IHE Lab Meeting Minutes 07/19/2011

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  • Sondra Renly; srrenly@us.ibm.com (IBM, IHE LAB Technical Committee Co-chair)
  • Francois Macary (ASIP Sante, IHE Planning Committee Co-chair)
  • John Ritter (College of American Pathologists, IHE Lab Domain Secretary) jritter@cap.org
  • Jim Harrison,MD, PhD (CAP, University of Virginia)
  • Manuela Cirronis
  • Daniel Moncusi (Systelab Technologies)
  • Alessandro Sulis (CRS4, Italy – Sardinia)
  • Filip Migom (MIPS)
  • Francesca Frexia; francesca.frexia@gmail.com
  • Doug DeShazo (ACS)
  • Karen Witting; witting@us.ibm.com


1. Annual IHE ITI Committee Liaison Report (from ITI representative Karen Witting)

A. The purpose of the Information Technology Infrastructure (ITI) Committee Liaison is to convey the Lab Domain’s needs to the ITI Committee annually. (Note: Karen can offer an ITI Overview presentation upon request.) The ITI Committee’s goal is to build low-level infrastructure profiles for use (and re-use) within IHE’s clinical domains. For example, the ITI Committee is currently developing “base workflow” profile that can be used to help document various clinical workflows. A major intersection between the ITI Committee’s work and the IHE Lab Domain’s work appears in the ITI Technical Framework’s Appendix – which describes how HL7 Version 2 messaging is handled within IHE. Thus, for example, any change made to Appendix C of http://www.ihe.net/Technical_Framework/upload/IHE_ITI_TF_Rev7-0_Vol2x_FT_2010-08-10.pdf might impact messages being sent to, and received from, laboratories. Karen offered the Liaison report to the IHE Board (dated 2011-06-21), stating that the Lab Domain has an open call for proposals (closing 2011-07-07) and that our primary focus is currently the LAW profile. That report will be submitted to the ITI Committee. Note: ITI Liaison reports are located at: http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=ITI_Liaison_Reports

2. Incoming Change Proposals

A. Sondra moved the outstanding Change Proposals (namely, 168, 169, and 170) into the “completed” folder and created a ballot package. The intent is to ballot these CPs before the face-to-face meeting in Japan. Two vendors may need these CPs to connect their systems in the biggest European hospitals (Paris University Hospitals).
B. The IHE Lab Domain will likely be able to ballot all three CPs end of this month (July 2011).

3. Domain Proposals Update

A. Italy (Alessandro Sullies) offered a new proposal to extend the Laboratory Specimen Barcode Labeling (LBL) profile by tracking the workflow steps that occur (1) when a container is labeled and delivered for specimen collection, and (2) when a specimen is collected. The new proposal nearly contains sufficient details for meeting the requirements of a Supplement. Alessandro intends to implement the proposed transactions as a trial with his partnering organization(s).
B. USA (Jim Harrison) asked that the Lab Domain extend the time for submitting new proposals so that he might draft a brief proposal for a “Laboratory-Clinical Communications” profile. The profile would define laboratory testing –related transactions between LIS and EMR systems. Specifically: (1) Transactions that would handle Order modifications that might occur after a order is received, but before the test is done; and (2) Transactions that would handle problems that occur after a result is reported and that may require additional interpretation and/or communications. The College of American Pathologists would also like some time to identify industry and academic stakeholders who might be able to participate in this work-effort. The group welcomed the request and agreed to extend the deadline for profile proposal submissions to 2011-07-26. This approach will give members a week to review the draft before our next conference call.
C. Sondra will contact the Japanese directly regarding the proposals (if they are unable to attend the next call).
D. It would be good to identify particular groups who can implement the profiles (as a trial) and to encourage them to test the profiles at a Connectathon. Though identifying vendors is not a prerequisite for building the profile, the sooner identified – the sooner the Connectathon managers can develop a resourcing plan for the Connectathon.

4. LAW Profile

A. Question: What role does a “simulator” play in a Connectathon? If a given actor is missing during a Connectathon’s information-flow tests, then a “simulator” can fill the missing actor’s role. Thus, it would be good to check the list of registered participants for the upcoming European Connectathon to determine whether a simulator(s) might be needed to fill a void. Registration for the 2011 European Connectathon will occur in the November-December timeframe.

5.Face-to-Face meeting in Tokyo, Japan 2011-09-19 through 2011-09-21.

A. Naomi Ishii (Japan) sent an email on 2011-07-16 detailing the hours, location, hotel, etc. of the face-to-face meeting of the IHE Lab Domain. Hotel reservations are due to Naomi by 10 August 2011.
B. Attendees:
i. Filip Migom (Yes)
ii. Alessandro Sullies (Yes, and maybe others)
iii. CAP expects to send a representative who is ready and able to present the profile proposal
C. The group intends to work on the new profile proposals at the Face-to-Face meeting.

6. Actions Required

A. Sondra and John: Send the ballot of the “completed” CPs to the googlegroup by close-of-week 2011-07-22.
B. Sondra and John: To help insure quorum (if necessary), send reminders to the voters one week before the ballot closes.
C. Conduct a vote on 2 August 2011 to consider accepting a proposal for two extensions to the Laboratory Barcode Labeling profile.
D. Conduct a vote on 2 August 2011 to consider accepting a proposal for a “Laboratory-Clinical Communications” profile.
E. Sondra must ask Ed Heierman (IICC) to inform us during the next conference call whether IICC can guarantee that a sufficient set of actors has committed to participate in the European Connectathon. (If a given actor has not been identified, then a simulator must be created that can fill the void.)

7. Adjournment- The meeting adjourned at 9:50 AM Eastern U.S.

Next Call/Meeting

Next regularly scheduled IHE lab call will be held on Tuesday, August 2, 2011 from 9:00-10:00 AM (Eastern Time, NYC)