Card Tech Minutes 2018.06.06

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Chris Melo, Co-chair, Philips Healthcare
Nick Gawrit, Co-chair, heartbase
Paul Dow, Secretary, ACC
Antje Schroeder, Siemens Healthineers
Charles Thomas, University of Washington
James McRae, University of Washington
Andrea Price, Indiana University
Rebecca Baker, ACC
Dan Murphy, Epic
Sophia Chaidez, HCA


Cardiology Specific CTA - Paul Dow, [10 mins]
Paul has had several preliminary discussions with the Eye Care Domain (Flora Lum) and Radiation Oncology (Jill Moton) to discuss the complexietes of hosting a domain-specifc Connectathon, possibly at the ACC Annual Scientific Sessions. The time frame is March 16-18, 2019 in New Orleans, LA. Paul has several other calls scheduled with ACC Meeting staff to get an idea of costs for space and infrastructure, as well as conversations with other IHE domains to understand the complexities. Once the conversations are complete, Paul will write up and share the findings.
CPN Clinical Document Review - Dan Murphy and Nick Gawrit, [50 mins]
The description of the identification of a goal, could lead to more of a focus on customizing information, rather than the implementation of CPN. We should also focus on the use case, EP or Cath procedures, within the CPN, e.g. using CCDA to exchange date, the use of Art Decor, rather than solving broader interoperability issues for healthcare facilities. The draft written by Dan are solid, and may be useful for another section. Further review of the document included conversation about sections requiring more detail, including lesion structure, and document rendering, as well as how information is stored. Though this might be out of scope for a CPN Guidebook. Nick described the rendering information, as well as the style sheet, header information, and other sections. Linking the results to the lesion description in detail could be helpful for the reader. Nick will consider adding Results Observations to the document. Explanatory text might be useful to add more context for users to understand how the profile works. This may overlap with the technical document, but a light description might be useful for a range of readers.