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The PCC Wiki Content is used only for development of IHE PCC Content. The Normative content of the PCC Technical Framework and the current supplements can be found at http://www.ihe.net/Technical_Framework/index.cfm#PCC

Trial.gif Authorization

Each <authorization> element in the CDA Header represents an informed consent. When the document being shared represents the informed consent to a policy expressed by the XDS Affinity Domain within the document, it shall do so in an <authorization> element. More than one <authorization> element may be present. The consent to share informaiton shall have a unique identifier contained in the <id> element, representing the patient consent to that policy. The policy being consented to shall be represented in the <code> element. Note that other <authorization> elements may be present representing other sorts of consents associated with the document.


See Templates using Authorization

Authorization Example
<authorization typeCode='AUTH'>
  <consent classCode='CONS' moodCode='EVN'>
    <templateId root=''/>
    <id root=''/>
    <code code='' codeSystem='' codeSystemName='' displayName=''/>
    <statusCode code='completed'/>

Policies are identified using an Affinity Domain specified coding system. Each coded value in that vocabulary represents one affinity domain specific policy.

<authorization typeCode='AUTH'>

At least one <authorization> element must be present in a consent medical document in documents shared by Document Source actors that implement the privacy option. The typeCode attribute shall be present and be valued with AUTH, indicating that this is an authorization act related to the document.

<consent classCode='CONS' moodCode='EVN'>

Each authorization element shall have one <consent> element. The classCode shall be present and be valued with CONS, indicating that the related act is an informed consent. The moodCode shall be EVN, indicating that this element represents and act that has occurred.

<templateId root=''/>

The <templateId> element shall be recorded as shown above and identifies this consent as an authorization entry.

<id root=' '/>

The <consent> element shall have one identifier that is used to uniquely identify the consent act. This identifier shall contain a root attribute, and shall not contain an extension attribute.

<code code=' ' codeSystem=' ' codeSystemName=' ' displayName=' '/>

The <consent> element shall have one <code> element that is used to identify the consent policy that was agreed to by the patient.