IHE Domain Coordination Committee Teleconference Minutes 2012-11-20

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Revision as of 10:16, 20 November 2012 by Ledwards (talk | contribs) (→‎Attendees)
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  • Chris Carr-RSNA
  • Didi Davis
  • Tom Dolan
  • La Shawn Edwards
  • Mary Jungers
  • Mary Kennedy
  • Kevin O'Donnell
  • Joan McMillen
  • Karen Witting


General Committee Business

1. Roll Call see Roster

2. Approval of minutes

  • .

3. New Business: from Future Agenda Topics Page

4. Review Action Items List

  • Reviewed list and identified items to close

Domain Announcements

1. Domain Milestone Dates

  • Domains requested to fill in known dates for meetings and development milestones

2. Domain Board Reports

  • Status
    • Anatomic Pathology - updated report due to DCC (6 months overdue to the board)
    • Patient Care Coordination - 2 months overdue to the board
    • QRPH -
    • ITI -
  • Review
    • N/A

Domain Coordination Issues

  • Cross-Domain Strategic Planning Work Group
  • Review of action items or tasks assigned to DCC under Strategic Plan and Next Steps documents to identify specific action items and next steps
  • Goal 1:
  • Goal 2:

Documentation, Websites and Public Information

  • Documentation Work Group

Governance Implementation

Next call Dec. 18th