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* Karima Bourquard
* Chris Carr
* Geert Claeys
* Cor Loef
* Steve Moore
* Eric Poiseau
===Gazelle Project Update===
===Gazelle Project Update===
* External Validation Services:  available for January Connectathon
* External Validation Services:  available for January Connectathon

Revision as of 22:39, 6 January 2008


  • Karima Bourquard
  • Chris Carr
  • Geert Claeys
  • Cor Loef
  • Steve Moore
  • Eric Poiseau

Gazelle Project Update

  • External Validation Services: available for January Connectathon
  • Control Mechanism: Replacement for current Kudu; parts will be implemented for 2008 Connectathons
  • Testing Engine: Work in progress; not likely to be ready for 2008 Connectathons
  • Registry: First quarter 2008 for initial implementation; version for review by April IHE-E Connectathon
    • Need to plan promotion and implementation
      • Will initially include Connectathon results; invite Connectathon participants to submit product integration information
      • Testing period after partial population for internal Committee review: Testing and Tools; Marketing and Communication?; Users from clinical sponsoring orgs
      • Initial public announcement to IHE Connectathon participants; broader publicity only after registry is populated
      • Should registry be designed to incorporate existing integration statements?
      • Provide labor to transcribe integration statements into the registry database
        • Requires obtaining approval from companies
        • Use Member Organization primary contact to request approval; designate which ones to transcribe (max 10 per company)
        • Extend offer to all Connectathon participants; make clear distinction between Connectathon results and Integration Statement
        • Begin with list available on Wiki

Business Strategy Development

  • Confirm availability of Ed Larson to help draft business plan (needs HIMSS confirmation; Charles will consult Joyce S)
  • Charles and Cor will have work sessions in San Antonio during HL7 meeting
    • Tues., Jan. 15 and Weds. Jan. 16
    • Tcon/Webex available on Tues. and Weds, 9-11am CST
    • Request that Ed Larson suggest input/background materials
    • Cor will distribute broad outline for discussion on Jan. 7 TnT Tcon
