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==ITI, PCC, & QRPH Domain F2F Meetings- July 2022 - July 2023==
==ITI, PCC, & QRPH Domain F2F Meetings==
2022-2023 IHE Int'l Planning/Technical Meetings to support the development cycle beginning November to July and testing at the IHE North America Connectathon 2022 & 2023.  
2023-2024 IHE Int'l Planning/Technical Meetings to support the development cycle beginning November to July and testing at the IHE North America Connectathon 2024.  
PCC & QRPH may hold four day Technical Committee meetings, based on workload. For final dates please visit the Committee Wiki and visit this page for updates.
PCC & QRPH may hold four-day Technical Committee meetings, based on workload. For final dates please visit the Committee Wiki and visit this page for updates.
=== 2022 - 2023 Meeting Dates ===  
=== 2023-2024 Meeting Dates ===  
The meeting cycle for 2022 - 2023 is listed below. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings may move to virtual as health & safety guidelines for in-person meetings change.
The meeting cycle for 2023-2024 is listed below. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings may move to virtual as health & safety guidelines for in-person meetings change.
'''2022-2023 IHE International Meeting Dates'''
'''2023 Joint ITI/PCC/QRPH Domain Meeting Dates'''
'''Summer 2022 Meeting'''
July 18 - July 22, 2022
October 23-27, 2023
'''Fall 2022 Meeting'''
'''Location: PATH Headquarters'''
• October 3 - October 7, 2022
2201 Westlake Ave, Suite 200
'''Winter 2023 Meeting'''
Seattle, WA 98121
• February 6 - February 10, 2023
'''Spring 2023 Meeting'''
• February 5-9, 2024
'''Location: RSNA Headquarters'''
820 Jorie Blvd, Suite 200
Oak Brook, IL 60523
• May 6-10, 2024
'''Location: RSNA Headquarters'''
820 Jorie Blvd, Suite 200
Oak Brook, IL 60523
• April 24 - April 28, 2023
'''Summer 2023 Meeting'''
• July 15-19, 2024
• July 24 - July 28, 2023
'''Location: RSNA Headquarters'''
== '''July 2023 Meeting''' ==
820 Jorie Blvd, Suite 200
Oak Brook, IL 60523
== '''July 2024 Meeting''' ==
=====Meeting Details=====
=====Meeting Details=====
July 2023 Face-to-Face
July 2024 Face-to-Face
July 24-28, 2023 | 8:00am - 5:00pm, Central Time Zone
July 15-19, 2024 | 8:00am - 5:00pm, US Central Time Zone
''Note: meeting times may vary as needed''
''Note: meeting times may vary as needed''
'''Location: RSNA Headquarters'''
'''Location: RSNA Headquarters'''
820 Jorie Blvd, Suite 200
820 Jorie Blvd #200
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Oak Brook, IL 60523
[https://www.google.com/maps/place/Radiological+Society+of+North+America/@41.8446504,-87.9422569,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x880e4c73ba853475:0x2c63fbf728c2b505!8m2!3d41.8446464!4d-87.939682!16s%2Fg%2F1wf395wc?entry=ttu Map and Directions]
[https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com_-3Furl-3Dhttps-253A-252F-252Fsecure-2Dweb.cisco.com-252F1MwESCnIW-5FuW0PTqkyDks2Pp3woy8M0gP2ZwkxyTPzE8AeDiFTCbj7iqi9e-5Fc3E6D5lxcF1H2ZGATuwTjR58TMge2JOWEdfj4lt10jk9hh-5Fzx7JpSo5Oz1th7gbziqyFLzm3puc2kMVpP4Tt1cRuOjUDAF2ESfZjJK2zIRB7-5FZSlbpy59hfaetQcKYFfyTmR4IJscfQFDB6tfspExPxcWBCpZiCc5BFHDsiUFTFpXkmsprXPfvM2-2DhzwstmUncf3rW92U-5F7pg7P6x-2DLLAfYs1UjzaLGlIedapU90uo4gH-5FdvSgxb1OSE3s93XF6R33oOuDkULFbw-2D13Se3AP7T-2DL9aOVHW1ALSMm-5FUdgfsqVDuWP3zgeFPRSCyKjUepPWrcRRaLC6IA5-5F0P2Nn1qgInmYzdcmcPg3nXwj99F6JUtsJtyQh77dYvBjIdB6cNeOWoWr-252Fhttps-25253A-25252F-25252Furldefense.proofpoint.com-25252Fv2-25252Furl-25253Fu-25253Dhttps-2D3A-5F-5Fwww.google.com-5Fmaps-5Fplace-5FRadiological-2D2BSociety-2D2Bof-2D2BNorth-2D2BAmerica-5F-2D4041.844743-2D2C-2D2D87.940125-2D2C15z-5Fdata-2D3D-2D214m2-2D213m1-2D211s0x0-2D3A0x2c63fbf728c2b505-2D3Fsa-2D3DX-2D26ved-2D3D0ahUKEwiF9IPa-2D2D8XLAhUDWh4KHT-2D5FdAggQ-2D5FBIIeDAK-252526d-25253DDwMF-2Dg-252526c-25253DJHHkSQuaqwDHGORnIQuaBw-252526r-25253DBsBR7vJUV0REs17E-5Fy8yZQ-252526m-25253D9DgN9zwnGlPp48655wikJ9wqE3pO-2D365wmifKuRTvL4-252526s-25253D7v2qZCdgiRhF2SSOB-5FHGKfFGRsD-2DF2-2DKi-5FH26bE13ls-252526e-25253D-26data-3D05-257C01-257Ctsoutherland-2540kno2.com-257Ce00232b959514f8d381908da5abd7e26-257C4f0d98b90f1c4f7aa50163efaf03de21-257C0-257C0-257C637922067163254295-257CUnknown-257CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0-253D-257C3000-257C-257C-257C-26sdata-3DjilGndWNM9ch2-252FFsREOxVaxZB1sKIkYgMuDyK1Lc-252FGM-253D-26reserved-3D0&d=DwMFAg&c=JHHkSQuaqwDHGORnIQuaBw&r=Au04JVcNQeHbxM8VVVNE30vIoJaknxqc5FbQ88rDhm0&m=KG6cAMxiynCPv8K3LmIUCa40mCKt2LI6a7f-fNlaci-fRwgTTj2SrCMDXToMELkg&s=tbHbzHSMuP3iSU-N2XBlTH0TJh9qgo7K7GIa8bJr0CY&e= Map and Directions]
'''[https://forms.gle/ZmC4ZUa9jREQRg6g6 RSVP for in-person attendance here]'''
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'''ITI Domain Teams Info'''
'''ITI Domain Teams Info'''
'''Specific meeting info forthcoming'''
[https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YTIzNTQyMjItYzAyOS00MmQ0LTliODMtM2NhNTBiODg4YTNl%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2202a9376b-a4f9-4a63-a240-52c43ebf9a89%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%226459fea4-110a-4d17-85f0-00587211a0c0%22%7d Join the Meeting here]
Meeting ID: 284 717 523 903
Passcode: SRrSiu
'''PCC/QRPH Tech Domain Zoom Info'''
'''PCC/QRPH Tech Domain Zoom Info'''
'''Specific meeting info forthcoming'''
[https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZDVhMzRlNzgtZDU2Zi00ZDQ4LTgwODEtNjE1YzhiYjdiYTZi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2202a9376b-a4f9-4a63-a240-52c43ebf9a89%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%226459fea4-110a-4d17-85f0-00587211a0c0%22%7d Join the Meeting here]
Meeting ID: 260 567 923 650
Passcode: qR7uSb

Revision as of 12:13, 12 July 2024

ITI, PCC, & QRPH Domain F2F Meetings

2023-2024 IHE Int'l Planning/Technical Meetings to support the development cycle beginning November to July and testing at the IHE North America Connectathon 2024.

PCC & QRPH may hold four-day Technical Committee meetings, based on workload. For final dates please visit the Committee Wiki and visit this page for updates.

2023-2024 Meeting Dates

The meeting cycle for 2023-2024 is listed below. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings may move to virtual as health & safety guidelines for in-person meetings change.

2023 Joint ITI/PCC/QRPH Domain Meeting Dates

• October 23-27, 2023

Location: PATH Headquarters

2201 Westlake Ave, Suite 200

Seattle, WA 98121

• February 5-9, 2024

Location: RSNA Headquarters

820 Jorie Blvd, Suite 200

Oak Brook, IL 60523

• May 6-10, 2024

Location: RSNA Headquarters

820 Jorie Blvd, Suite 200

Oak Brook, IL 60523

• July 15-19, 2024

Location: RSNA Headquarters

820 Jorie Blvd, Suite 200

Oak Brook, IL 60523

July 2024 Meeting

Meeting Details

July 2024 Face-to-Face

July 15-19, 2024 | 8:00am - 5:00pm, US Central Time Zone

Note: meeting times may vary as needed

Location: RSNA Headquarters

820 Jorie Blvd #200

Oak Brook, IL 60523

Map and Directions

RSVP for in-person attendance here

For Domain Specific Agendas, please visit the following links:

ITI Agenda


Virtual Meeting Details

Meeting information will be sent via an Outlook calendar invite through the Domain Google Groups. If you need access to the ITI, PCC, and/or QRPH Google Groups, please email Sarah Bell at sarah.bell@himss.org

ITI Domain Teams Info

Join the Meeting here

Meeting ID: 284 717 523 903

Passcode: SRrSiu

PCC/QRPH Tech Domain Zoom Info

Join the Meeting here

Meeting ID: 260 567 923 650

Passcode: qR7uSb