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* Chris Lindop
* Tone Southerland
* Simon Letellier
* Rick Butler
* Michael McCoy, MD
* Mary Jungers
* Lisa Spellman
* Laura Bright
* Kevin O'Donnell
* Karen Witting
* Joyce Sensmeier
* Lisa Spellman
* John Rhoades
* Geoff Pascoe
* Didi Davis
* Celina Roth
* Bruce Curran
* Liora Alschuler - Guest
* Liora Alschuler - Guest
* Laura Bright - PCC Tech
* Rick Butler - Eye Care
* Chris Carr - RSNA
* Bruce Curran - RO Tech
* Didi Davis - QRPH Plan/Tech
* Nichole Drye-Mayo - RSNA
* Mary Jungers - Document Specialist
* Simon Letellier - AP Plan/Tech
* Chris Lindop - Rad Tech
* Michael McCoy, MD - PCC Tech
* Kevin O'Donnell - Rad Plan
* Geoff Pascoe - ITI Tech
* John Rhoads - PCD Tech
* Celina Roth - HIMSS
* Joyce Sensmeier - HIMSS
* Tone Southerland - PCC Tech
* Lisa Spellman - HIMSS
* Karen Witting - ITI Plan
* Bob Yencha - Guest
* Bob Yencha - Guest
* Chris Carr
* Nichole Drye-Mayo

Revision as of 12:08, 21 December 2010


  • Liora Alschuler - Guest
  • Laura Bright - PCC Tech
  • Rick Butler - Eye Care
  • Chris Carr - RSNA
  • Bruce Curran - RO Tech
  • Didi Davis - QRPH Plan/Tech
  • Nichole Drye-Mayo - RSNA
  • Mary Jungers - Document Specialist
  • Simon Letellier - AP Plan/Tech
  • Chris Lindop - Rad Tech
  • Michael McCoy, MD - PCC Tech
  • Kevin O'Donnell - Rad Plan
  • Geoff Pascoe - ITI Tech
  • John Rhoads - PCD Tech
  • Celina Roth - HIMSS
  • Joyce Sensmeier - HIMSS
  • Tone Southerland - PCC Tech
  • Lisa Spellman - HIMSS
  • Karen Witting - ITI Plan
  • Bob Yencha - Guest


General Committee Business

1. Roll Call see Roster

2. New Business: from Future Agenda Topics Page

  • Documentation: Advanced Diagramming Methods (UML, BPEL, etc.) in Technical Framework Documents

3. Review Action Items List

Domain Announcements

1. Domain Milestone Dates

  • ITI selected six work items for 2010-2011
    • XDS Link/Unlink Support - support interaction with the XDS Registry to communicate changes of associations of the XDS Affinity Domain level patient identifier with a local patient identifier.
    • Cross-Enterprise Document Workflow - describe a document which will be used to communicate the status of a workflow
    • XCA Query & Retrieve - design a transaction for use in an XCA environment which carries a XDS Stored Query request and returns both metadata and documents.
    • XD* Minimal Metadata - define a level of XDS Metadata requirement that is appropriate for an XDR or XDM transaction that has less knowledge about the data it is carrying
    • Document Encryption - provide end-to-end encryption for health documents
    • Handbook on Pseudonymisation and De-Identification in IHE Profiles - describes the use of pseudonymisation in existing IHE profiles

Domain Coordination Issues

Documentation, Websites and Public Information

  1. IHE Support for Meaningful Use Objectives/Requirements
  • Joyce Sensmeier and Chris Carr led a discussion about questions that have arisen about how IHE supports requirements for Meaningful Use under HITECH act in the US
  • One purpose is to clarify and track information: use as guidance for future profile development
  • Outreach to certifying bodies about IHE's
  • Other organizations might wish to be involved NEMA-MITA (Rich Eaton)
  • Reviewers: John Rhoads, Keith Dreyer
  • Similar matrices could be developed for other national projects
  1. HL7 Project Coordination Update
  • Liora Alschuler presented a proposed process for collaboration on the Health Story Project to develop narrative reports in HL7 CDA format
  • Health Story is a group of professionals that have an agreement with HL7 to develop consolidated implementation guides
  • Consolidation project, whose goal is to develop the simplest entry-level approach possible: compatible with CCD templates and IHE profiles
  • On the way toward approval as a formal HL7 project
  • Would address only IHE profiles that overlap with existing HL7 Implementation Guides (though it could address others in future)
  • Goal is to identify and address discrepancies and ambiguities in existing templates
  • Will create a single point of reference where there are now multiple, overlapping and sometimes conflicting references (eg, HITSP constructs, IHE profiles, and CDA implementation guides)
  • Frame of reference will be US healthcare; international guides may adhere to and adapt templates
  • Aiming for full draft in April with ballot in May
  • How to get involved:
  • Health Story seeking active participation and input from IHE representatives
  • Weekly meetings to start in January
  • Working on developing common header and body sections
  • Would like to establish official points of contact (Keith Boone has functioned in this role thus far)
  • Members invited to join ballot pool; Liora would like to host webinar on the HL7 ballot process (for members and non-members)
  • Project to be presented to IHE PCC (Feb. 7-10) and DICOM WG-08 (Radiology Structured Reports) (Jan. 10)

Governance Implementation

Next steps and New Actions Items

Next call: December 21, 9-10:30am CST

  • Documentation Work Group Outcomes
  • Cross-domain Strategic Planning Outcomes

Domain Coordination Committee