IHE Domain Coordination Committee Teleconference Minutes 2011-08-02

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  • Laura Bright - PCC Tech
  • Rick Butler - Eyecare
  • Didi Davis - QRPH Plan
  • Tom Dolan - Cardiology
  • La Shawn Edwards - RSNA
  • Rob Horn - ITI Tech
  • Mary Jungers - Doc Specialist
  • Flora Lum - Eye Care Planning
  • Joan McMillen - RSNA
  • Kevin O'Donnell - Radiology
  • Geoff Pascoe - ITI
  • Amit Popat - QRPH
  • Sondra Renley - Lab
  • John Rhoads - PCD Tech
  • Antje Schroeder - Cardiology
  • Teri Sippel-Schmidt - Process Specialist
  • Karen Witting - ITI Plan

Absent domains: Anatomic Pathology, Pharmacy, Radiation Oncology

General Committee Business

1. Roll Call see Roster - Quorum attained

2. Approval of June 12 Minutes

  • Motion to approve. Approved with some abstentions.

3. New Business: from Future Agenda Topics Page

  • NameSpace (Rob Horn and/or Chris Carr)
  • Overall Process Documentation (Teri Sippel)

4. Review Action Items List (postpone)

Domain Announcements

1. Domain Milestone Dates (20 min - ITI/PCC/PCD/QRPH TC Cochairs)

  • Post comments on either ftp or on a google groups doc
  • Put a link on the wiki to the google doc or the ftp for each domain's public comments

2. Domain Board Reports (10 min - Karen Witting)