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* (Do you have concrete reason to believe that this works robustly in the Real World) / (Are any products available for purchase that implement the profile?)
* (Do you have concrete reason to believe that this works robustly in the Real World) / (Are any products available for purchase that implement the profile?)
::* <font color="blue">TBD</font>
::* Yes
* Have all issues that may have been raised about the profile been resolved?
* Have all issues that may have been raised about the profile been resolved?

Revision as of 10:52, 27 April 2023


Radiation Exposure Monitoring for Nuclear Medicine (REM-NM) has been nominated for advancement to Final Text. (Advocate: Steve Nichols) Per the Final Text Process, Items in blue text below warrant Committee discussion.

Technical Committee Checklist

  • Are all significant CPs against the profile "closed"
  • Yes (CP-RAD-372 was closed in Ballot 2023A)
  • Are all significant CPs against the underlying standards "closed"?
  • DICOM cp2294 has been opened to fix Non-Cardiac NM Acquisition Context, as noted in Closed Issues
  • Have all significant comments been CP'd or rejected?
  • Yes
  • Have all open issues listed in the Supplement been closed?
  • Yes
  • Have all significant issues at Connectathon been dealt with?
  • There were none.
  • Has the Connectathon Project Manager been queried and significant issues addressed?
  • Yes / no issues.

Technical Committee Consensus

  • 24 April 2023, CPs identified in the February F2F have been addressed

Planning Committee Checklist

  • Has the profile been through a Connectathon in at least two regions?
  • Yes
                               Eur. 2017       NA 2020             Eur./NA 2022
 ----------------------------- --------------- ------------------- -------------------
 ATHON srl                                                         DSS/OF
 Bayer Healthcare              DIC, DIR, DR                        DIR, DR
 Canon Medical Systems         MOD                                 MOD
 GE Precision Healthcare LLC   DR              RAS, DIC, DIR, DR   RAS, DIC, DIR, DR
 J4Care GmbH                   IM                                   
 Numa, Inc.                    RAS                                  
 Philips Medical Systems                       DSS/OF               
 Tiani \"Spirit\" GmbH         IM                                  IM
  • Has the profile been successfully tested with all actors at least at one Connectathon?
  • Yes, see above
  • Have different implementations of each actor in the profile been tested?
  • Yes
  • Have all the options been tested successfully at at least one Connectathon?
  • The Radiopharmaceutical Activity Supplier Worklist Query option was successfully tested by NUMA at the EU2017 Connectathon and by GE at the NA2020 Connectathon.
  • Are there IHE-provided software testing tools to address all aspects of the profile?
  • EVS DICOM validators
  • Have the standards underlying the profile been implemented? In similar use cases? In healthcare? In general IT?
  • Yes
  • (Do you have concrete reason to believe that this works robustly in the Real World) / (Are any products available for purchase that implement the profile?)
  • Yes
  • Have all issues that may have been raised about the profile been resolved?
  • None raised