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Latest revision as of 09:54, 18 March 2019

Please note that the specific requirements for which tests must be run for a given connectathon are found in gazelle under menu Connectathon/Pre-Connectathon testing. The list on this page is not specific to any IHE connectathon.

Previous year's tests are documented here.

Testing HowTos

Some important topics on testing XDS:

How to report test results

How to assign patientIDs and uniqueIDs for tests

How to use the Public Registry including how to allocate unique patientIDs for tests.

Key to Codes

R - Require
O - Optional
MD - Required for Multiple Document Submission Option
DR - Required for Document Replacement Option
LC - Used for Document Life Cycle Management Option
F - Used for Folder Management Option
OL - Required for Offline Mode Option
ESO - Required if Embedded Repository accepts Provide and Register transaction (External Source Option)
A - Required if ATNA option implemented
C - Optional for ACC
Z - A test which is not yet available. It will be available later in the testing season. This code is frequently coupled with other codes such as:

Z/R - Will be required, but the test is not ready yet
Z/O - Will be an optional test, but it's not ready yet

D - Deprecated
CM - As directed by the Connectathon Manager
EDS - Required for External Document Source option
EDR - Required for External Document Repository option
IR - Required for Internal Repository option
QO - Required for Query Registry transaction option
BPPC - Required for BPPC Option
XDR - Required for XDR profile
XDM - Required for XDM profile

The test numbers are hyperlinks to the test descriptions. Tests where the test number is not a hyperlink are not ready yet.

Note on ATNA mutual TLS

XDS and ATNA related tests have been separated. Each XDS transaction has a list of tests to support it. They are listed below. Under each transaction is a single mutual TLS related test which demonstrates the ability to perform that transaction over mutual TLS.

Basic Communications and Tools

Test # Test Name Doc Src Doc Cons Registry Repository Src/Rep
11710 Connection + IP Registration DDDD
10511 XDS Patient Feed: A01 See MESA testkit
10512 XDS Patient Feed: A04 See MESA testkit
10513 XDS Patient Feed: A05 See MESA testkit
10514 XDS Patient Feed: A08 See MESA testkit
10515 XDS Patient Feed: A40 See MESA testkit
11717 Verify Mutual TLS connection with NIST DDDD
11720 Metadata Validation Tool DDDDD

Provide and Register Document Set (-a and -b)

XDS.a Test # XDS.b Test # Test Name Doc Src Doc Cons Registry Repository Src/Rep
11742 xxxxx Generate Basic Transport - Document Source D
11744 xxxxx Accept Basic Transport - Document Repository D
11746 12049 Submit One Document REDR
11743 12046 Provide and Register with mutual TLS A
11747 12047 Submit Two Documents MDMD+EDR
11728 11969 Create Folder FF
11729 11970 Create Folder with Initial Document FF
11730 11971 Add New Document to Existing Folder FF+EDS
11972 11973 Add Existing Document to Existing Folder FF+EDS
11748 11974 Replace Existing Document DRDR
11750 11975 Submit Transformation for Existing Document Z/OZ/O
11976 11977 Submit Addendum for Existing Document Z/OZ/O
11737 11978 Submit Add By-Reference to Submission Set Z/OZ/O
11827 11966 Accept Document R
11751 11979 Accept Two Documents REDS
11982 11983 Reject submissions where metadata and documents do not match R
12085 12086 Accept Document w mutual TLS R
11980 11981 Accept Document with size, hash and URI attributes DZ/EDS
11886 11968 Pass Arbitrary Metadata Z/RZ/EDS
11749 Life-cycle Management DD
11736 11736 Submit Replace/Transformation for Existing Document DD
11752 Provide Example Document DD
11763 Submit example HL7 Lab DD
11764 Submit example PDF DD
11765 Submit example Wrapped PDF DD
11766 Submit example XDS-MS/CDA R2 DD
11738 Submit via Offline Mode DD
11887 11986 Return Errors from Registry RZ/EDS
xxxxx xxxxx All times in metadata must be UTC DD
11952 Submit a Consent Document D
11953 Submit a Clinical Document D
12369 RepositoryMetadataError R

Register Document Set (-a and -b)

XDS.a Test # XDS.b Test # Test Name Doc Src Doc Cons Registry Repository Src/Rep
11721 Basic Transport D
11731 Register One Document DD
12320 Registry SOAP Pattern D
12321 Repository SOAP Pattern D
11732 Register Two Documents DD
11733 11990 Accept Register One Document R
11735 11991 Accept Register Two Documents R
11871 11992 Accept Document Replace R
12048 12022 Accept Document Replace, Addendum or Transformation present Z/R
11873 11993 Accept Document Addendum R
11874 11994 Accept Document Transformation R
11875 11995 Accept Document Replace with Transformation R
11876 11996 Reject Submission of Invalid Patient ID R
11877 11997 Reject Submission Set, Patient ID does not match Document R
11878 11998 Reject Submission, Patient ID on Replacement Document does not match Original R
11879 11999 Accept Create Folder R
11880 12000 Accept Create Folder with Initial Document R
11881 12001 Accept Add New Document to Folder R
12325 12326 Accept Existing Document to Existing Folder R
12322 12323 Manage Folder lastUpdateTime R
11882 12002 Reject Add Document to Folder - Patient ID does not match R
12324 12327 Accept Document Replace, Document in Folder R
11883 12084 Submission Stored - All or Nothing R
11884 12003 Accept Add By-Reference to Submission Set Z/R
11885 12004 Reject Duplicate Document uniqueID with Different Hash R
11740 12005 Accept Register with mutual TLS R
11953 Submit a Clinical Document D
11952 Submit a Consent Document D
11955 Accept Clinical Document referencing Consent D
12050 12051 Register One Document R
12052 12053 Register One Document with mutual TLS R
12054 12055 Register Two Documents O
12056 12057 Replace Existing Document Z/O
12058 12059 Transform Existing Document Z/O
12060 12061 Submit Addendum to Existing Document Z/O
12062 12063 Submit Add By-Reference to Submission Set Z/O
12064 12065 Create Folder Z/F
12066 12067 Create Folder with initial Document Z/F
12068 12069 Add New Document to Folder Z/F
12070 12071 Add Existing Document to Folder Z/F
12370 Association Documentation Classifications R

Query Transaction

XDS.a Test # XDS.b Test # Test Name Doc Src Doc Cons Registry Repository Src/Rep
11814 xxxxx Basic Transport DD
11801 xxxxx Query for ObjectRefs OO
11802 xxxxx Query for LeafClass OO
11910 xxxxx FindDocuments Query QO
11911 xxxxx FindSubmissionSets Query QO
11912 xxxxx FindFolders Query QO
11913 xxxxx GetAll Query QO
11914 xxxxx GetDocuments Query QO
11915 xxxxx GetFolders Query QO
11916 xxxxx GetAssociations Query QO
11917 xxxxx GetDocumentsAndAssociations Query QO
11918 xxxxx GetSubmissionSets Query QO
11919 xxxxx GetSubmissionSetAndContents Query QO
11920 xxxxx GetFolderAndContents Query QO
11921 xxxxx GetFoldersForDocument Query QO
11922 xxxxx GetRelatedDocuments Query QO
11923 xxxxx FindDocuments Query O
11924 xxxxx FindSubmissionSets Query O
11925 xxxxx FindFolders Query O
11926 xxxxx GetAll Query O
11927 xxxxx GetDocuments Query O
11928 xxxxx GetFolders Query O
11929 xxxxx GetAssociations Query O
11930 xxxxx GetDocumentsAndAssociations Query O
11931 xxxxx GetSubmissionSets Query O
11932 xxxxx GetSubmissionSetAndContents Query O
11933 xxxxx GetFolderAndContents Query O
11934 xxxxx GetFoldersForDocument Query O
11935 xxxxx GetRelatedDocuments Query O
11803 xxxxx FindDocuments Query DD
11804 xxxxx FindSubmissionSets Query DD
11805 xxxxx FindFolders Query DD
11806 xxxxx GetAll Query DD
11893 xxxxx GetDocuments Query DD
11888 xxxxx GetFolders Query DD
11889 xxxxx GetAssociations Query DD
11891 xxxxx GetDocumentsAndAssociations Query DD
11892 xxxxx GetSubmissionSets Query DD
11894 xxxxx GetSubmissionSetAndContents Query DD
11895 xxxxx GetFolderAndContents Query DD
11810 xxxxx GetFoldersForDocument Query DD
11896 xxxxx GetRelatedDocuments Query DD
11741 xxxxx Query with mutual TLS AA
11807 xxxxx GetDocument Query DD
11808 xxxxx GetSubmissionSetContents Query DD
11809 xxxxx GetFolderContents Query DD
11811 xxxxx GetAddendums Query DD
11812 xxxxx GetHistory Query DD
11813 xxxxx GetTransformations Query DD

Stored Query Transaction

XDS.a Test # XDS.b Test # Test Name Doc Src Doc Cons Registry Repository Src/Rep
11814 11814 Basic Transport DD
11949 11949 Stored Query for ObjectRefs DD
11950 11950 Stored Query for LeafClass DD
12347 11897 FindDocuments Stored Query R
12348 11898 FindSubmissionSets Stored Query R
12349 11899 FindFolders Stored Query R
11900 11900 GetAll Stored Query Z/R
12350 11901 GetDocuments Stored Query R
12351 11902 GetFolders Stored Query R
12352 11903 GetAssociations Stored Query R
12353 11904 GetDocumentsAndAssociations Stored Query R
12354 11905 GetSubmissionSets Stored Query R
12355 11906 GetSubmissionSetAndContents Stored Query R
12356 11907 GetFolderAndContents Stored Query R
12357 11908 GetFoldersForDocument Stored Query R
12358 11909 GetRelatedDocuments Stored Query R
12363 12363 Demonstrate use of at least one Stored Query R
11936 11936 FindDocuments Stored Query O
11937 11937 FindSubmissionSets Stored Query O
11938 11938 FindFolders Stored Query O
11939 11939 GetAll Stored Query O
11940 11940 GetDocuments Stored Query O
11941 11941 GetFolders Stored Query O
11942 11942 GetAssociations Stored Query O
11943 11943 GetDocumentsAndAssociations Stored Query O
11944 11944 GetSubmissionSets Stored Query O
11945 11945 GetSubmissionSetAndContents Stored Query O
11946 11946 GetFolderAndContents Stored Query O
11947 11947 GetFoldersForDocument Stored Query O
11948 11948 GetRelatedDocuments Stored Query O
11741 11741 Query with mutual TLS AA
11954 11954 Query for a Consent protected Clinical Document D
11957 11957 Accept Query requiring Consent filtering D
11958 11958 Accept Query bypassing Consent filtering D
11960 11960 Consent Revocation D
11961 11961 Consent Expiration D
12342 Stored Query in the presence of XCA R
12368 Result not single patient error R

Retrieve Document Transaction

XDS.a Test # Test Name Doc Src Doc Cons Registry Repository Src/Rep
11734 Retrieve Document O
11739 Retrieve Document with TLS O
12024 Accept Retrieve Document R
12026 Accept Retrieve Document with mutual TLS Z/A
12045 Accept Retrieve Document R
12043 Accept Retrieve Document with mutual TLS Z/A
12359 XDS.a Retrieve mimetype R
12362 XDS.a vs XDS.b Retrieve D

Retrieve Document Set Transaction

XDS.b Test # Test Name Doc Src Doc Cons Registry Repository Src/Rep
12023 Retrieve Documents R
12020 Retrieve Documents with TLS R
12029 Accept Retrieve Document Set – single document RR
12021 Accept Retrieve Document Set – two documents RR
12028 Accept Retrieve Document Set with Mutual TLS A
12038 Accept Retrieve Document Set – single document R
12037 Accept Retrieve Document Set – two documents R
12083 Accept Retrieve Document Set with Mutual TLS A
12343 Retrieve Documents in the presence of XCA R
12360 XDS.b Retrieve mimetype R
12362 XDS.a vs XDS.b Retrieve R

Load Test Data

Test Data Description

XDS.a Test # XDS.b Test # Test Name Doc Src Doc Cons Registry Repository Src/Rep
11890 12346 Registry Test data R
12328 12345 Repository & Registry Test data R


Document Source actor tests

Test Status Description Purpose
12049 Ready Submit one document via XDS.b or XDR Issue Provide and Register transaction to a Document Recipient.
12046 Ready Submit one document via XDR over TLS Repeat test 12049 over TLS.
12047 Ready Submit two documents via XDR Issue Provide and Register transaction to a Document Recipient containing two documents.
12378 Ready Validate XDR Provide and Register transaction with Limited or Full Metadata against Message Validator Validate XDR Provide and Register transaction with Limited or Full Metadata against Message Validator

Document Recipient actor tests

Test Status Description Purpose
12371 Ready Accept one document via XDR
12372 Ready Accept one document via XDR over TLS Repeat test 12371 over TLS.
12373 Ready Accept two documents via XDR Accept Provide and Register transaction as a Document Recipient containing two documents.
12375 Ready Accept XDR Provide and Register.b with Limited Metadata Accept Provide and Register transaction as a Document Recipient. Metadata objects conform to Limited Metadata requirements and are properly labeled.
12376 Ready Accept XDR Provide and Register.b with Limited Metadata but without Limited Metadata Label Accept Provide and Register transaction as a Document Recipient. Metadata objects conform to Limited Metadata requirements and are not properly labeled.


Portable Media Creator actor tests

Test Status Description Purpose
12377 Ready Validate XDM Zip format against Message Validator Validate XDM Zip format against Message Validator


Tests for XCA are documented the following pages:

Initiating Gateway (XCA)

Test Status Description Purpose
12300 Ready FindDocuments XGQ for LeafClass Issue FindDocuments XGQ requesting LeafClass (full metadata) be returned. This test will return metadata for two documents, a small one and a large one.
12319 Not Ready FindDocuments XGQ returns metadata from multiple Receiving Gateways Issue FindDocuments XGQ requesting LeafClass (full metadata) be returned. The returned metadata represents content from multiple Gateways
12301 Ready Cross Gateway Retrieve of a single document Issue Cross Gateway Retrieve for a single document based on metadata returned in test 12300. There are two steps inside this test. The first one retrieves the small document from test 12300, the second retrieves the large one.
12302 Ready FindDocuments XGQ over TLS Repeat test 12300 over TLS
12303 Ready Cross Gateway Retrieve over TLS Repeat test 12301 over TLS
12304 Not Ready Audit of FindDocuments XGQ Generate audit log submission for FindDocuments XGQ
12305 Not Ready Audit of Cross Gateway Retrieve Generate audit log submission for Cross Gateway Retrieve
12306 Ready FindDocuments XGQ for ObjectRef Issue FindDocuments XGQ requesting ObjectRefs be returned
12307 Ready GetDocuments XGQ for LeafClass Issue GetDocuments XGQ using ObjectRefs returned in test 12306 to get full metadata for documents
12308 Ready Retrieve multiple documents Retrieve two documents based on metadata returned in test 12300

Responding Gateway (XCA)

Test Status Description Purpose
12318 Ready Test initialization Establish test data in systems behind Receiving Gateway
12309 Ready FindDocuments XGQ for ObjectRef Accept FindDocuments Cross Gateway Query requesting ObjectRefs be returned. Depends on test 12318 to initialize the data.
12310 Ready FindDocuments XGQ for LeafClass Accept FindDocuments Cross Gateway Query requesting LeafClass (full metadata) be returned
12311 Ready GetDocuments XGQ for LeafClass Accept GetDocuments Cross Gateway Query using ObjectRefs returned in test 12309 to get full metadata for documents
12312 Ready Retrieve single document Accept request for the retrieval of a single document based on metadata returned in test 12311
12313 Ready Retrieve multiple documents Accept request for the retrieval of two documents based on metadata returned in test 12311
12314 Ready FindDocuments XGQ over TLS Repeat test 12309 over TLS
12315 Ready Retrieve Single Document over TLS Repeat test 12312 over TLS
12316 Not Ready Audit of FindDocuments XGQ Generate audit log submission for FindDocuments Cross Gateway Query
12317 Not Ready Audit of Cross Gateway Retrieve Generate audit log submission for Cross Gateway Retrieve


Notes for asynchronous web services can be found here.


Actor Transaction Test number
Document Registry Stored Query 12331
Document Registry Register.b 12334
Document Repository Provide and Register.b 12333
Document Repository Register.b 12333
Document Repository Retrieve Document Set 12335
Document Source Provide and Register.b 12338
Document Consumer Stored Query 12339
Responding Gateway Cross-Gateway Query 12336
Responding Gateway Cross-Gateway Retrieve 12337
Initiating Gateway Cross-Gateway Query 12340
Initiating Gateway Cross-Gateway Retrieve 12341

Multi-Patient Query

Actor What Test number
Document Registry Load test data for FindDocumentsForMultiplePatients 12361
Document Registry Test FindDocumentsForMultiplePatients 12364
Document Consumer Test FindDocumentsForMultiplePatients 12366

Metadata Update

Actor tested Test Test number
Document Registry Simple DocumentEntry Update 15800
Document Administrator Simple DocumentEntry Update 15801
Document Registry Update DocumentEntry Status 15802
Document Administrator Update DocumentEntry Status 15803