IHE Domain Coordination Committee Teleconference Minutes 2013-11-19

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  • Art Amano-PCD Plan
  • Laura Bright-PCC Tech
  • Mary Jungers-Documentation Specialist
  • Kevin O'Donnell-Rad
  • Monroe Patillo- PCD Plan
  • Gila Pyke-IIT Tech
  • Nancy Ramirez-HIMSS
  • Antje Schroeder-Card/Rad
  • Amber Sims-RO
  • Karen Witting-ITI Plan

RSNA Staff: Chris Carr, La Shawn Edwards, Joan McMillen


General Committee Business

1. Roll Call see Roster

2. Approval of Oct. 22 Minutes

3. New Business: from Future Agenda Topics Page

4. Review Action Items List

Domain Announcements

1. Domain Milestone Dates

  • RAD - Selected Profiles
  • Cardiology: Working on two work items remaining from last year
  • PCC: Selected two profiles and a white paper; details in December
  • ITI: has nearly completed profile selection; will announce in December

2. Domain Board Reports

Domain Coordination Issues

  • Cross-Domain Strategic Planning Work Group

Documentation, Websites and Public Information

  • Documentation Work Group
  • Input from profile authors on document templates
  • Publication of glossary and shared appendices
  • IHE RO inquiry about method for defining reusable transactions

Governance Implementation

  • IHE-HL7 joint balloting initiatives
  • Student intern/volunteers to perform committee administrative tasks; scope of involvement
  • mHealth Working Group

Domain Coordination Committee