provide press releases. He will draft a release. Barriers to vendor participation were identified. Steve will develop the “Getting Started” Wiki page. The PCD webinar being prepared(HIMSS09 Showcase presentation) may be useful. Manny will make phone calls and requested contact information for potential participants. Also see #91
93 Certification of Systems Claiming Conformance Elliot Ioana 2009.05.04 OPEN Elliot and Ioana will approach John Halamka, Steve Lieber and NIST regarding certification for PCD. Greg will follow up with Iaona this afternoon. Todd emphasized the importance of quick action to assure that PCD is on their radar. Todd will talk to Elliot and Iaona about progress.


Chair: Steve Merritt
  • Ruth Berge, George Bertos, Jon Blasingame, Rita Brahmbhatt, Sam Carello, Anupriyo Chakravarti, Al Engelbert, Robert Flanders, John Garguilo, Jianguo Jiang, Roy Kerns, Steve Large, Steve Merritt, Gary Meyer, Monroe Pattillo, John Rhoads, Jeff Rinda, Paul Schluter, Jan Wittenber, Khalid Zubaidi, Manny Furst


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


  • Accepted


2 Discussion Summary
- Chair
  • Previous meeting accepted as posted


3 Action Items Review
- Chair
  • 41: Monitor FDA actions on Universal Device ID - Nothing New
  • 71: Recruit clinicians - Nothing New
  • 72: Press releases as recruiting tool - Nothing New
  • 74: Mapping PCD into v3 CDA - Nothing New
  • 78: 2009 Survey Development - Nothing New
  • 82: Users Guide - Nothing New
  • 86: Contribute to, or develop a glossary - Nothing New
  • 90: Monitor HITSP’s Work (also on TC list) - Meaningful Use: Todd sent note recommending device interoperability be moved up from 2015 to 2010.
  • 91: Develop New Brief Profile Proposals for Cycle 5 - Nothing New
  • 92: Vendor Recruiting for Cycle 5 - Nothing New
  • 93: Certification of Systems Claiming Conformance - Nothing New



4 Profile and White Paper Updates
- Chair
  • Updates
TF/DEC - Continuing work. Will move to version 6. Paul suggested there is a need to further automate semantic content. He referred to Annex D and suggested there may be a machine readable approach. John Garguilo suggested the ICS Generator be used to generate XML, with possible files for individual devices or device type. John Rhoads has experimented with transforming the XML to the visual representation of Annex D that Paul desires. Paul noted that Continua is balloting PCD-01 and the graphical representation will help.
ACM - Nothing new.
DPI – Developing a draft of the white paper. Target date is the end of the summer.
IDCO - Paul reported that the ballot comments have been received, none very significant. Are on the agenda for the IDCO meeting Friday.
PIV/Infusion Pump - Add CPs on PIV, DEC to TC meeting next week then issue email ballot.
MEM - Working through potential technical approaches.
RTM - Gas measurements (ventilator) have been added; Paul indicated that they are close to releasing the harmonized Rosetta table.
WCM - Continuing to research existing HL7 v2 standard.
Semantic Architecture – Nothing new.
Regulatory Considerations - Nothing New



5 Connectathon
- Chair
  • EUI-64 at the Connectathon: John Rhoads raised the question about this requirement and whether we need a transition period to permit companies to acquire their registration. Paul described this as a company ID combined with the device MAC address; the MAC address is required for any device on the Internet. He recommended we try hard to implement this year, noting there are workarounds if required. He noted that a combination of device ID and time provides a unique patient identifier if required when other patient IDs are not possible. Paul suggested this be tested this year. Ruth asked that OBR-2 not become a requirement – many of the systems their enterprise systems receive do not have OBR-2. HL7 Orders and Observations chair said that OBR-2 OR OBR-3 are required. Paul noted that some have suggested that OBX-18 could be used. John Rhoads indicated there are two issues: OBR-2 is not meant to ID the device, rather the application. Paul indicated that Placer and Filler numbers could be used, but this may not be optimal. Ruth noted that some data (e.g., height, weight) do not require a device; an EUI-64 is not available. Paul noted there are other situations where EUI-64 will not be available. In conclusion, OBX-18 will be used, and the MDC hierarchy will permit its entry just once. Jeff asked how this would be used when it is applied to pump systems.
  • Kick off meeting later this month. Moved to avoid WCM, IHE webinars.



6 Announcements
- Chair
  • F2F - Nothing new.
  • Australia - Nothing new.
  • HIMSS Asia_Pac - Nothing new.
  • MOU with ICE – Nothing new.
  • Continua - Continua continue to evaluate, consider use of PCD-01 and web services. If adopted, Web services will permit additional security beyond the hospital gateway. TLS will be used to the hospital. Paul has developed a 16 page document regarding mapping to PCD to be ready.
  • Cycle 4 Schedule - Steve reviewed the Cycle 4 schedule. Manny to update the calendar.



Next Meeting

The next meeting will be July 22, 2009: PCD PC 2009-07-22 Webex.

<For Decision Meetings add review line here when minutes are approved; e.g., "(Reviewed & approved by PCD RTM Vent TG 2008-04-16)">

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