Antepartum Record

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This is a draft of the Antepartum Record Profile (AR) supplement to the PCC Technical Framework. This draft is a work in progress, not the official supplement or profile.

Profile Abstract

The Antepartum Record Profile (AR)

The Antpartum Record continues the description of the content structures for the ACOG Antepartum Record Forms as begun in the Antepartum Summary Profile.

  1. Forms A&B - The initial assessment and physical
  2. Forms C&F&G - Update records and progress notes
  3. Form D - Laboratory Evaluations
  4. Form E - Education Assessment

The ACOG Form also includes:

  1. An Obstetric Medical History
  2. A Postpartum form

A sample may be found at target:

This profile defines the implementation of HL7 CDA documents to represent the data elements from forms A, B, D, and E, along with the XDS, XDR and XDM bindings. This profile also defines mechanisms to group them into a single logical folder.


The following terms are found on Form A of the Antepartum Record:

AB, Induced
Number of induced abortions by patient
AB, Spontaneous
Number of spontaneous abortions by patient
Number of ectopic pregnancies by patient
Final EDD
Expected Date of Delivery; a fixed date determined by ultrasound measurements and/or last menstrual period. Also called EDC - Expected Date of Confinement
Full term
Number of babies the mother has delivered that were between 37 and 42 weeks gestation.
Number of living children of patient
Multiple births
Number of deliveries of more than one baby by patient
Total Preg

Form A - Menstrual History

Specify in days the duration of the patient's monthly cycle
Specify the date of the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin pregnancy test
LMP (last menstrual period)
Date measured as the first day of the patient's most recent cycle.
  • Approximate (month known) - Patient is unsure of exact date but can offer an approximate date
  • Definite - Patient can say with certainty the date of her last menstrual period
  • Final - Finally agreed upon date of LMP after ultrasound measurements
  • Unknown - Patient does not know the date of her last menstrual period
Age at onset of initial menstrual period
Menses Monthly
Yes/No. Specify that the patient has or does not have a monthly period.
Normal Amount/duration
Yes/No. Specify that the patient's last menstrual was typical or not in amount and duration
On BCP at concept
Yes/No. Specify if the patient was on birth control pills at the time of conception
Prior Menses
Date of patient's latest period

Form A - Past Pregnancies

Specify the type of anesthesia used in previous pregnancies.
ART Treatment
Autoimmune disorder
Birth weight
Specify the weight of patient's previous babies at birth.
Month/Year of birth of patient's previous babies.
D (Rh) sensitized
GA weeks
Specify gestational age in weeks at delivery of patient's previous pregnancies.
Kidney disease/UTI
Length of labor
Specify the number of hours patient was in labor for previous pregnancies.
Place of Delivery
Specify the location patient delivered for previous pregnancies.
Preterm labor
Yes/No. Specify if the patient had preterm labor with previous pregnancies
Pulmonary (TB, Asthma)
Sex M/F
Specify sex of patient's previously delivered babies.
Type Delivery
Specify type of delivery for previous pregnancies.
Uterine Anomaly/DES

The following terms are found on Form B of the Antepartum Record:

Diagonal Conjugate
Gynecoid pelvic type
Lymph nodes
Subpubic arch
Uterus size

The following terms are found on Form D of the Antepartum Record:

1st Trimester Aneuploidy risk assessment
2nd Trimester serum screening
Amniotic Fluid (AFP)
Antibody screen
Anti-D Immune Globulin (RHIG)
Blood type
Cystic Fibrosis
D (Rh) Antibody screen
D (Rh) type
Diabetes screen
Familial Dysautonomia
Genetic Screening Test
Group B Strep
GTT (if screen abnormal)
Hemoglobin Electrophoresis
HIV Counseling/Testing
MSAFP/Multiple markers
Pap test
Urine Culture/Screen

The following terms are found on Form E of the Antepartum Record: First Trimester

Anticipated Course of prenatal care
Childbirth classes/hospital facilities
Domestic violence
Environmental/Work hazards
Illicit/Recreational drugs
Indications for ultrasounds
Influenza vaccine
Nutrition and weight gain counseling, special diet
Risk factors identified by prenatal history
Seatbelt use
Sexual activity
Smoking counseling
Tobacco (Ask,advise,assess,assist,and arrange)
Toxoplasmosis precautions
Use of any medications (including supplements, vitamins, herbs or OTC drugs)

Second Trimester

Abnormal lab values
Domestic violence
Influenza vaccine
Postpartum family planning/tubal sterilization
Selecting a newborn care provider
Signs and symptoms of preterm labor
Smoking counseling

Third Trimester

Anesthesia/Analgesia plans
Breast or bottle feeding
Domestic violence
Family medical leave or disability forms
Fetal Movement monitoring
Influenza vaccine
Labor signs
Newborn education (Newborn screening, jaundice, SIDS, car seat)
Postpartum depression
Postterm counseling
Signs & Symptoms of Pregnancy-induced hypertension
Smoking counseling
VBAC counseling
History and physical have been sent to hospital
Tubal sterilization consent signed

Issue Log

Open Issues

  1. Issue
  2. Issue

Closed Issues

Volume I

Add the following bullet to the list of profiles
  • Antepartum Record - A folder of content profiles that contains the summarization record or the antepartum care delivery including initial patient history and physical, ambulatory checks of mother and fetus, laboratory studies, and patient education.


Add the following row(s) to the list of dependencies
Integration Profile Dependency Dependency Type Purpose
Antepartum Record A&B IHE History and Physical Child Initial Intake and Assessment for antepartum care
Antepartum Summary Form C&F&G Medical Summary Child Update and Progress Note
Antepartum Summary Form D XD-Lab Child Obstetric Lab Evaluation
Antepartum Summary Form E Obstetric Education Form

Profile Name

The Antepartum Record Profile (AR)

There are over 4 million births in the United States each year, including more than 1 million cesarean sections and more than 300,000 preterm or low birth weight babies. Obstetric patients in labor and admitted to Labor and Delivery must have a complete summary of their antepartum ambulatory care available at the time of admission to evaluate and / or ameliorate risk. This same data is required at any visit to Labor and Delivery for any other problems or special needs a patient may require. The antepartum record must be available in its entirety for appropriate care and legal concerns.

Practitioners who would use the aggregated record include: obstetricians, perinatologists, certified nurse midwives, family practice physicians, pediatricians, labor and delivery staff, emergency department staff, anesthesiologists, hospitalists, social workers, other medical specialists and patients.

During the 40 weeks of a typical pregnancy duration, the patient will have an initial History and Physical Examination, followed by repetitive office visits with multiple laboratory studies, imaging (usually ultrasound) studies, and serial physical examinations with recordings of vital signs, fundal height, and the fetal heart rate. As the patient is seen over a finite period in the office, aggregation of specific relevant data important to the evaluation of the obstetric patient upon presentation to Labor and Delivery is captured on paper forms. The antepartum record contains the most critical information needed including the ongoing Medical Diagnoses, the Estimated Due Date, outcomes of any prior pregnancies, serial visit data on the appropriate growth of the uterus and assessments of fetal well being, authorizations, laboratory and imaging studies. This data must all be presented and evaluated upon entry to the Labor and Delivery Suite to ensure optimal care for the patient and the fetus.

Although the patient and her care provider may plan for a vaginal (natural) method of delivery, there is a substantive chance the delivery route may be surgical, requiring anesthesia and post-surgical care.

Current practice is to copy the patient's (paper) chart at various times during the pregnancy (as at 28 weeks and at 36 weeks of completed gestation), and transport the copies of the chart to the hospital the patient intends to use for delivery. Should the patient arrive prior to the chart copy arriving, or if the chart (or information within the chart) is missing on presentation of the patient to Labor and Delivery (a frequent occurrence), the staff or clinicians repeat laboratory or imaging studies. This results in unwarranted and duplicative tests, is wasteful of time and resources, and leads to dissatisfied patients. Further, missing or incomplete information about the patient’s clinical status may create a situation where critical information is unavailable to clinicians, which may ultimately result in an injury, inadequate aftercare or other undesirable outcome.

Significantly, a large portion of patients arrive in L&D without complete documentation. In one recent U.S. study , ~70% of patients (with paper charts) arrived in L&D without their current medical record being available. While only one hospital was involved in this study, one can see the extent of the issue, with pregnant patients possibly going to a different hospital than planned (preterm labor, rapid labor and unable to make it to the planned delivery hospital, or visiting a distant city), moving mid-care, or with a covering physician (rather than the primary obstetrician) on call.

In a Swedish study done in the 1990’s, critical data on paper records were incomplete from 45 to 87.5% of the time. Thus, availability of current medical records remains a significant problem for most hospital Labor and Delivery units; availability of key information electronically will significantly enhance patient safety.

Use Cases

Use Case: Antepartum Care Delivery

The patient’s obstetrician sees the patient for her pregnancy in the ambulatory (office) setting. During the pregnancy, the patient is noted to have a medical problem requiring consultation with a Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialist (perinatologist). The office obtains pre-authorization from the insurance payer for the consult, and for the intended or anticipated route of delivery, and transmits that information to both the consultant and to the hospital.

The patient is seen in the obstetrician’s office where a complete medical and relevant social history are taken by the nurse and recorded in the office EHR, incorporating data from the perinatologist’s consultation report as appropriate. Laboratory and imaging reports ordered by the perinatologist as well as the perinatologist’s consultation report are displayed electronically to the obstetrician. The obstetrician reviews the consultation report from the perinatologist’s office and imaging studies ordered by the perinatologist along with data recorded by the nurse. Physical exam reveals some abnormalities. The obstetrician orders additional laboratory studies, and sends the patient to the hospital to Labor and Delivery.

When the laboratory results return, the physician completes the admission H&P, Allergies, Medications, includes the data prepared or ordered by the perinatologist, and makes it available to L&D. This data includes an assessment of the patient’s health status, and the requisite data summarized from the antepartum care given. The charge nurse for L&D documents that the complete collection of documents needed is available. The Post-Partum discharge planning is notified and assures that there is a suitable environment with appropriate support for post-delivery after-care.

The Pre-delivery H&P and Antepartum Summary with appropriate relationships to the Perinatologist Consultation, and all the antepartum laboratory and imaging studies are available to the obstetrician and the birthing center personnel for incorporation into their respective EHRs. The H&P is also available to the patient for viewing and incorporation into the patient’s PHR, and into the newborn baby’s PHR. For the APS profile, summary content is available to the obstetrician, with a plan for full content to be added in future years through other content profiles that share this use case.

Use Case Name 2

A pregnant diabetic patient is seen by her obstetrician in the office for a prenatal care. An ultrasound is performed to determine gestational age. The patient is sent for perinatology consult as a high-risk patient. Her obstetrician transmits preauthorization insurance information, labs and anticipated route of delivery to perinatologist and hospital.

The patient returns to her perinatologist biweekly for blood testing and ultrasounds when necessary in addition to regular ob visits. The perinatologist reports back to the obstetrician after each visit. Complete History and Physical, imaging and additional labs are performed during patient’s regular visit with her obstetrician.

The patient arrives at labor and delivery at the hospital. Obstetrician completes the admission H&P, Allergies, Medications, and includes the data prepared or ordered by the perinatologist, and makes it available to L&D. This data includes an assessment of the patient’s health status, and the requisite data summarized from the antepartum care given. The charge nurse for L&D documents that the complete collection of documents needed is available.

The patient’s obstetrician delivers by Cesarean Section after anesthesia. The post-partum discharge planning is notified and assures that there is a suitable environment with appropriate support for post-delivery after-care. Delivery information, i.e. birth weight, APGAR scores, type of delivery, etc is available for pediatrician. The patient can then incorporate H&P into her own and her newborn’s PHR.


There are two actors in this profile, the Content Creator and the Content Consumer. Content is created by a Content Creator and is to be consumed by a Content Consumer. The sharing or transmission of content from one actor to the other is addressed by the appropriate use of IHE profiles described below, and is out of scope of this profile. A Document Source or a Portable Media Creator may embody the Content Creator Actor. A Document Consumer, a Document Recipient or a Portable Media Importer may embody the Content Consumer Actor. The sharing or transmission of content or updates from one actor to the other is addressed by the use of appropriate IHE profiles described by section 3.7 Content Bindings with XDS, XDM and XDR found in the Patient Care Coordination Technical Framework

Antepartum Record Actor Diagram


Actor Option Section
Antepartum Record Options
Content Consumer View Option (1)

Document Import Option (1)
Section Import Option (1)
Discrete Data Import Option (1)

PCC TF-1: 2.13.1

PCC TF-1: 2.13.2
PCC TF-1: 2.13.3
PCC TF-1: 2.13.4

Content Creator Referral Option (1)

Discharge Summary Option (1)

PCC TF-1: 2.13.5

PCC TF-1: 2.13.6

Note 1: The Actor shall support at least one of these options.


Content Bindings with XDS, XDM and XDR

It is expected that the transfers of care will occur in an environment where the physician offices and hospitals have a coordinated infrastructure that serves the information sharing needs of this community of care. Several mechanisms are supported by IHE profiles:

For more details on these profiles, see the IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework.

Content profiles may impose additional requirements on the transactions used when grouped with actors from other IHE Profiles.

Cross Enterprise Document Sharing, Media Interchange and Reliable Messages

Actors from the ITI XDS, XDM and XDR profiles embody the Content Creator and Content Consumer sharing function of this profile. A Content Creator or Content Consumer must be grouped with appropriate actors from the XDS, XDM or XDR profiles, and the metadata sent in the document sharing or interchange messages has specific relationships to the content of the clinical document described in the content profile.

Notification of Document Availability (NAV)

A Document Source should provide the capability to issue a Send Notification Transaction per the ITI Notification of Document Availability (NAV) Integration Profile in order to notify one or more Document Consumer(s) of the availability of one or more documents for retrieval. One of the Acknowledgement Request options may be used to request from a Document Consumer that an acknowledgement should be returned when it has received and processed the notification. A Document Consumer should provide the capability to receive a Receive Notification Transaction per the NAV Integration Profile in order to be notified by Document Sources of the availability of one or more documents for retrieval. The Send Acknowledgement option may be used to issue a Send Acknowledgement to a Document Source that the notification was received and processed.

Document Digital Signature (DSG)

When a Content Creator Actor needs to digitally sign a document in a submission set, it may support the Digital Signature (DSG) Content Profile as a Document Source. When a Content Consumer Actor needs to verify a Digital Signature, it may retrieve the digital signature document and may perform the verification against the signed document content.

Content Modules

Content modules describe the content of a payload found in an IHE transaction. Content profiles are transaction neutral. They do not have dependencies upon the transaction that they appear in.

Content Module 1

Process Flow

Antepartum Record Process Flow

More text about process flow

Actor Definitions


Transaction Definitions


Volume II

Antepartum Record Content


Clinical Document Architecture, Release 2, 2005 HL7
Implementation Guide for CDA Release 2 – Level 1 and 2 – Care Record Summary (US realm), 2006, HL7.
ASTM/HL7 Continuity of Care Document (Draft)

Data Element Index Form A&B

Data Element CDA Section Comments
Antepartum Record Data Elements - Form A&B
use CDA History & Physical Note LOINC 34117-2 from V3 ballot?
Language, Ethnicity, Husband/Domestic Partner, Father of Baby CDA H&P Header
Pregnancy History Pregnancy History Section will need to extend this observation to include other data elements - how is that done?
Gynecological/Menstrual History
Medical History CDA H&P Past Medical History
Symptoms Since LMP History of Present Illness Section CDA H&P spec references IHE spec - so use IHE
Genetic Screening Review of Systems Section CDA H&P spec references IHE spec - so use IHE
Infection History Review of Systems Section CDA H&P spec references IHE spec - so use IHE
Initial Physical Exam CDA H&P Physical Examination

Document Specification Form A&B

Data Element Opt Section Template ID
Antepartum Record Constraints Form A&B
CDA H&P Header A document conforming to the general header constraints SHALL indicate so by including the following template id in the header of the document or by including a template id in the header for a template that requires use of the general header constraint template: <templateId root='2.16.840.1.113883.10.20.3'/> R
Pregnancy History Section This section is the same as it is for Medical Summary, and SHALL be extended to contain additional data elements for those that exist on Form A and do not exist in the Pregnancy History Section R
CDA H&P Past Medical History 11348-0 A History and Physical SHALL contain exactly one and SHALL NOT contain more than one Past Medical History section (templateId 2.16.840.1.113883. The Past Medical History section SHALL contain a narrative block, and SHOULD contain clinical statements. The section code for the section describing Past Medical History SHALL be 11348-0 (HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS). R
History of Present Illness Section R
Review of Systems Section R
CDA H&P Physical Examination 29545-1 A History and Physical SHALL contain exactly one Physical Examination section (templateId 2.16.840.1.113883. The section code for the section describing physical examination SHALL be 29545-1 (PHYSICAL FINDINGS). R

Data Element Index Form D

Data Element CDA Section Comments
Antepartum Record Data Elements - Form D
Initial Labs XD-LAB
Optional Labs XD-LAB
8-20 Week Labs XD-LAB
24-48 Week Labs XD-LAB
32-36 Week Labs XD-LAB

Document Specification Form D

Data Element Opt Section Template ID
Antepartum Record Constraints Form D

Data Element Index Form E

Data Elements Other Reference LOINC Section or CDA Element
Antepartum Record Data Elements - Form E
First Trimester
Second Trimester
Third Trimester

Document Specification Form E

Data Element Opt Section Template ID
Antepartum Record Constraints Form E
Data Element 1 R
Data Element 2 R
Data Element 3 R

Section Template 1

Parent Template
General Description This section shall ...
LOINC Code Opt Description
#####-# R Description
Entries Opt Description O Description
Sub-sections Opt Description R Description

Header Template 1

<entry>An XML Example</entry>


Description of the entry element.

Entry Template 1

<entry>An XML Example</entry>


Description of the entry element.