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*Sondra Renly-IHE Lab Technical Committee Co-Chair (IBM)
*Sondra Renly-IHE Lab Technical Committee Co-Chair (IBM Research)
*Andrea Pitkus- Secretary (CAP)
*Andrea Pitkus- Secretary (CAP)
*François Macary- IHE Lab Planning Committee Co-Chair (ASIP Sante)
*François Macary- IHE Lab Planning Committee Co-Chair (ASIP Sante)

Revision as of 11:51, 22 September 2010


  • Sondra Renly-IHE Lab Technical Committee Co-Chair (IBM Research)
  • Andrea Pitkus- Secretary (CAP)
  • François Macary- IHE Lab Planning Committee Co-Chair (ASIP Sante)
  • Ed Heierman (Abbott)
  • Andrzej Knafel (Roche)
  • Jean Benech (bioMerieux)


1. IICC Update

  • Ed met with IICC Executive Leadership Team and there was much interest in the connectathons.
  • Connectathons (Japan, Europe, North America). IHE provides a good overview in their online seminars. European connectathon is in April. North American connectathon is in January before the HIMSS Conference. Japanese connectathon has been in October. New profiles are usually tested first at the North American connectathon.
  • Question about changes to HL7 version 2 and its impact on the connectathon schedule. Which messages will require additional fields in HL7 version 2.8.
  • There was also discussion about showcases as well and understanding the difference from a connectathon. There is a desire to get the message out about these standards.
  • Jean Rhame (of AACC and IICC Chief Marketing Office) is working on the IICC website and can post IHE links. Ed will send Jean Sondra’s contact information.
  • Eric Olson will attend the Face to Face as well, but will only be able to attend the first day of the meetings.
  • Presentations about IHE are welcome. Let Sondra know if you will be presenting and need materials.

2. Face to Face meeting logistics

  • Application for IHE membership was submitted earlier this summer by Abbott. Application was approved and Abbott is now an offical IHE member.

3. Review agenda and documents for Face to Face Meeting

  • Agenda online reviewed. We can make modifications each day depending on people’s availability and progress. Much time has been set aside on the LDA proposals. There is a desire to have folks add as much as possible to the IHE wiki.
  • The use cases posted are those that are new to the LDA profile. For the Face to Face we will focus just on these use cases. Members of the IICC use case team will be attending the Face to Face: Jean Christophe, Jean Benech and Jordi Treserres (remotely).
  • Sample messages from existing interfaces are welcome for the discussion, especially for before and after examples of where the standard is extended.
  • The google groups Enhanced Use Case Messaging document is reviewed. Much work can be done on these documents prior to Technical framework 1 and 2.
  • Objective during Face to Face is alignment in content and uses cases. LDA used the original acknowledgement mode of HL7. It’s a use case, even though it’s not a use case workflow question. This will be addressed during the meeting.
  • Need a statement why this is a problem, what are the gaps, what the benefits are of the new system and how it will address the problem with a recommended solution.
  • Wiki needs to explain the use cases that have been identified so that everyone understands them. There are a number of folks who are unable to attend the Face to Face or the phone calls, so it allows those folks to contribute as well, especially when it comes to the public comment periods. It is also helpful for those who need to review topics again.
  • Logistically, breakfasts and lunches are provided. Dinners will be on your own. Please email Andrea any restaurant requests. There is a request for a group dinner, with each paying their way, on Thursday evening.

Action Items

1. Email to google group with links to webinars that would give background information on seminars and connectathons. (Completed 9/21/2010)

2. Hotel Confirmations to be sent to attendee's. (Completed 9/21/2010)

3. Post the HL7 O & O work group information on the IHE Lab wiki. (Completed 9/21/2010)

Next Call/Meeting

The next IHE Lab meeting will be the Face to Face meeting in Chicago begining September 30th and ending October 2nd. Please see the agenda for this meeting for dial-in information if you are not able to attend in person. Agenda