IHE Australia Committee

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Welcome to the IHE Australia wiki site.

What is IHE

IHE is an initiative by healthcare professionals and industry to improve the way computer systems in healthcare share information

Systems that support IHE Integration Profiles work together better, are easier to implement, and help care providers use information more effectively. The goal is efficient delivery of optimal patient care. Several hundred health information system products support one or more IHE Profiles.

These profiles fill the "gap" between the creation of e-Health standards and their implementation. IHE is not "Yet Another Standard", it is the "missing link" between standards development and compliant implementations which improve healthcare delivery for patients. IHE supports vendors and implementers build compliant healthcare computing systems and interfaces based on global standards such as HL7 and DICOM. HE develops and maintains the IHE "profiles" which provide precise implementation specifications, based on established international standards, for specific health IT interoperability needs. These profiles provide guidance that details required actions for health IT systems with many different functions to acquire, manage and communicate vital medical information effectively, while supporting efficient provider workflows and protecting private health information

What is IHE Australia?

IHE Australia is an organisation that supports IHE International deployment in Australia and our region with the IHE Australia Deployment Committee approved by the IHE International Board on 12 February 2009. ...more

The founding sponsor organisations in Australia were:

Medical Software Industry Association

HL7 Australia

Health Informatics Association of Australia

Royal Australian New Zealand College of Radiologists

For information contact [1]