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***Elliot Fishman, Stanford, Mike Bohl
***Elliot Fishman, Stanford, Mike Bohl
**Reviewed [http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php/Profile_Development_Process_for_First_Timers profile development process for first timers]
**Reviewed [http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php/Profile_Development_Process_for_First_Timers profile development process for first timers]
**Need 1 call after public comment before TI
**Review of [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15XRGEbavNgXyRen7npLskkfJ6Bdj8wYmR7SPAMD5QpM/edit?usp=sharing IHE Radiology Change Proposals (CP) Ballot January 2017 Responses]

Revision as of 10:44, 3 March 2017

Tuesday, Feb 28, 2017: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm CST

  • 08:15-08:30
  • Welcome and Introductions
    • In Person Attendees: Kinson Ho, Wim Corbijn, Tessa Cook, Rob Horn, Kevin O'Donnell, Lynn Felhofer, Teri Sippel Schmidt, Nichole Drye-Mayo
    • Webex Participants: Hamid Neshat, David Kwan, Steve Langer, Brad Erickson, Chris Lindop
    • Review and updated agenda
    • Review of the Patent Disclosure Announcement; nothing to disclose

  • 08:30-10:00: Standardized Operational Log of Events (1.5)
    • Reviewed Open Issues and Questions; notes made directly to document

  • 10:00-12:00: Critical Finding Follow-up and Communication (2)
    • Reviewed open issues and questions; notes made directly to document.

  • 12:00-12:45: Lunch

  • 12:45-13:00: Scheduling
    • Publication goals for this week.
      • Public Comments Documents due to Mary March 13, 2017 and she will publish the week of March 31
      • SOLE and Scanner Protocol is confirmed for this date
      • FUNC may be a week later.
    • IHE Radiology Technical Committee Meetings for 2017-2018
      • November 1-3, 2017 (already confirmed)
      • February 6-9, 2018
      • April 17-20, 2018
      • November 12-14, 2018
        • Action: Nichole will confirm space options at RSNA for these meetings.

  • 13:00-14:30: Standardized Operational Log of Events (3)
    • Reviewed open issues and questions; notes made directly to document.

  • 14:30-16:30: Critical Finding Follow-up and Communication (4)
    • Reviewed open issues and questions; notes made directly to document.

  • 16:30-18:00: Technical Framework Maintenance (1)
    • IHE RAD CP Tracking
      • CP-RAD-372; Clarify RAD-5 requirements for REM-NM actors; submitted by Lynn Felhofer; assigned to Kevin O'Donnell
      • CP-RAD-373; SOP Instance UID multiplicy in RAD-11; submitted by Jacque Mergens; status rejected (send a note regarding rejection)
      • CP-RAD-374; Update TCE Profile to use standard codes, updated DICOM confidentiality profile and options and incorporate implementation experience; submitted by David Clunie; assigned to David Clunie; Kevin made changes and will send back to David for follow up and further editing

18:00-Github Demo by Rob Horn

Wednesday, Mar 1, 2017: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm CST

  • 08:15-08:30: Welcome, Agenda Review
    • In Person Attendees: Kinson Ho, Wim Corbijn, Tessa Cook, Rob Horn, Kevin O'Donnell, Lynn Felhofer, Teri Sippel Schmidt, Diana Cody, Nichole Drye-Mayo
    • Webex Participants: David Kwan, Steve Langer, Tim Stick, Chris Lindop, David Clunie, Brad Erickson

  • 08:30-10:15: Enterprise Scanner Protocol Management (1.5)
    • Reviewed open issues and questions; notes made directly to document.
  • 10:15-10:30: Break

  • 10:30-12:00: Critical Finding Follow-up and Communication (6)
    • Reviewed open issues and questions; notes made directly to document.

  • 12:00-12:30: Lunch

  • 12:30-14:00: Enterprise Scanner Protocol Management (3)
    • Reviewed open issues and questions; notes made directly to document.

  • 14:00-16:00: Critical Finding Follow-up and Communication (8)
    • Reviewed open issues and questions; notes made directly to document.

  • 16:00-17:30: Standardized Operational Log of Events (4.5)
    • Reviewed open issues and questions; notes made directly to document

Thursday, Mar 2, 2017: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm CST

  • 08:00-08:30: Breakfast
    • In Person Attendees: Kinson Ho, Wim Corbijn, Rob Horn, Kevin O'Donnell, Lynn Felhofer, Dianna Cody, Teri Sippel Schmidt, Nichole Drye-Mayo
    • Webex Participants: David Kwan, Tim Stick, Brad Erickson, Steve Langer, Elliot Silver

  • 08:30-10:00: Enterprise Scanner Protocol Management (4.5)
    • Reviewed open issues and questions; notes made directly to document

  • 10:00-12:00: Critical Finding Follow-up and Communication (10)
    • More time needed to get the doc ready for Public Comment. Nichole will ask MJ if document submitted to her by March 26, can she publish for PC by 4/3?
      • MJ confirmed she can.

  • 12:00-13:00: Lunch

  • 13:00-15:00: Standardized Operational Log of Events (6.5)
    • We are still on track for the SOLE profile to be ready for public comment publication on March 13.

  • 15:00-16:30: Enterprise Scanner Protocol Management (Renamed to Management of Acquisition Protocol (MAP) (6)
  • We are still on track for the MAP profile to be ready for public comment publication on March 13.

  • 16:30-17:30: Technical Framework Maintenance (2)
    • NDM schedule the following tcons (done during meeting)
      • SOLE - 3/8; 12-1:30pm CT
      • MAP - 3/9, 11am-12pm CT
      • FUNC - 3/14, 12-2pm CT
      • FUNC - 3/21, 12-2pm CT
    • IHE Rad CP Tracking Spreadsheet
      • CP-RAD-375; submitted by Lynn; Clarify motion to approve for ballot; seconded. approved for ballot
      • CP-RAD-376; submtted by Wim; Correct Presentation State tags to match DICOM names; completed; person assigned, Wim
    • Plan of action for TF maintenance tomorrow
      • Review NA Connectathon 2017 Results
      • MRRT
      • MHDI
      • Review CP ballot results

Friday, Mar 3, 2017: 8.00 am - 3:00 pm CST

  • 08:00-08:30: Breakfast, Welcome, Agenda Review
    • In Person Attendees: Kinson Ho, Wim Corbijn, Rob Horn, Kevin O'Donnell, Lynn Felhofer, Dianna Cody, Teri Sippel Schmidt, Nichole Drye-Mayo
    • Webex Participants: David Kwan, Tim Stick, Steve Langer

  • 08:30-10:30: Management of Acquisition Protocol (MAP) (8)
    • Motion to approve for Public comment release pending revisions as discussed; seconded; unanimously approved.
    • Public comment plan
      • Need AAPM, CTAQ Working Group (Dianna Cody), CT Sub committee of AAPM; AAPM Imaging Informatics Subcommittee co chairs Nicholas Bevins, Lawrence Tarbox
      • Radiologists: RIC, AHRA
      • GE is developing a protocol manager system - reach out to them
      • Elliot Fishman, Stanford, Mike Bohl
    • Reviewed profile development process for first timers
    • Need 1 call after public comment before TI
    • Review of IHE Radiology Change Proposals (CP) Ballot January 2017 Responses

10:30-12:00: Standardized Operational Log of Events (8)
12:00-13:00: Lunch
13:00-15:00: Technical Framework Maintenance (4)

Scope for Maintenance