Difference between revisions of "Evaluation of Portable Data for Imaging Extension with DVD and USB media"

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* Are all significant CPs against the underlying standards "closed"?
* Are all significant CPs against the underlying standards "closed"?
One recent CP-362.
One recent CP-362 submitted and pending for completion. No design change, only clarification of a requirement.
Support for long filename (current limit to 8 character file name, legacy requirement for the CD ISO standard). Wim will create a CP to DICOM.
* Have all significant comments been CP'd or rejected?
* Have all significant comments been CP'd or rejected?

Revision as of 10:42, 22 June 2016

Profile wiki page: Portable Data for Imaging

Technical Committee Evaluation (Preliminary answers)

Answers to the following checklist for PDI for DVD and USB options only

  • Are all significant CPs against the profile "closed"?


See CP Tracking Spreadsheet

  • Are all significant CPs against the underlying standards "closed"?

One recent CP-362 submitted and pending for completion. No design change, only clarification of a requirement.

  • Have all significant comments been CP'd or rejected?


  • Have all open issues listed in the Supplement been closed?


  • Have all significant issues at Connectathon been dealt with?


Informal feedback gathering only

  • Has the Connectathon Project Manager been queried and significant issues addressed?


  • Debate checklist exceptions (failure of any of the above is cause for discussion)
  • Record checklist findings and debate conclusion

Planning Committee Consensus (Preliminary answers)

  • Has the profile been through a Connectathon in at least two regions?

Yes for DVD and USB options. Tested in Bochum 2016, Luxembourg 2015, NA 2015, Vienna 2014

Connectathon test results summary

  • Has the profile been successfully tested with all actors at least at one Connectathon?


    • Portable Media Importer with DVD media option - Visus, Phillip, GE, RVC
    • Portable Media Creator with DVD media option - Supersonic, GE, Phillip, Visus, Samsung
    • Portable Media Importer with USB media option - Visus, Phillip, GE
    • Portable Media Creator with USB media option - Samsung, GE, Phillip, Visus
  • Have different implementations of each actor in the profile been tested?

Yes. See above

  • Have all the options been tested successfully at at least one Connectathon?

DVD Media and USB Media only

  • Are there IHE-provided software testing tools to address all aspects of the profile?

No special testing tools required. Testing can be covered by general purpose tool, export and import media.

  • Have the standards underlying the profile been implemented? In similar use cases? In healthcare? In general IT?

Yes. DVD and USB are widely used as storage media.

  • (Do you have concrete reason to believe that this works robustly in the Real World) / (Are any products available for purchase that implement the profile?)

Yes. We have seen DVD and USB used in hospital for media exchange. USB exchange is used in Australia. USB support in modality is popular.

  • Have all issues that may have been raised about the profile been resolved?


DVD and USB support have already included Portable Data for Imaging

  • Debate checklist exceptions (failure of any of the above is cause for discussion)
  • Record checklist findings and conclusions of the debate in your meeting minutes