SDC@IHE WP WebEx 2019-05-23
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NOTE: This is the first pre-Kick Off WebEx. The focus will be on next steps before work begins in earnest on the white paper.
- Level Setting Q&A
- Process & Timeline
- Template & Initial Outline
- Background / Source Materials to Consider
- Building the SDC@IHE Community
- Next Steps
- 2019-05-30 Agenda
NOTE: This was a pre-Kick-off meeting that was set up less than a week ago with notifications days ago.
- Todd Cooper( HL7 / Trusted Solutions ), John Rhoads( Philips ), Stefan Schlichting( Dräger /, Paul Sherman( IHE PCD Program Manager), Amit Trivedi( HIMSS )
Discussion Notes
Most notes / updates will be made directly to the DRAFT WHITE PAPER.
IHE White Paper Process (John Rhoads)
The process for developing and publishing an IHE white paper is as follows:
- The go-ahead from the committees ( what you just got)
- There is a defined Word template where the templates are on the FTP site.
- Notification to publication department a/k/a Mary Jungers when you want to give it to her to issue for Public Comment
- Have the TC and PC look at it when ready and approve issuing for Public Comment
- 30-day Public Comment period
- Deal with any comments and edit in any desired changes based on comments
- Relabel without the Public Comment label
- Send to Mary as done
- Mary gets it onto
The group reviewed the process and agreed without change.
Proposed Timeline
Based on the process an "aggressive but doable" timeline was agreed:
2019-JUL-15 Circulate draft white paper for IHE PCD internal public comment approval 2019-JUL-22 Submit to IHE Documentation Publication Specialist 2019-JUL-31 Publish White Paper for public comment 2019-AUG Public Comment Period 2019-SEP Comment resolution & finalization (incl. at HL7 X73 WGM in Atlanta, GA) 2019-SEP-23 Submit to IHE Documentation Publication Specialist for final preparation 2019-SEP-30 Publish Final White Paper (with proposed roadmap & timeline) 2019-OCT-15 IHE PCD action roadmap at "fall" F2F at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL
Note: Timeline has been updated per feedback from IHE Document Publication specialist.
Reviewed Initial SDC@IHE Wiki Pages
The group reviewed the following initial-draft wiki pages for this initiative:
- SDC@IHE Initiative home / landing page
- SDC@IHE White Paper
- The WebEx wiki page layout - exemplified by this page
Background / Source Materials
The existing IHE PCD DPI materials, SDC overview / standards / etc. will be used as initial source materials.
Stefan suggested the following references be included on the landing page and / or in the document:
- SDC Conformanc Principles Document (PDF)/
- SDC "surgitaix" open source (github)
- SDC Wikipedia Article (English) ] & (German Version)
- Links to IEEE 11073 SDC standards:
Community Building
A key aspect of this first SDC@IHE Initiative task is to build the international community that will take the proposed roadmap forward into 2020 and beyond. Key discussion points included:
- 1. "Cast a wide net!" - This acute care device-to-device SME / stakeholder community has not been actively involved in IHE PCD in the last 10+ years, given the primary focus on device-to-enterprise integration (with profiles such as DEC, PIV, ACM, IPEC, etc.). In issuing a call for participation, it should go out to the broader non-current IHE member communities.
- 2. Collaboration Tools - Though an initial set of traditional IHE collaboration tools have been confirmed for this stage in the initiative, it is recognized that they are considerably far behind the curve - expectations of new participants + the ability to recruit may be impacted directly by the look-and-feel as well as capabilities of the collaboration tooling which is used; this is a discussion that has been occuring
- It was pointed out that given the fact that many participants are simultaneously engaged at HL7 and IHE, leveraging tools like Confluence & JIRA is a very strong plus, reducing cognitive dissonance and increasing productivity;
- Continua also has a collaboration platform (Causeway) that may be leveraged for use in IHE and IHE PCD
- NOTE: That in the HL7 FHIR community, there are different tools for different constituencies, especially for those who are collaborating on the FHIR implementation vs. FHIR standards development side of the effort. This may also be the case for the different constituencies in an IHE SDC Community.
- 3. Initial SDC@IHE recruitment should target IHE PCD, members, Devices on FHIR list
- 4. Once a "decent" draft is ready (early June target), additional invites should be sent to:
- IHE International - broader announcement / story, Call
- AAMI Interoperability Standards Group (Next meeting) - update AAMI staff now
- ACCE Community (Paul Sherman task)
- ISO/TC215 (WG2 & JWG7) - SDC has been presented to these groups, both from an interoperability and an "interoperability trust" (risk management) perspective
Action Items
- (Todd) Ask Mary J. re. Google doc "template" for white papers & update initial document + give Mary heads up on timeline + how can we make it easy for editing / publication
- (Todd) Update wiki pages with Stefan's references above
- (Todd) Update Google doc with outline - adding initial mostly explanatory content
- (Todd) Issue a Call for Participation to IHE PCD PC & TC groups, as well as Devices on FHIR (IHE/HL7/Continua) group
- (Stefan) Forward Call to and other SDC communities of interest
- (Amit) Forward Call to HIMSS / PCHAlliance / Continua community - this is generally out of scope for their interests, but not for many of their companies
IHE Surgery has also indicated to Stefan their support for and interest in this initiative.