Rad Plan Minutes 2013-05-29

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  • Kevin ODonnell
  • Kinson Ho
  • Lynn Felhofer
  • Wim Cobijin
  • Chris Lindop
  • La Shawn Edwards


  • Chris Lindop reviewed XCA-I FT Checklist
    • CP 223 will be based on conditional approval
    • Testing and Tools committee intends to deliver XCA-I
    • needs to be promoted was planned for last year and not delivered. There is confidence that it will be delivered this year.
    • Kinson asked XCA-I about testing and Connecathon?
    • Conslusion/open issues
    • Open issue can a non DICOM wrapped jpeg be transferred?
    • Question if this is declared out of scope/text is this a problem?
      • Not a critical issue at this point. It is however a nice enhancement.
    • Someone will wirte test stating that this is not supported in this profile. Explanation will be given in rest of profile.
      • Changes to the underlying WADO standards would be necessary. Put to final text submission
    • Committee voted to approved XCA-I to FT. Motion unaninously approved pending resolution of CP 223.
    • Affitmation from the following...
      • GE
      • Philips
      • Agfa
      • Toshiba
      • Siemens

Consensus: Rad Plan will reccommend that Connecathon organiziers announce that 2014 will be the final testing for WF and PIR and suggests that testing not be offered in 2015, infavor of SWF.b.