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Revision as of 14:32, 9 December 2008 by McCaffrey (talk | contribs) (Issue: Schematron rule misfiring...)
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This text needs to be fixed-->>

The schematron asserts:

  <assert test='.//cda:templateId[@root = ""]'> 
    <!-- Alert on any missing required if known elements -->
    Warning: The  Antepartum History and Physical Document should contain a(n) Enthnicity Entry.

The templateId is empty which means the rule will never be satisfied. However, we aren't sure that there *is* a correct template ID for ethnicity information. Usually such information is not in an entry, but in an ethnicGroupCode under patient (/cda:ClinicalDocument/cda:recordTarget/cda:patientRole/cda:patient/cda:ethnicGroupCode) Instead, we believe the assert should be:

  <assert test='/cda:ClinicalDocument/cda:recordTarget/cda:patientRole/cda:patient/cda:ethnicGroupCode'>
      Warning: The  Antepartum History and Physical Document should contain
      ethnicity information.
