IHE Domain Coordination Committee 2008-10-21 Teleconference Minutes

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General Committee Business

1. Roll Call

2. Approval of Minutes

3. Schedule Future Agenda Topics for upcoming meetings

4. Review previous action items

Domain Coordination Checkpoint Announcements

  • No new announcements

Domain Coordination Issues

1. Domain Timeline Coordination

2. Review of definitions of R2 and RE (see discussion in 2008-08-18 minutes)

3. HL7 Task Force Update

4. Proposal to Change Publication Schedule for Technical Committees

Documentation, Websites and Public Information

1. Domain and Profile Descriptions

    • Part 2 of TR28380 has been approved by ISO TC215.
    • Descriptive references for FT & TI profiles must be on www.IHE.net in the next two weeks.
    • Action: Planning Committee co-chairs, please check the following:
      • Check IHE profiles (TI and TF) at: Profiles are correct and up to date.
        • Verify each detailed Profile Description page referenced for accuracy.
      • Check Domain Description and Scope linked from http://www.ihe.net/Domains/index.cfm
        • NOTE: THOSE descriptions are really weak and inconsistent.
    • Action: Secretariat, check the following:
      • listing of profiles (TI and FT) at: http://www.ihe.net/Profiles match the wiki.
      • listing of profiles under IHE Domains at: http://www.ihe.net/Domains/index.cfm match the wiki.
        • Verify that each detailed Profile Description page referenced is that available from the Wiki (see above).
        • Each Domain name is a link to the description of the domain and of its scope.
    • I need to produce a one page (max) description of each Domain and more importantly of its scope for the ISO TR28380. This will be the place where the IHE.net web site will be referenced with your specific profiles descriptions.

2. Recruitment message for clinicians to participate in Domain Committees

Governance Implementation

1. ITI notes on implementing governance in domain committees [deferred to 2008-10-28 tcon]

2. Roadmap Development [deferred to 2008-10-28 tcon]

Next Tcon

  • October 28, 10:00am - 11:30am CDT
  • Agenda Items:
  • PCC and QRPH Profile Work Coordination
  • Process for presentation and evaluation of profile proposals
  • Roadmap Development

Domain Coordination Committee