Rad Tech Minutes 2016-11-01 to 2016-11-04

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(Number in parentheses is cumulative total hours for week)

Tuesday, Nov 1, 2015: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm CST

08:00-08:30: Breakfast, Welcome, Agenda Review
Kinson Ho, McKesson
Wim Corbijn, Philips
Michael Bohl, Radiology Group Imaging
Antje Schroeder, Siemens
Robert Lapp, Siemens
Tim Stick, AAPM
Shuai Leng, AAPM
Dianna Cody, AAPM
Rob Bour, AAPM
Kevin O'Donnell, Toshiba
Yasunari Shiokawa (Salt), Toshiba
Rob Horn, Agfa
Hamid Neshat, Agfa
Chris Carr, RSNA
Mauro Zanardini, Arsenal IT
David Kwan, CCO
Krishna Juluru, MD, Memorial Sloan Department of Radiology
Nabila Sobhy, Memorial Sloan Department of Radiology
Balaji Raman, GE
Thomas Jumpertz, i-SOLUTIONS
Teri Sippel Schmidt, Karos Health
Steve Langer, Mayo
Nichole Drye-Mayo, RSNA


08:30-10:00: Enterprise Scanner Protocol Management (1.5)
Managing the set of protocols on the scanners
Multi-phase approach
Some Open Issues
Should collection of protocols onto the Protocol Manager be push, pull, or both?
What functions, if any, should be required on the Protocol Manager?
What behaviors should be required/recommended on the modality for "unapproved" protocols?
Copy of this doc can be found in FTP folder.
Will begin working through open issues at 12:30pm
10:00-12:00: XRR-WD (2)
Goal is to have this publication ready for Trial Implementation
12:00-12:30: Lunch
12:30-14:30: Enterprise Scanner Protocol Management (3.5)
Reviewed open issues
Pick up tomorrow on open issue 5.
14:30-16:30: Critical Finding Follow-up and Communication (2)
Discussion of 3 use cases.
Make sure that follow up occurs.
Homework for tonight: Steve will sketch up some transactions for tomorrow.
16:30-17:30: Technical Framework Maintenance (1)
CP: Update MHD-I to Match MHD and FHIR STU3
Main changes under editorial notes.

Wednesday, Nov 2, 2015: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm CST

08:00-08:30: Breakfast, Welcome, Agenda Review
Kinson Ho, McKesson
Wim Corbijn, Philips
Michael Bohl, Radiology Imaging Group
Teri Sippel Schmidt, Karos Healthcare
Mauro Zanardini, Arsenal IT
Steve Langer, Mayo
Balaji Raman, GE
Charles Parisot, GE
Kevin O'Donnell, Toshiba
Yasunari Shiokawa (Salt), Toshiba
Tim Stick, AAPM
Antje Schroeder, Siemens
Hamid Neshat, Agfa
Rob Horn, Agfa
Thomas Jumpertz, i-SOLUTIONS
Lynne Felhofer, Radiology TPM
David Kwan, CCO
Nichole Drye-Mayo, RSNA


08:30-09:30: Enterprise Scanner Protocol Management (4.5)
Draft transactions but keep as open issue.
09:30-11:00: Critical Finding Follow-up and Communication (3.5)
Discussion. Notes captured in document.
11:00-12:00: Enterprise Scanner Protocol Management (5.5)
Discussion. Notes captured in document.
12:00-12:30: Lunch
12:30-14:30: XRR-WD (4)
Discussion. Notes captured in document
14:30-16:30: Critical Finding Follow-up and Communication (5.5)
Discussion. Notes captured in document.
16:30-17:30: XRR-WD (5)
Discussion. Notes captured in document.

Thursday, Nov 3, 2015: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm CST

08:00-08:30: Breakfast, Welcome, Agenda Review

Thursday, Nov 3, 2015: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm CST

08:00-08:30: Breakfast, Welcome, Agenda Review
Kinson Ho, McKesson
Wim Corbijn, Philips
Michael Bohl, Radiology Imaging Group
Teri Sippel Schmidt, Karos Healthcare
Mauro Zanardini, Arsenal IT
Steve Langer, Mayo
Brad Erickson, Mayo
Kevin O'Donnell, Toshiba
Yasunari Shiokawa (Salt), Toshiba
Tim Stick, AAPM
Antje Schroeder, Siemens
Rob Horn, Agfa
Hamid Neshat, Agfa
David Kwan, CCO
Thomas Jumpertz, i-SOLUTIONS
Lynne Felhofer, Radiology TPM
Chris Carr, RSNA
Nichole Drye-Mayo, RSNA
08:30-09:30: Enterprise Scanner Protocol Management (6.5)
Discussion. Notes captured in document.
What do we expect to see at the next meeting for this document to move forward?
Next meeting: Expectation is to show up with a fully written profile that we will be sending out for Public Comment. ::All Volume 1, transactions written up. OK to have open issues.
Tcon schedule: mid-December; mid-January call
09:30-11:00: Standardized Operational Log of Events (1.5)
11:00-12:00: Critical Finding Follow-up and Communication (6.5)
12:00-12:30: Lunch
  • At the end of the kickoff meeting the TC will record in the minutes a risk assessment of each workitem.
  • The goal of the assessment will be to identify risk items that would threaten the successful completion of the workitem, such as:
    • unresolved technical issues
    • overambitious scope
    • missing expertise or vendor participation
    • etc.
    • (Lets expand this list of potential risk items into a “checklist” of things to think about like for the Final Text and Retirement evaluations)
  • It will be the responsibility of the Profile Editor to lead resolution of these risk items before/at the Public Comment preparation meeting.
  • Resolution may involve:
    • Scheduling additional Tcons to complete the technical discussion
    • Reducing the scope of the profile to fit within the allocated % bandwidth
    • Including open issues in the PC Profile draft for wider comment (generally for issues that would not radically change the profile)
    • Changing the workitem from a profile to a whitepaper to explore the solution space if it is not ready for profiling.
    • Hopefully the whitepaper work is solid enough that it will be ready to profile and the same proposal will be selected again next year
    • Dismissing the workitem as not ready for profiling in the forseeable future.
12:30-14:30: Standardized Operational Log of Events (3.5)
Discussion. Notes captured in document.
14:30-16:00: XRR-WD (6.5)
Discussion. Notes captured in document.
16:00-17:30: Critical Finding Follow-up and Communication (8)
Discussion. Notes captured in document.
Action: Needs a phone call next week. Steve will provide some times and Nichole will send Doodle Poll.

Friday, Nov 4, 2015: 8.00 am - 3:00 pm CST

08:00-08:30: Breakfast, Welcome, Agenda Review
Kinson Ho, McKesson
Wim Corbijn, Philips
Elliot Silver, McKesson
Mauro Zanardini, Arsenal IT
Brad Erickson, Mayo
Steve Langer, Mayo
Kevin O'Donnell, Toshiba
Yasunari Shiokawa (Salt), Toshiba
Antje Schroeder, Siemens
Hamid Neshat, Agfa
Rob Horn, Agfa
Lynne Felhofer, Radiology TPM
Nichole Drye-Mayo, RSNA


IHE RAD CP Tracking
Edits made directly in spreadsheet
08:00-10:00: Standardized Operational Log of Events (5)
Discussion. Notes captured in document.
10:00-11:00: Technical Framework Maintenance (2.5)
11:00-12:00: Standardized Operational Log of Events (6)
Discussion. Notes captured in document.
12:00-12:30: Working Lunch with Scheduling
12:30-14:00: XRR-WD (8)
Discussion. Notes captured in document.
14:00-15:00: Technical Framework Maintenance (3)

Scope for Maintenance

Post-Kickoff Risk Assessments

  • FUNC Profile
    • Describe Use Case coverage gaps
      • Need more use case details e.g. escalation paths to confirm practicality
    • Describe Unresolved Technical Issues/Tasks
      • Choose mechanism for one or two transactions
      • Update actor/transaction diagram and swimlane diagram to reflect conclusions
      • Finalize payload descriptions for each transaction
      • Address dealing with messages across out-of-network boundaries
    • Describe potential practical issues
      • Security concerns and red-tape could be a roadblock and hamper uptake
        • Might be OK since such concerns are less for in-network and profile would be useful even if just in-network
      • Leaving the last mile of notification undefined is not unreasonable but is still a risk
      • Contact list management will be challenging
    • Does the open issue list feel complete
    • Which open issues feel most risky
    • How is the work fitting in the allocated bandwidth?
      • A bit tight but not seriously
    • How does the scope feel?
      • pretty reasonable – not too broad, and little scope creep seen
    • If you had to reduce scope, what would you drop?
    • Have the promised resources manifested?
    • What tasks would benefit from additional expertise?
      • Need to validate our technical conclusions with clinicians (Tessa and others)
    • What vendors are engaged for each actor?
      • Would be good to get some Reporter and Source actor implementers to stand up
      • MACM has some reporter uptake but we haven’t reached out yet.
    • How many tcons would you like between now and the PC Prep Meeting?

  • SOLE Profile
    • Describe gaps in Use Case coverage
      • Needs image acquisition case
      • Needs text to go with diagrams
    • Describe unresolved technical issues/tasks
      • Definition completion of events and detailed payloads
      • Clarify meanings of times (actual, detected, logged, reported, etc.)
      • Confirm selected baseline events
      • Detailed description of transaction mechanisms
    • Describe potential practical issues
      • simple vs complex consumer clients scope creep
      • PHI concerns do affect event description choices
      • Uptake and will be challenging to get participation by reporters
        • Profile will have value with just subset of participants installed, some particular participants will be high payoff.
    • Does the open issue list feel complete
      • Good start, may have more
    • Which open issues feel most risky
      • Issues 5, 6
    • How is the work fitting in the allocated bandwidth? (Time to spare? Just right? Things were left undone?)
      • Tight but reasonable
      • Biggest risk is discovering a landmine/major issue defining events.
    • How does the scope feel? (Room to expand? Just right? Pretty ambitious?)
      • Feels reasonable
    • If you had to reduce scope, what would you drop?
      • Mobile reporter support
      • Problematic events
    • Have the promised resources manifested?
      • Some scheduling conflicts
    • What tasks would benefit from additional expertise?
      • Event description may pull in more SIIM/RADLEX participants
      • Mobile experts
    • What vendors are engaged for each actor?
      • Repository: Agfa, Karos/Vital, Forecare?
      • Consumer (Dashboards): new, Montage?, Vital?
      • Reporters (RIS/EMR): ***
      • Reporters (VNA/Archive/Image Manager): Karos/Vital, Agfa, Sectra?
      • Reporters (Modalities): GE?, Philips?, Siemens?, etc?
    • How many tcons would you like between now and the PC Prep Meeting?
      • 3 doing event description completion mid-december, early-jan, early-feb
      • 1 full review before pc

Radiology Technical Committee