DEV Cochairs 2020-08-25 Webex

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Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

1. Review & Approve Agenda
2. Review Previous Meeting Summary - DEV Cochairs 2020-07-21 Webex
3. Profiles and TF Updates
4. Standards Coordination
5. IHE International
- DCC call Today
6. Review DEV Domain meeting Agenda:
- DEV Joint 2020-07-22 Webex
7. Calendar - IHE Milestones
8. Recruiting and Membership
9. Action Items -
10. Additional Business
- Tiger Team update
11. Meeting Dates: Define Next Meeting Dates
- DEV Cochairs September 22, 2020, DEV Cochairs 2020-09-22 Webex
- DEV Domain (Joint) September 23, 2020 DEV Joint 2020-09-23 Webex

Attachments / Materials

See DEV Cochair Action Items page. Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

Meeting Summary


placeholder ihe: participants and cochairs, Dev:Joint:

Todd Cooper, Kurt Elliason, Al Engelbert, Thom Erickson, Javier Espina, Christophe Fournier, Ken Fuchs, John Garguilo, Tom Kowalczyk, Monroe Pattillo, Dalibor Pokrajac, John Rhoads, Jeff Rinda, Paul Schluter, Paul Sherman, Rob Wilder, Brian Witkowski, Robert Canfield, James Jacobson, Tobias Klotz, Per Johansson, Kerin Klagges-Kingsbury, Peter Verstandig, Jeanne Kraimer, David G, Erik Myklebust, Luke Goodwin, John Krupka, Victoria Tower, Peter Kranich, Matt Picinich, Stefan Schlicting, Ujjawal Kumar, Dan Lee, Steve Eberly, John Donnely, Michael Faughn, Neil Henry, David Pitts, Charles Perriot, Robert Smigielski
Chair: Thom Erickson


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair:
Reviewed. Need to discuss the Domain Report.



- No new Action Items
2 Review Meeting Summaries
- Chair:

Meeting notes reviewed

Still says placeholder, so not saved. Kurt noted that Paul was having issues with getting the program to save.



3 Agenda Items
- As Indicated


3. Profiles and TF Updates
- One TF Update: Todd and John are working on chapter 3 for SDPi. They are redoing volume 3 using the new template. We will be combining everything, so volume 3 plus all 3 projects in DEV domain. There is a restriction for IHE while merging programs and adding in the SDPi web based protocol.
4. Standards Coordination.
- Paul Schluter not on the call.
- We will do further briefing on the call tomorrow. With John no longer a TC or Cochair, we should get more updates from him within the joint meeting. John’s still working on the TF and FHIR though he may no longer be on this call.
5. IHE International
- DCC call Today: No update as no one on the call attended the DCC monthly meeting today.
6. Review DEV Domain meeting Agenda:
- DEV Joint 2020-06-24 Webex
- Reviewed tomorrow’s Dev Joint agenda. We’ll review again standards coordination on this call tomorrow. Agenda looks good.
- Thom questioned where does the voting happen? There is a lot of confusion on how ballots will take place. Is it an open ballot for all? We need to speak to Paul Sherman. For example, we will have a ballot this month for the PC and TC at the domain level. How will this get resolved? Noted that each program will have one TC and one PC for each domain. Who can be one of the two from each program? For PCH we have elected cochairs (Javier and Thom) but currently there appears to be a gap for voting in chairs vs assigning the chairs.
- Thom also questioned to policy for ballots: what’s the eligibility to vote? Is it your attendance at the last 2 or 3 meetings? What about the domain level? Given that we’re dealing with a new platform (domain and program levels), we need IHE to help define. Participation in the domain level meetings are important, but the other meetings?
- Marketing: Rob noted that currently it’s just quiet hospital. There are also the videos, where we’re normalizing content in the table so there are greater visual aids for use-cases. He noted that Partners Healthcare helped as well on this project. Tom noted that Cotinga, Philips and others put their systems together and created a 12 minute video. Its currently in draft now and will goto HIMSS for approval soon. He also noted that the long description from the showcase is being worked on and all looks great (professional quality).
- Reviewed Action Items. Changed the only action to note ‘Closed’ (Todd’s tiger team action).
- Program Activities: Updates to be provided tomorrow.
- Tiger Team Updates: We’ll just need to note tomorrow that we closed the action.
- For other business: Added Virtual F2F (September)? Discussion on how the virtual event might take place. We will discuss further on tomorrow’s call. Meeting dates look good. Michael to add future dates. Brief discussion on the recurring meetings. Currently we’re meeting on weeks 1, 2 and 4. Decided to add this to the agenda for tomorrow, to see if people would like to meet for DEV on the 3rd vs the 4th week.
7. Calendar - IHE Milestones
- Looks good, no changes. Reviewed due dates for white papers (request date). These are the dates we told Mary. The call for proposal and proposal deadlines need to be set (could be additional white papers and proposals). Action: Michael to help determine the date (probably the 21st for proposals for the next work cycle) and discuss with Paul.
8. Recruiting and Membership
- Nothing noted.
9. Action Items -
- Reviewed, no actions.
10. Additional Business
- No additional business noted.
11. Meeting Dates: Define Next Meeting Dates
- DEV Cochair August 25, 2020
- DEV Domain August 26, 2020
4 Other Business
- All



Next Meeting

- DEV Cochairs August 25, 2020, DEV Cochairs 2020-08-25 Webex
- DEV Domain (Joint) August 26, 2020 DEV Joint 2020-08-26 Webex

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