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* Review and Approve Agenda
* Agenda is approved
== Status updates ==
== Status updates ==

Revision as of 09:07, 14 December 2023


  • Participants

Jamie Dulkowski, Werner Henschelchen, Jan Muzik, Stefan Sauermann

  • Agenda is approved

Status updates

  • Exam status update
  • Report on operation, # of exam takers, issues, etc.
  • Ongoing ToDo Werner: Provide a statistics report on certification
  • Accreditation of Training Courses
  • New accreditation candidates?

Exam and Syllabus

  • Ongoing ToDo Werner: Start the process to revise the exam
  • Chris mentions that there are comments on the exam.
  • Are exam developers identified?
  • ToDo Stefan/Philipp: Collect feedback on the exam from those who took the course, and ask Werner to extend the invitation to those who took the exam.
  • ToDo Chris: Contact Matt Blackman and Lora Bright mentioned that they are interested to join the exam development group
  • ToDo Stefan/Philipp to follow up with Werner and see that they join the exam development group
  • Chris: The Syllabus needs updates as well
  • Reference to Antilope Project, FTP Site was replaced by Google drive, ...

ToDo: Chris to comment the syllabus, based on the current version.

  • the folder structure on Google drive is rather deep.
  • let us have the version number and the date as part of the filename.

ToDo: Chris to rearrange the folder structure on Google drive (put current documents into "Archive" folder, introduce folders "Schema" and "Syllabus", )

Processes, Process Document

  • Ongoing ToDo: Henschelchen to provide a draft license agreement for the exam questions. Sauermann / Urbauer to follow up with him
  • Ongoing ToDo Sauermann/Urbauer contact IHE Catalyst (Alexander Berler, Claudio Saccavini) to update the contract and MOU according to the new organisational setup, with IHE Catalyst replacing IHE services

Onsite exams

  • Ongoing ToDo: Sauermann / Urbauer will follow up with Werner Henschelchen to generate messages about the IHE CPP exam that took place at CAT Rennes 2023
  • IHE Days
  • Czech republic: Ongoing ToDo Jan Muzik to contact IHE Czech Republic, and the Ministry of Health on IHE CPP exam at klasifikon conference
    • They run a conference on classification systems in healthcare. This seems the most likely opportunity.
    • https://klasifikon.uzis.cz/
    • Jan made contact to the newly established HL7 CZ, and also its education IG. He also explores if his university (Czech Technical University, Prague) might join IHE CZ.
  • Other places
    • ToDo Done Sauermann/Urbauer to provide template marketing material to be reused by others
  • ToDo Sauermann/Urbauer: The template marketing material is available from Sauermann/Urbauer on request, we will check if we can put it to the ICP Google drive.
    • Ongoing ToDo Sauermann/Urbauer ASAP to contact IHE Europe Cochairs or the secretariate, to put a brief announcement on the IHE Europe Steering Committee agenda. From there it will go to the national deployment comittes in Europe
    • Ongoing ToDo Sauermann/Urbauer 2024 to contact IHE Connectathon organisers again in Europe, plus Connectathons organisers in other regions, Japan.
    • ToDo Chris: Provide contacts to IHE Connectathon organisers in USA, for the Connectathon USA in February 2024 to Sauermann/Urbauer
    • IHE Deployment Committee: Ongoing ToDo Sauermann / Urbauer, to aproach (maybe get a slot in) the IHE global Deployment Committee via the Google distribution list to get additional contacts to organisers of local events worldwide, so that we provide additional on site exams.

IHE.net Education Webpage

  • ToDo Done Sauermann Urbauer to provide a list of suggested changes to the Education page of IHE.net
  • Training provider is now provided
  • ToDo: Sauermann/Urbauer to suggest changes on the webpage (placement of training provider logo, additional section in the "On-site exams")
  • Changes were done

Any other business


Next call

xxth January 2024, 3pm CET (Vienna time)

IHE Education Committee