Gazelle Actor Simulators

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The purpose of this page is to review the list of existing opensource implementation of IHE Actors.

HL7 Actors

                   name                     |          keyword          | standard  
ADT Patient Registration                    | ADT                       | HL7V2.3.1
Analyzer                                    | ANALYZER                  | HL7V2.5
Automation Manager                          | AM                        | HL7V2.5
Charge Processor                            | CHARGE_PRO                | HL7V2.3.1
Clinical Data Consumer                      | CLIN_DATA_CONSUMER        | HL7V3
Department System Scheduler/Order Filler    | OF                        | HL7V2.3.1
Department System Scheduler/Order Filler    | OF                        | HL7V2.4
Department System Scheduler/Order Filler    | OF                        | HL7V2.5
Diagnostic Data Repository                  | DIAGNOSTIC_DATA_REP       | HL7V3
Document Registry                           | DOC_REGISTRY              | HL7V2.3.1
Document Registry                           | DOC_REGISTRY              | HL7V2.5
Document Repository                         | DOC_REPOSITORY            | HL7V2.5
Enterprise Report Repository                | ERR                       | HL7V2.3.1
Evidence Creator                            | EC                        | HL7V2.3.1
Image Manager/Archive                       | IM                        | HL7V2.3.1
Immunizations Repository                    | IMMUNIZATIONS_REP         | HL7V3
Importer                                    | IMPORTER                  | HL7V2.5
Integrated Document Source/Repository       | EMBED_REPOS               | HL7V2.5
Medications Repository                      | MEDICATIONS_REP           | HL7V3
Order Placer                                | OP                        | HL7V2.3.1
Order Placer                                | OP                        | HL7V2.4
Order Placer                                | OP                        | HL7V2.5
Order Result Tracker                        | ORT                       | HL7V2.5
Patient Demographics Consumer               | PDC                       | HL7V2.5
Patient Demographics Supplier               | PDS                       | HL7V2.5
Patient Encounter Consumer                  | PEC                       | HL7V2.5
Patient Encounter Supplier                  | PES                       | HL7V2.5
Patient Identifier Cross-reference Consumer | PAT_IDENTITY_CONSUMER     | HL7V2.5
Patient Identity Cross-reference Manager    | PAT_IDENTITY_X_REF_MGR    | HL7V2.3.1
Patient Identity Cross-reference Manager    | PAT_IDENTITY_X_REF_MGR    | HL7V2.5
Patient Identity Source                     | PAT_IDENTITY_SRC          | HL7V2.3.1
Personnel White Pages Consumer              | PWPC                      | HL7V2.5
Personnel White Pages Directory             | PWPD                      | HL7V2.5
Post-Processing Manager                     | PPM                       | HL7V2.3.1
Pre/Post-processor                          | PRE_POST_PROCESSOR        | HL7V2.5
Problems and Allergies Repository           | PROBLEMS_ALLERGIES_REP    | HL7V3
Professional Services Repository            | PROFESSIONAL_SERVICES_REP | HL7V3
Report Creator                              | RC                        | HL7V2.3.1
Report Manager                              | RM                        | HL7V2.3.1
Report Repository                           | RRP                       | HL7V2.5
Vital Signs Data Repository                 | VITAL_SIGNS_DATA_REP      | HL7V3

DICOM Actors

                 name                   |     keyword      
 Acquisition Modality                     | MOD
Audit Record Repository                  | ARR
Charge Processor                         | CHARGE_PRO
Department System Scheduler/Order Filler | OF
Display                                  | DISPLAY
DNS Server                               | DNS
Document Repository                      | DOC_REPOSITORY
Evidence Creator                         | EC
Export Manager                           | EXPORT_MANAGER
Export Selector                          | EXPORT_SELECTOR
External Report Repository Access        | XRA
Image Display                            | ID
Image Manager/Archive                    | IM
Imaging Document Consumer                | IMG_DOC_CONSUMER
Imaging Document Source                  | IMG_DOC_SOURCE
Importer                                 | IMPORTER
Performed Procedure Step Manager         | PPSM
Personnel White Pages Consumer           | PWPC
Portable Media Creator                   | PMC
Portable Media Importer                  | PMI
Post-Processing Manager                  | PPM
Print Composer                           | PC
Print Server                             | PS
Receiver                                 | RECEIVER
Report Creator                           | RC
Report Manager                           | RM
Report Reader                            | RRD
Report Repository                        | RRP