ITI Planning Co-Chair Role

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This page identifies the activities that the ITI Planning co-chairs are responsible for in order to manage the ITI Planning committee.

Selection of work items

A key responsibility, and most time consuming, is managing the selection of new work items. Steps include:

  • HIMSS sends a call for proposals to all IHE International members and national/regional committee for new work requests for ITI. The call for proposals is issued in July or August, the deadline for submissions is two weeks before the face-to-face ITI planning meeting. The wiki page "IHE International Call for Proposals - Timelines & Procedures" gives information related to proposals to potential submitters.
  • Collect submissions on the ftp site.Up to the deadline for submissions, the submitters send their brief IHE proposals to or to the ITI planning co-chairs email, if given during the announcement. The co-chairs place the proposals on the ftp site, in the appropriate directory for that year’s submissions. For the year 17, it is Note: The co-chairs have to make sure they are on the email list. This registration rarely happens automatically.
  • Schedule and prepare webinars. One week before the face-to-face meeting, the co-chairs schedule and prepare for webinars – work with HIMSS to select several 2 hours slots for webinars on the incoming proposals. The number of webinars depends on the number of proposals submitted. All Proposal authors are required to present a 15 min. summary of their Brief Proposal on one of these webinars. These webinars are decision meetings. The co-chairs have to prepare the agenda of each webinar with the items to be presented (the agenda of last year can used as a template and updated).
  • Lead webinars and post minutes. The purpose of the webinars is NOT to analyze the proposals but only to introduce the use case and concepts and identify areas of confusion, conflict or duplication. Those can be resolved before the in-person meeting, or be a point of discussion during the in-person meeting, depending on the preference of the proposal submitter. The goal of these webinars is to provide early feedback to the submitter, early understanding to committee members and results in a more effective in-person discussion. The quorum is 50% of voting. The co-chairs take the minutes and post them on the wiki.
  • Prepare the agenda for in-person meeting and post minutes. The agenda of last year can be used as a template and updated by co-chairs. The responsibilities during the meeting are the following:
    • Keep discussions on understanding use case and urgency of need. Try to limit discussion of how to solve the problem or debates on the value of one solution over another (these tasks are under the responsibility of the ITI Technical committee);
    • Provide clear minutes;
    • Make sure next steps are clear. Outcome of the meeting is a short list of proposals to be further reviewed by the ITI Technical committee. These proposals are refined, sometimes combined, adjusted to white papers, broken apart, withdrawn, moved to another IHE domain. Eventually a slate of candidates is agreed to and a vote is taken. Outcome of vote is discussed. Goal is to cut the full set up proposals into a list that is small enough that the ITI Technical committee has time to review each technically during their meeting. But not too small… relay on those co-chairs to tell you how long the list should be. This is a creative process sometimes, follow the lead of those who have been through it many times.
  • Communicate with the ITI Technical Committee co-chairs regarding the short list of selected proposals. Once the in-person meeting is over, document the meeting in minutes and communicate the short list for ITI Technical review to the ITI Technical co-chairs.
  • Participate in the ITI face to face Technical discussion, in-person. Arrange for a joint ITI Tech/ITI Plan discussion, often during the in-person ITI Tech meeting, where a final decision is made. Document the final decision and update the main ITI wiki page.

Keeping the Wiki pages up to date

Another key responsibility is keeping the IT_Infrastructure and the ITI planning committee wiki pages up to date.

IT Infrastructure page

The IT_Infrastructure page is the main page for the ITI domain. It contains the following sections.

  • Strategy and liaison activity with a link to the dedicated page.
  • IT Infrastructure committees with links to the dedicated pages of ITI planning and technical committees.
  • Current IT Infrastructure Profiles (in Final Text and Trial Implementation) with a link to the list of ITI and other IHE profiles. Every ITI profile has a corresponding wiki page providing an overview. It is the responsibility of the ITI Planning co-chairs to add entries when new profiles are created and update entries when it makes sense to do so. Note that only profiles are listed – supplements that update existing profiles do not get a wiki page but could be incorporated into the profiles they update.
  • Planning and development cycle. The Planning and Development Cycle table has to be:
    • initiated at the beginning of a new cycle with the planning and technical key dates;
    • updated, when needed, at any time during the cycle.
  • Demonstrations & Presentations. The calendar of events of the cycle year (connectathons, etc.) has to be updated at least at each new cycle.

ITI Planning committee main page

The ITI Planning Committee page has the three broad following sections:

  • Planning Committee "cycle year" work. This section redirects to:
    • The meeting information of the planning committee (both face to face and tcons). The page is then continually updated with agenda, minutes and tcon parameters of every meeting.
    • Work items to be developed, during the current cycle. Up to the deadline of the call for proposals of new items, this page has to be updated with potential new profiles and white paper proposals to be developed for the cycle.

At the beginning of a cycle, the pages of the previous cycle has to be archived and to be replaced by pages dedicated to this new cycle.

  • Governance, voting procedure and co-chair role. Under this term governance, this section describes in particular the modalities of membership and how people can be involved in the work of ITI (profile development, CP, decision meetings, etc.). It is completed by the voting rights, the current roster and a link to the page describing the role and activities of co-chairs of the ITI Planning Committee.
  • Archive. This section keeps in archive, all the work done during the past cycles as well as other references. The mains tasks to be done are at the beginning of each new cycle:
    • update the redirection to the meeting information and work items;
    • archive the items of the previous cycle.

See Also

Domain Planning Committee Cochair
