PCD RTM Vent Modes

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Ventilator Operational Mode Semantic Model

A key item in the Vent TG's discussion is to identify the core semantic components that make up a ventilator's operational modality. This in turn can be used to organize a device's settings, waveform annotations, etc. It is understood that the actual labels associated to a given mode will vary from vendor's device to device, and should eventually be harmonized with related activities such as the work being done within ISO TC121/SC 3/JWG 1 (Joint with IEC/SC62D) Critical Care Ventilators. Component semantics should be flexible enough to support all of these usages, though.

Note: This is also intended to result in an update to the existing ventilator operational modality terminology standard contained in ISO/IEEE 11073-10101 Health informatics - Point-of-care medical device communication - Nomenclature document.

The following table illustrates the current model being proposed:

Vent Mode Semantic Components Table

Ventilatator Operational Mode Attributes
Atrribute Description Discussion
Patient Interface <general semantic attribute description>
Delivery Method <general semantic attribute description>
Option(PP-Positive Pressure):
Option(NP-Negative Pressure):
Option(HF-High Frequency):
Breathing Pattern <general semantic attribute description>
Option(CMV-Continuous Mandatory Ventilation):
Option(IMV-Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation):
Option(CSV-Continuous Spontaneous Ventilation):
Breath Shape <general semantic attribute description>
Option(PF-Pressure transitioning to Flow):
Option(FP-Flow transitioning to Pressure):
Option(V-Volume...integral of flow):
  • Is BreathShape::Time redundant since time is ALWAYS a component?
Adaptive Targets <general semantic attribute description>
Option(NOS-Not Otherwise Specified):
Option(MMV-Mandatory Minute Volume):
Option(EtO2-Control for O2 content):
Option(EtCO2-Control for CO2 content):
Assist Augmentation <general semantic attribute description>
Note: During the 2008-05-15 WebEx it was decided to add another Attribute to this table - "Assist/Support Breath Augmentation" (final name TBD).

Reference Documents

RTM Vent Page Background Materials and Suggested References List
Aphorisms of Mode Classification (Chatburn, 2008.06.23)
Analysis of Aphorisms (Chatburn, 2008-06-02 tcon)
Breath Mode Taxonomy (Weismann, 2008.06.22)
Breath Model Taxonomy- Excel (Weismann, 2008.06.22 tcon)
Furniss ventilator mode discussion document

Mode Issues / Action Items List

The following table captures the current issues that need to be resolved regarding the above model:

Item Submitters Attr Topic Description Discussion/Disposition
1 Berryhill Breath Shape PF or is it really PV? Mark wanted to know if the BREATH SHAPE item should be classified as Pressure-Flow or Pressure-Volume. In his opinion, in a volume assured breath, you set the pressure, then maintain a flow until you reach the assured volume-Joel .
2 tbd . . . .

Mode Mapping Sandboxes

The table below may be used to try out mapping specific vent modes (real modes provided on real vents!) and to discuss issues with the model above - gaps, adjustments, etc.

NOTE: A sample table has been provided - copy that heading and table and then use it as a sandbox for your own mappings.

Mode Sandbox Table: (Sample)

Mode Name P/I D/M B/P B/S A/T B/M Description/Notes
High Freq IV HF n/a n/a n/a n/a ...
tbd tbd tbd . . . . ...