PCD Brief Profile Proposal 2008 DPI-DR

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1. Proposed Workitem: Device Point-of-care Integration - Data Reporting (DPI-DR)

  • Proposal Editor: Todd Cooper
  • Editor: <Name of candidate Lead Editor for the Profile, if known>
  • Date: N/A (Wiki keeps history)
  • Version: N/A (Wiki keeps history)
  • Domain: PCD

2. The Problem

Within the framework of Device Point-of-Care Integration (DPI) profiles, a basic function is for one device to report its information to another. This information reporting includes not only parametric information (e.g., heart rate), but operational settings, alarm conditions, waveforms, and device configuration.

This profile shall support those functions needed to support basic data reporting by systems in a DPI network.

3. Key Use Case

<Describe a short use case scenario from the user perspective. The use case should demonstrate the integration/workflow problem.>

<Feel free to add a second use case scenario demonstrating how it “should” work. Try to indicate the people/systems, the tasks they are doing, the information they need, and hopefully where the information should come from.>

4. Standards & Systems

1. ISO/IEEE 11073 standards for medical device communication
2. CEN 13735 (currently being migrated to ISO/IEEE 11073 standards).

5. Discussion

1. This profile is one of a set of DPI profiles. It is directly dependent on the DPI-DnA profile (proposed).