Pharm Tech Minutes 2009.11.26

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  • Co-chairs : election results
  • EpSOS meeting : feed-back
  • White paper : updates
  • Next Steps


  • Simon Letellier, EAHP, France
  • Michael Sprenger, Nictiz, The Netherlands
  • Jacqueline Surugue, IHE-Europe Steering Committee, France
  1. Jurgen Brandstaetter, CodeWerk Software Services and Development GmbH, Austria
  2. Nicolas Canu, Phast, France


Geert Claeys, Agfa Healthcare, Belgium is missing this call.

Co-chairs elections

Election: IHE Pharmacy co-chairs election

21 registred IHE International organization delegates. 14 voters

Vendor Co-Chair election:

   * Franz Pfeifer: 13
   * Blank: 1

User Co-Chair election:

   * Jacqueline Surugue: 14
   * Blank: 0 

Congratulations to the new co-chairs!

White paper update v1.2

All IHE Pharmacy are in the FTP folder : Login is still the same : username :iheyr2 and password : interop.

We have to include the comments from the Pharmazeutische Gehaltskasse für Österreich.

J. Surugue have some proposals to improve the readability of the White Paper. White paper documents will be updated on the IHE FTP.

epSOS feed back

It's mainly on fonctional requirements for patient summary with cross-border use cases.

The semantic group is an important group. His work will be revelant Guidelines implementation will be produce. This work is linked to IHE Europe, and will use the IHE test tools, and a validation in Connectathon. Charles Parisot is involve in the semantic group and will be our contact.

Next steps

  • Create a first profile

Franz suggest to start with a core group. Follow in European countries the accreditation processes on health-care softwares. Ex. ask HAS in France for softwares names

Need to find more companies that will test the profiles in the pharmacy domain. It's one of the current main tasks. many companies are local/national players. Some explanations and advertisements need to be done on the IHE validation process. Mainly, messages of the profiles will be HL7 standard based, and are open to others existing standards.

  • Next meeting is planned next year (1st Thursday of the month), January 7th 2010 14:00-> 15:00.
  • A face to face meeting will be scheduled.