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Patient Demographics Supplier


The MESA tests include a number of cases each of which rely on a sequence of messages between actors. These tests range across different integration profiles:

  • Patient Administration Management
  • Patient Demographics Query

This document lists the transactions and messages for a number of cases. It may not describe the clinical scenario behind each case, but listing the transactions should clearly define what is expected of each actor. These are all of the transactions involving all of the actors. When you test with your particular actor, you may see only a subset of these messages.

Patient Identification

The tests described in this document cover two profiles. For tests appropriate to the PAM profile, the tests will define the format of identifiers (e.g., Assigning Authority) but will impose no requirements on the value of identifiers. These are assumed to be under the control of the Patient Demographics Supplier.

For the PDQ profile, the Patient Demographics Supplier receives identifiers from a different source, and the tests described here will stipulate the identifiers.

Patient IDs are assigned to test specific features of the PDQ profile. The values used for Assigning Authority in PID.3 are taken from the HIMSS 2005 demonstrations. The values work equally well for test cases. The values for assigning authority are listed in the table below. Note that the use of OIDs replaces simple assigning authority names used in other MESA tests.

Name Value
HIMSS2005 &

To be specific, the values in PID-3 shall look like this:


Use all three components of the Assigning Authority and include the Identifier Type Code (PI).


The MESA scripts are run from the directory $MESA_TARGET/mesa_tests/iti/actors/pd_supplier. The ASCII configuration file pd_supplier.cfg contains parameters that identify the Patient Demographics Supplier under test and the MESA Patient Demographics Supplier.

You can skip the configuration step below if testing only the PAM profile (your system initiates outbound connections and does not accept inbound connections).

Edit the configuration file and modify the two entries that begin with TEST to identify your Patient Demographics Supplier. The value for TEST_PDS_HOST_HL7 can specify an IP address or a host name (assuming the host table or DNS is accurate). The default port number for the MESA Patient Demographics Supplier is 3700. You should only change this port number if there is a conflict with another service on the MESA test computer. There will be no conflicts with other MESA servers; the only conflict would occur with something from the operating system or other software package.

Starting the MESA Servers

MESA servers are started from a DOS/CMD window or a terminal emulator. Follow these steps for Unix systems

  1. cd $MESA_TARGET/mesa_tests/iti/actors/pd_supplier
  2. scripts/start_mesa_servers.csh

To stop the servers:


The start instructions for MESA tools on a Windows system are:

  1. cd %MESA_TARGET%\mesa_tests\iti\actors\pd_supplier
  2. scripts\start_mesa_servers.bat

To stop the servers:


Installation Test

Run test 1 as documented in the Installation Manual.

Test Software Environment

This is described as test #1 in the Installation Manual.

Submission of Results

Test descriptions below inform the reader to “submit results to the Project Manager”. This is does not mean “email”. The current submission process should be documented by the Project Manager, but will not include emailing files directly to the Project Manager.

Test Cases: PDQ

This section describes test cases that are generally associated with the PDQ Integration Profile. There may be some overlap with other profiles.

The test cases use a database of patient records that are taken from A01 and A04 messages. These can be loaded in the Patient Demographics Supplier under test by running the script

   perl scripts/pds_pdq.pl 11300 4

This will send ADT messages to the PD Supplier under test using IHE ITI transactions defined for other integration profiles. There is no requirement to use this method to load the PD Supplier.

The user can also load the PD Supplier manually by entering the information found in Appendix A of this document. If you choose not to load the PD Supplier with the ADT messages supplied above, you will still need to load the MESA PD supplier. To do so, use this script:

   perl scripts/load_mesa.pl 11300 4

The Technical Framework does not define the semantics of the matching algorithm. For example, one of the queries is by partial last name (MOO*). The user will need to modify the test data to match the query expected by the supplier.

11311: Exact Name Search

Test Case Description

PDQ Test 11311 Description

Test case 11311 covers an exact name search by the Patient Demographics Consumer. The MESA PD Consumer sends a Patient Demographics Query that includes an exact patient name.

    PID.5.1.1 = MOORE
    PID.5.2 = CHIP

No other query keys are present. Because an exact name is included, the supplier is expected to respond with one record.


ITI TF-2: 3.21


To run this test, follow these steps using a DOS window or terminal emulator:

1. Set the current directory to $MESA_TARGET/mesa_tests/iti/actors/pd_supplier.

2. The file pd_supplier.cfg describes the Patient Demographics Supplier for this test.

3. Make sure the MESA servers have been started. See section 1.4 for details

4. Load patient demographics into PD supplier. You can use the MESA scripts for this or load the demographics by hand. To use the MESA scripts:

perl scripts/pds_pdq.pl 11300 2

5. Load the MESA server with demographics if you did not use the script in step 4:

perl scripts/load_mesa.pl 11300 2

6. Run the test script as follows:

perl scripts/pds_pdq.pl 11311 <log level>
where <log level> is a value between 1 and 4.

7. The test script will send one Patient Demographics Query to the PD Supplier under test.


To evaluate your response to this test:

1. Run the evaluation script:

    perl 11311/eval_11311.pl 4

2. The output file is 11311/mir_mesa_11311.xml. This test is successfully completed when the output file indicates 0 errors.

3. Submit the grade file to the Project Manager (Kudu or Gazelle). The Project Manager may examine the file and require you to modify your query and/or to perform additional queries.

Supplemental Information

11312: Name Search - No Match

Test case 11312 covers a search by last name that results in 0 patient records found. The MESA PD Consumer sends a Patient Demographics Query that includes an exact patient name.

PID.5.1.1 = ZEBRA

No other query keys are present. Because an exact name is included, the supplier is expected to respond with zero records and the proper status in QAK-2.


ITI TF-2: 3.21


To run this test, follow these steps using a DOS window or terminal emulator:

1. Set the current directory to $MESA_TARGET/mesa_tests/iti/actors/pd_supplier.

2. The file pd_supplier.cfg describes the Patient Demographics Supplier for this test.

3. Make sure the MESA servers have been started. See section 1.4 for details.

4. Load patient demographics into PD supplier. You can use the MESA scripts for this or load the demographics by hand. To use the MESA scripts:

perl scripts/pds_pdq.pl 11300 2

5. Load the MESA server with demographics if you did not use the script in step 4:

perl scripts/load_mesa.pl 11300 2

6. Run the test script as follows:

perl scripts/pds_pdq.pl 11312 <log level>
where <log level> is a value between 1 and 4.

7. The test script will send one Patient Demographics Query to the PD Supplier under test.


To evaluate your response to this test:

1. Run the evaluation script:

   perl 11312/eval_11312.pl 4

2. The output file is 11312/mir_mesa_11312.xml. This test is successfully completed when the last line in the output file indicates 0 errors.

3. Submit the grade file to the Project Manager.

Supplemental Information

11315: Partial Name Search

Test case 11315 covers a partial name search by the Patient Demographics Consumer. The MESA PD Consumer sends a Patient Demographics Query that includes a partial patient name.

   PID.5.1.1 = MOO*

No other query keys are present. The query semantics for partial name matches are not defined in the Technical Framework. If your supplier expects a different query, you will need to contact the Project Manager to modify this test.

In the query, RCP-2 (Quantity Limited Response) is sent with the value 10^RD. Your supplier is expected to send a complete response in a single message and not use continuation.


ITI TF-2: 3.21


To run this test, follow these steps using a DOS window or terminal emulator:

1. Set the current directory to $MESA_TARGET/mesa_tests/iti/actors/pd_supplier.

2. The file pd_supplier.cfg describes the Patient Demographics Supplier for this test.

3. Make sure the MESA servers have been started. See section 1.4 for details.

4. Run the test script as follows:

perl scripts/pds_pdq.pl 11315 <log level>
where <log level> is a value between 1 and 4.

5. The test script will send one Patient Demographics Query to the PD Supplier under test.


To evaluate your response to this test:

1. Run the evaluation script:

   perl 11315/eval_11315.pl 4

2. The output file is 11315/grade_11315.txt. This test is successfully completed when the last line in the output file indicates 0 errors.

3. Submit the grade file to the Project Manager. The Project Manager may examine the file and require you to modify your query and/or to perform additional queries.

Supplemental Information

1. The evaluation script takes a single argument, <log level>. When debugging output, it is sometimes helpful to use a log level of 1 to see only differences. When submitting results, we prefer the output with the most verbose level, 4.

2. If you want to see a response generated by a MESA PD Supplier, run test 11315 in self test mode. Then run the evaluation as above and examine the grade file. To run in self test mode:

     perl scripts/pds_pdq.pl 11315 4 self

11320: Complete ID Search - Unspecified Domain

Test case 11320 covers a complete ID search where the return domains are unspecified by the Patient Demographics Consumer. The MESA PD Consumer sends a Patient Demographics Query that includes a complete Patient ID:

   PID.3.1 = PDQ113XX05

No other query keys are present. The field QPD-8 is empty.

In the query, RCP-2 (Quantity Limited Response) is sent with the value 10^RD. Your supplier is expected to send a complete response in a single message and not use continuation.


ITI TF-2: 3.21


To run this test, follow these steps using a DOS window or terminal emulator:

1. Set the current directory to $MESA_TARGET/mesa_tests/iti/actors/pd_supplier.

2. The file pd_supplier.cfg describes the Patient Demographics Supplier for this test.

3. Make sure the MESA servers have been started. See section 1.4 for details.

4. Run the test script as follows:

perl scripts/pds_pdq.pl 11320 <log level>
where <log level> is a value between 1 and 4.

5. The test script will send one Patient Demographics Query to the PD Supplier under test.


To evaluate your response to this test:

1. Run the evaluation script

   perl 11320/eval_11320.pl 4

2. The output file is 11320/mir_mesa_11320.xml. This test is successfully completed when the the output file indicates 0 errors/success.

3. Submit the grade file to the Project Manager. The Project Manager may examine the file and require you to modify your query and/or to perform additional queries.

Supplemental Information

1. The evaluation script takes a single argument, <log level>. When debugging output, it is sometimes helpful to use a log level of 1 to see only differences. When submitting results, we prefer the output with the most verbose level, 4.

2. If you want to see a response generated by a MESA PD Supplier, run test 11320 in self test mode. Then run the evaluation as above and examine the grade file. To run in self test mode:

       perl scripts/pds_pdq.pl 11320 4 self

11325: Complete ID Search - Single Domain

Test case 11325 covers a complete ID search within a single domain that is specified by the PD Consumer. The MESA PD Consumer sends a Patient Demographics Query that includes a complete Patient ID and a specific, single domain in QPD-8:

  PID.3.1 = PDQ113XX02

No other query keys are present.

The field QPD-8 has the value “^^^&” to specify that domain expected in the response.

In the query, RCP-2 (Quantity Limited Response) is sent with the value 10^RD. Your supplier is expected to send a complete response in a single message and not use continuation.


ITI TF-2: 3.21


To run this test, follow these steps using a DOS window or terminal emulator:

1. Set the current directory to $MESA_TARGET/mesa_tests/iti/actors/pd_supplier.

2. The file pd_supplier.cfg describes the Patient Demographics Supplier for this test.

3. Make sure the MESA servers have been started. See section 1.4 for details.

4. Run the test script as follows:

perl scripts/pds_pdq.pl 11325 <log level>
where <log level> is a value between 1 and 4.

5. The test script will send one Patient Demographics Query to the PD Supplier under test.


To evaluate your response to this test:

To evaluate your response to this test:

1. Run the evaluation script:

   perl 11325/eval_11325.pl 4

2. The output file is 11325/mir_mesa_11325.xml. This test is successfully completed when the last line in the output file indicates 0 errors.

3. Submit the grade file to the Project Manager. The Project Manager may examine the file and require you to modify your query and/or to perform additional queries.

Supplemental Information

1. The evaluation script takes a single argument, <log level>. When debugging output, it is sometimes helpful to use a log level of 1 to see only differences. When submitting results, we prefer the output with the most verbose level, 4.

2. If you want to see a response generated by a MESA PD Supplier, run test 11325 in self test mode. Then run the evaluation as above and examine the grade file. To run in self test mode:

       perl scripts/pds_pdq.pl 11325 4 self

11330: Complete ID Search - Multiple Domains

Not implemented in this release.

Test case 11330 covers a complete ID search where the domain of interest (QPD-8) is different from the Patient ID Domain associated with MSH-5 Receiving Application. The MESA PD Consumer sends a Patient Demographics Query that includes a complete Patient ID

   PID.3.1 = PDQ113XX01

No other query keys are present.

The field QPD-8 has the value “ADT2” to specify that domain in the response. This is a different domain from the domain specified by MSH-5 Receiving Application.

In the query, RCP-2 (Quantity Limited Response) is sent with the value 10^RD. Your supplier is expected to send a complete response in a single message and not use continuation.


ITI TF-2: 3.21


To run this test, follow these steps using a DOS window or terminal emulator:

1. Set the current directory to $MESA_TARGET/mesa_tests/iti/actors/pd_supplier.

2. The file pd_supplier.cfg describes the Patient Demographics Supplier for this test.

3. Make sure the MESA servers have been started. See section 1.4 for details.

4. Run the test script as follows:

perl scripts/pds_pdq.pl 11330 <log level>
where <log level> is a value between 1 and 4.

5. The test script will send one Patient Demographics Query to the PD Supplier under test.


To evaluate your response to this test:

1. Run the evaluation script

   perl 11330/eval_11330.pl 4

2. The output file is 11330/mir_mesa_11330.xml. This test is successfully completed when the last line in the output file indicates 0 errors.

3. Submit the grade file to the Project Manager. The Project Manager may examine the file and require you to modify your query and/or to perform additional queries.


1. The evaluation script takes a single argument, <log level>. When debugging output, it is sometimes helpful to use a log level of 1 to see only differences. When submitting results, we prefer the output with the most verbose level, 4.

2. If you want to see a response generated by a MESA PD Supplier, run test 11330 in self test mode. Then run the evaluation as above and examine the grade file. To run in self test mode:

      perl scripts/pds_pdq.pl 11330 4 self

11335: Partial ID Search - Single Domain

Test case 11335 covers a partial ID search within a single domain that is specified by the PD Consumer. The MESA PD Consumer sends a Patient Demographics Query that includes a partial Patient ID:

   PID.3.1 = PDQ113*

No other query keys are present.

The field QPD-8 has the value ^^^& to specify that domain in the response.

The query semantics for partial name matches are not defined in the Technical Framework. If your supplier expects a different query, you will need to contact the Project Manager to modify the test.

In the query, RCP-2 (Quantity Limited Response) is sent with the value 10^RD. Your supplier is expected to send a complete response in a single message and not use continuation.


ITI TF-2: 3.21


To run this test, follow these steps using a DOS window or terminal emulator:

1. Set the current directory to $MESA_TARGET/mesa_tests/iti/actors/pd_supplier.

2. The file pd_supplier.cfg describes the Patient Demographics Supplier for this test

3. Make sure the MESA servers have been started. See section 1.4 for details.

4. Run the test script as follows:

perl scripts/pds_pdq.pl 11335 <log level>
where <log level> is a value between 1 and 4.

5. The test script will send one Patient Demographics Query to the PD Supplier under test.


To evaluate your response to this test:

1. Run the evaluation script:

       perl 11335/eval_11335.pl 4

2. The output file is 11335/mir_mesa_11335.xml. This test is successfully completed when the last line in the output file indicates 0 errors.

3. Submit the grade file to the Project Manager. The Project Manager may examine the file and require you to modify your query and/or to perform additional queries.

Supplemental Information

1. The evaluation script takes a single argument, <log level>. When debugging output, it is sometimes helpful to use a log level of 1 to see only differences. When submitting results, we prefer the output with the most verbose level, 4.

2. If you want to see a response generated by a MESA PD Supplier, run test 11335 in self test mode. Then run the evaluation as above and examine the grade file. To run in self test mode:

       perl scripts/pds_pdq.pl 11335 4 self

11340: Date of Birth Search

Test case 11340 covers a Date of Birth search within a single domain. The user may specify the return domain (^^^& or leave that field empty.

The MESA PD Consumer sends a Patient Demographics Query that includes a patient DOB:

PID.7.1 = 19780920

No other query keys are present.

The field QPD-8 has the value ^^^& to specify that domain in the response or can be left empty.


ITI TF-2: 3.21


To run this test, follow these steps using a DOS window or terminal emulator:

1. Set the current directory to $MESA_TARGET/mesa_tests/iti/actors/pd_supplier.

2. The file pd_supplier.cfg describes the Patient Demographics Supplier for this test.

3. Make sure the MESA servers have been started. See section 1.4 for details.

4. Run the test script as follows:

perl scripts/pds_pdq.pl 11340 <log level>
where <log level> is a value between 1 and 4.

5. The test script will send one Patient Demographics Query to the PD Supplier under test.


To evaluate your response to this test:

1. Run the evaluation script:

     perl 11340/eval_11340.pl 4

2. The output file is 11340/mir_mesa_11340.xml. This test is successfully completed when the last line in the output file indicates 0 errors.

3. Submit the grade file to the Project Manager (Kudu/Gazelle tool).

Supplemental Information

1. The evaluation script takes a single argument, <log level>. When debugging output, it is sometimes helpful to use a log level of 1 to see only differences. When submitting results, we prefer the output with the most verbose level, 4.

2. If you want to see a response generated by a MESA PD Supplier, run test 11340 in self test mode. Then run the evaluation as above and examine the grade file. To run in self test mode:

       perl scripts/pds_pdq.pl 11340 4 self

11345: Age Range Search Search

Not implemented in this release.

The mechanism for this is not defined in the ITI TF.

11350: Multi Key Search 1

In test 11350, a Patient Demographics Consumer is required to send a search using two search keys, patient name and date of birth. The MESA PD Consumer sends a Patient Demographics Query that includes a patient name and patient DOB

PID.5.1.1 = MOORE

PID.7.1 = 19380224

No other query keys should be present.

The field QPD-8 has the value ^^^& to specify that domain in the response.


ITI TF-2: 3.21


To run this test, follow these steps using a DOS window or terminal emulator:

1. Set the current directory to $MESA_TARGET/mesa_tests/iti/actors/pd_supplier.

2. The file pd_supplier.cfg describes the Patient Demographics Supplier for this test.

3. Make sure the MESA servers have been started. See section 1.4 for details.

4. Run the test script as follows:

perl scripts/pds_pdq.pl 11350 <log level>
where <log level> is a value between 1 and 4.

5. The test script will send one Patient Demographics Query to the PD Supplier under test.


To evaluate your response to this test:

To evaluate your response to this test:

1. Run the evaluation script

     perl 11350/eval_11350.pl 4

2. The output file is 11350/mir_mesa_11350.xml. This test is successfully completed when the last line in the output file indicates 0 errors.

3. Submit the grade file to the Project Manager.

Supplemental Information

1. The evaluation script takes a single argument, <log level>. When debugging output, it is sometimes helpful to use a log level of 1 to see only differences. When submitting results, we prefer the output with the most verbose level, 4.

2. If you want to see a response generated by a MESA PD Supplier, run test 11350 in self test mode. Then run the evaluation as above and examine the grade file. To run in self test mode:

     perl scripts/pds_pdq.pl 11350 4 self

11355: Multi Key Search 2

In test 11355, a Patient Demographics Consumer is required to send a search using two search keys, patient name and date of birth.

The MESA PD Consumer sends a Patient Demographics Query that includes a patient name and patient address:

   PID.5.1.1 = MOORE
   PID.11.1 = 10 PINETREE

No other query keys are present.

The field QPD-8 has the value ^^^& to specify that domain in the response.


ITI TF-2: 3.21


To run this test, follow these steps using a DOS window or terminal emulator:

1. Set the current directory to $MESA_TARGET/mesa_tests/iti/actors/pd_supplier.

2. The file pd_supplier.cfg describes the Patient Demographics Supplier for this test.

3. Make sure the MESA servers have been started. See section 1.4 for details.

4. Run the test script as follows:

perl scripts/pds_pdq.pl 11355 <log level>
where <log level> is a value between 1 and 4.

5. The test script will send one Patient Demographics Query to the PD Supplier under test.


To evaluate your response to this test:

1. Run the evaluation script

     perl 11355/eval_11355.pl 4

2. The output file is 11355/mir_mesa_11355.xml. This test is successfully completed when the last line in the output file indicates 0 errors.

3. Submit the grade file to the Project Manager. The Project Manager may examine the file and require you to modify your query and/or to perform additional queries.

Supplemental Information

1. The evaluation script takes a single argument, <log level>. When debugging output, it is sometimes helpful to use a log level of 1 to see only differences. When submitting results, we prefer the output with the most verbose level, 4.

2. If you want to see a response generated by a MESA PD Supplier, run test 11360 in self test mode. Then run the evaluation as above and examine the grade file. To run in self test mode:

     perl scripts/pds_pdq.pl 11355 4 self

11360: Attending Doctor

Not implemented in this release.

11365: Continuation Test 1

Test 11365 is a test of the HL7 Continuation Protocol. In this test, the MESA Patient Demographics Consumer configures the query with a specific limit of one record. The query is a wildcard query by last name:

   PID.5.1.1 = MOO*

No other query keys are present.

Field RCP-2 contains the value 1^RD to indicate one record per response.

The field QPD-8 has the value “^^^&” to specify that domain in the response.

The query semantics for partial name matches are not defined in the Technical Framework. If your supplier expects a different query, you will need to contact the Project Manager to modify this test.

There should be 4 records that match this query. The PD Supplier should return 4 separate RSP messages, each with a single response. The first 3 RSP messages will contain a continuation pointer. The 4th response might contain a continuation pointer; in that case, one would expect a 5th response that has no patient records.




To run this test, follow these steps using a DOS window or terminal emulator:

1. Set the current directory to $MESA_TARGET/mesa_tests/iti/actors/pd_supplier.

2. The file pd_supplier.cfg describes the Patient Demographics Supplier for this test.

3. Make sure the MESA servers have been started. See section 1.4 for details.

4. Run the test script as follows:

perl scripts/pds_pdq.pl 11365 <log level>
where <log level> is a value between 1 and 4.

5. The test script will send one Patient Demographics Query to the PD Supplier under test.


To evaluate your response to this test:

1. Run the evaluation script

    perl 11365/eval_11365.pl 4

2. The output file is 11365/mir_mesa_11365.xml. This test is successfully completed when the last line in the output file indicates 0 errors.

3. Submit the grade file to the Project Manager.


1. The evaluation script takes a single argument, <log level>. When debugging output, it is sometimes helpful to use a log level of 1 to see only differences. When submitting results, we prefer the output with the most verbose level, 4.

2. If you want to see a response generated by a MESA PD Supplier, run test 11365 in self test mode. Then run the evaluation as above and examine the grade file. To run in self test mode:

     perl scripts/pds_pdq.pl 11365 4 self

Test Cases: PAM

This section describes test cases that are generally associated with the PAM Integration Profile. There may be some overlap with other profiles.

12101: PAM Create New Patient



To run this test, follow these steps using a DOS window or terminal emulator:

1. Read the document “IHE IT Infrastructure Test Cases” for a description of the transactions used for this test. Your system is required to produce the administration messages described in that document.

2. Refer to the table in section 2.1.4 below. You will create a patient using the values in the table.

3. Set the current directory to $MESA_TARGET/mesa_tests/iti/actors/pd_source.

4. Make sure the MESA servers have been started as described in Starting the MESA Servers above.

5. Run the test script as follows:

perl scripts/pds_pam.pl 12101 <log level>
where <log level> is a value between 1 (low) and 4 (high).

6. Run the evaluation script below.


1. Run the evaluation script:

   perl  12101/eval_12101.pl <log level>

2. The evaluation output is found in 12101/mir_mesa_12101.xml. The final result (.xml or .txt file) should indicate 0 errors. Submit the result run at log level 4 to the Project Manager.

Supplemental Information Use the values in the table below. For some fields, the specification may include a component of a field. For example, we specify the assigning authority for the Patient ID, but understand the Patient Demographics Supplier would produce the actual identifier.

Segment / Field Element Name Value
MSH.9Message Type ADT^A28^ADT_A05
MSH.11 Processing ID P
MSH.12 Version ID 2.5
PID.3.4 (Patient ID) Assigning Authority &
PID.3.5 (Patient ID) Identifier Type Code PI
PID.5Patient Name FROST^BOB
PID.7 Date/Time of Birth 19480924
PID.8 Administrative Sex M
PID.11 Patient Address 4525 SCOTT^^ST LOUIS^MO^63110
PV1 Patient Class N

12102: PAM Update Patient Information


To run this test, follow these steps using a DOS window or terminal emulator:

1. Read the document “IHE IT Infrastructure Test Cases” for a description of the transactions used for this test. Your system is required to produce the administration messages described in that document.

2. Set the current directory to $MESA_TARGET/mesa_tests/iti/actors/pd_source.

3. Refer to the table in section 2.2.4 below. You will create a patient using the values in the table. Then, you will update the patient name as indicated in the text.

4. Make sure the MESA servers have been started as described in Starting the MESA Servers above.

5. Run the test script as follows to perform:

perl scripts/pds_pam.pl 12102 <log level>
where <log level> is a value between 1 (low) and 4 (high).

6. Run the evaluation script below.


1. Run the evaluation script:

   perl  12102/eval_12102.pl <log level>

2. The evaluation output is found in 12102/mir_mesa_12102.xml. The final result (.xml or .txt file) should indicate 0 errors. Submit the result run at log level 4 to the Project Manager.

Supplemental Information

Patient Demographics for Test 12102

Use the values in the table below. For some fields, the specification may include a component of a field. For example, we specify the assigning authority for the Patient ID, but understand the Patient Demographics Supplier would produce the actual identifier.

Segment / Field Element Name Value
MSH.9 Message Type ADT^A28^ADT_A05
MSH.11 Processing ID P
MSH.12 Version ID 2.5
PID.3.4 (Patient ID) Assigning Authority &
PID.3.5(Patient ID) Identifier Type Code PI
PID.5 Patient Name BROWN^SARAH
PID.7 Date/Time of Birth 19601014
PID.8 Administrative SexF
PID.11 Patient Address 14 WILLOW^^LADUE^MO^63124
PV1Patient ClassN

The only field to be udpated for test 12102 is PID-5, Patient Name. Change the Patient Name to JACKSON^SARAH. All other demographics remain the same.

Appendix A: Demographics for PDQ Tests

The PDQ tests use fixed demographics that are listed in this appendix. There are two administrative domains for identifiers (Domain 1 and Domain 2), each identified by an OID.

All patients used for testing have a patient identifier in Domain 1. Several of the patients will also have an identifier in Domain 2.

DomainFull Assigning AuthorityMSH-5

Patient Demographics

Name ID Domain 1 ID Domain 2 DOB Sex Addr
MOONEY^STAN PDQ113XX05 NA 19780920 M 100 TAYLOR^^ST LOUIS^MO^63110
FERGUSON^CHIP PDQ113XX13 PDQD2113XX13 19930914 M 4970 OAKLAND^^ST LOUIS^MO^63110
SANDERS^CHIP PDQ113XX11 PDQD2113XX11 19420224 M 100 EUCLID^^WEBSTER^MO^63119