PCC TF-2/Transactions

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IHE Transactions

This section defines each IHE transaction in detail, specifying the standards used, and the information transferred.

XD* Content Transactions

At present, all transactions used by the PCC Content Profiles appear in ITI TF-2. General Options defined in content profiles for a Content Consumer are described below.

Content Consumer Options

View Option

A Content Consumer that supports the View Option shall be able to:

  1. Use the appropriate XD* transactions to obtain the document along with associated necessary metadata.
  2. Render the document for viewing. This rendering shall meet the requirements defined for CDA Release 2 content presentation semantics (See Section 1.2.4 of the CDA Specification: Human readability and rendering CDA Documents). CDA Header information providing context critical information shall also be rendered in a human readable manner. This includes at a minimum the ability to render the document with the stylesheet specifications provided by the document source, if the document source provides a stylesheet (see PCC TF-2: Content Consumers may optionally view the document with their own stylesheet, but must provide a mechanism to view using the source stylesheet.
  3. Support traversal of links for documents that contain links to other documents managed within the sharing framework.
  4. Print the document to paper.
Document Import Option

This Option requires that the View Option be supported. In addition, the Content Consumer that supports the Document Import Option shall be able to support the storage of the entire document (as provided by the sharing framework, along with sufficient metadata to ensure its later viewing) both for discharge summary or referral documents. This Option requires the proper tracking of the document origin. Once a document has been imported, the Content Consumer shall offer a means to view the document without the need to retrieve it again from the sharing framework. When viewed after it was imported, a Content Consumer may chose to access the sharing framework to find out if the related Document viewed has been deprecated, replaced or addended.

Note: For example, when using XDS, a Content Consumer may choose to query the Document Registry about a document previously imported in order to find out if this previously imported document may have been replaced or has received an addendum. This capability is offered to Content Consumers by this Integration Profile, but not required, as the events that may justify such a query are extremely implementation specific.

Section Level Copy Option

This Option requires that the View Option be supported. In addition, the Content Consumer that supports the Section Level Copy Option shall be able to support the import of one or more sections of the document (along with sufficient metadata to link the data to its source) both for discharge summary or referral. This Option requires the proper tracking of the document section origin. Once sections have been selected, a Content Consumer shall offer a means to copy the imported section(s) into local data structures as free text. This is to support the display of section level information for comparison or editing in workflows such as medication reconciliation while discrete data import is not possible. When viewed again after it is imported, a Content Consumer may chose to access the sharing framework to find out if the related information has been updated.

Note: For example, when using XDS, a Content Consumer may choose to query the Document Registry about a document whose sections were previously imported in order to find out if this previously imported document may have been replaced or has received an addendum. This capability is offered to Content Consumers by this Integration Profile, but not required, as the events that may justify such a query are extremely implementation specific.

This Option does not require, but does not exclude the Content Consumer from offering a means to select and import specific subsets of the narrative text of a section.

Discrete Data Import Option

This Option does not require that the View, Import Document or Section Import Options be supported. The Content Consumer that supports the Discrete Data Import Option shall be able to support the storage of the structured content of one or more sections of the document. This Option requires that the user be offered the possibility to select among the specific sections that include structured content a set of clinically relevant record entries (e.g. a problem or an allergy in a list) for import as part of the local patient record with the proper tracking of its origin.

Note: This note discusses an example of an implementation in an EMR supporting these options. The EMR implements a Content Consumer Actor for this XDS-MS Integration Profile that retrieves medical summary documents and allows the EMR user to use a number of import choices. One of them could be to save the retrieved document to the EMR system. This would be the support of the Document Import Option (See Section If this implementation supports in addition the "Discrete Data Import" Option, the user may be offered the ability (implicitly or not) to have the document parsed for allergy, problem, and medication lists and all such structured entries found in the imported document are placed in quarantine for review by healthcare providers. A provider reviewing these quarantined items may decide to add some of them as discrete data items to the patient's local EMR record.

Note: This Discrete Data Import Option does not require the support of the View, Import Document or Import Sections Options so that it could be used alone to support implementations of Content Consumers other than EMRs, such as Public Health Data or Clinical Research systems that would want to aggregate and anonymize specific population healthcare information data as Document Consumer Actors, but one which no care provider actually views the medical summaries. It is expected that most EMR supporting the Discrete Data Import Option would select also one of the View, Import Document or Import Sections Options.

When discrete data is accessed after it was imported, a Content Consumer may choose to check if the document related to the discrete data viewed has been deprecated, replaced or addended.

Note: For example, using XDS, a Content Consumer may choose to query the Document Registry about a document from which discrete data was previously imported in order to find out if this previously imported document may have been replaced or has received an addendum. This capability is offered to Content Consumers by this Integration Profile, but not required, as the events that may justify such a query are extremely implementation specific.