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== Editorial Plan & Schedule ==
== Editorial Plan & Schedule ==
: Changes from 2010 to 2011
::* [ftp://ftp.ihe.net/Patient_Care_Devices/Handbooks/ihe_pcd_user_handbook_public_comments_proposed_response.doc 2010 Public comments]
::* Addition of Appendix H Mapping Clinical Requirements to Purchasing Requirements
::* Consolidation of the 2 major sections into 1 section
: Changes from rev 1.0 to rev 1.2
: Changes from rev 1.0 to rev 1.2
::* See committee comments table above for list of changes from 1.0 to 1.2
::* See committee comments table above for list of changes from 1.0 to 1.2

Revision as of 08:43, 21 April 2011

(Patient Care Devices Main Page)


User Handbooks for the Patient Care Devices (PCD) domain are an important tool to help implementors understand specific topics in the PCD domain. The first effort is targeted for administrators to show how to specify IHE PCD Profiles in an RFP or RFI. The book will discuss the various profiles and the benefits of specifying and implementing them.


Note: Documents are available on the PCD Handbook ftp folder.


Public Comments Summary Document

Committee Comments Summary Document

Tracked Changes of all committee comments

RSNA forum for comments

Editorial Plan & Schedule

Changes from 2010 to 2011
  • 2010 Public comments
  • Addition of Appendix H Mapping Clinical Requirements to Purchasing Requirements
  • Consolidation of the 2 major sections into 1 section
Changes from rev 1.0 to rev 1.2
  • See committee comments table above for list of changes from 1.0 to 1.2
Changes from rev 0.5 to rev 1.0
  • Change to 2010 edition
  • Ensure proper usage of validate versus verify - delete incorrect references to validate
  • Clafify use of NIST test tools at PCD Connectathon
  • Add URL to NIST test tools
  • Clarify that end point devices of ACM AC actor are mobile phones, pagers, etc
  • Add note in RTM section to comment how RTM makes testing/implementations more efficient
Changes from rev 0.4 to rev 0.5
  • Added section B.3 "Rosetta Terminology Mapping"
  • Moved section 1.1.2 to 1.1.1 and 2.1.2 to 2.1.1 - this allows profiles to be described before mapping the benefits of implemting the profiles
  • Added section B.4 "PCD Content Profiles"
  • Modified Appendix D
  • Moved Appendix E to D.3
  • Modified Appendix D.3 "Reading Integration Statements"
  • Added section D.4 "Verifying Integration Statements"
  • Added note in section D.1 regarding Connectathon results and profile options
  • Modified sections X.2.1 Considering changes to your workflow to include CSA, FSA, gap
  • Modified sections to include validating data sent/recieved
  • Section include particular attention to units of measure and nomenclature


  • Thursday, November 12, 2009 at 1PM EDT [webex]
  • Thursday, December 17, 2009 at 12PM EST [webex]

Action Items

(add newest items to the top of the list)

No. Action Item Owner Participants Due Open/Closed Description/Update
5 Device Life Expectancy ... ... 2009.12.1 Open Comment about life range of medical devices. even if you are not considering device connectivity right now, the devices you are buying now will likely still be around when you do consider device connectivity. ensuring the product is extensible is needed.
4 Section ordering ... ... 2009.06.16 Closed Accepted. Should section X.1.2 come before section X.1.1 since the profiles are described in X.1.2?
3 PIV implementation safety ... ... 2009.03.01 Closed Accepted. Address the comments from the PIV working group related to incompatibilities between BCMA systems and discuss assumptions that must be assessed when implementing BCMA systems with PIV
2 Glossary ... ... 2009.03.18 Open It is important to have a glossary for implementors to navigate the terminology used in the IHE PCD domain as well as the interoperability of regulated medical devices. Assess glossary work that is already underway in the PCD such as in the Technical Framework and DPI white paper to determine if this effort should be harmonized.
1 Discussion notes from Spring 2009 F2F Steve Merritt Everyone at F2F 2009.05.05 Closed
  • Optionality
  • There was a general direction given to the TC that options within profiles should be avoided when possible
  • Action: Go into more depth in handbook about options and how to handle them from a user perspective
  • An addtional Appendix was suggested which would be an checklist for purchasers of things they are looking for
  • Specify that this first revision is more for specifying purchasing requirements not for implementation
  • Make sure to stress the importance of testing (this is a first step in the purchasing process, but not the end-answer)

Working Group Decisions

NOTE: These decisions are in addition to the action items listed above.

No. Decision Date Description
1 ... <wiki page for discussion session + date 2009.xx.yy> ...