Pharm Vaccin Minutes 2020.12.18

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  • Participants
    • Trudy Hagg ( Nictiz)
    • Jose Costa Teixeira ( Flemish government)
    • Marc Robberecht ( Orbis/ Dedalus)
    • Esther Peelen (GS1 )
    • Vincent van Pelt ( Nictiz)
    • Michael Tan ( Nictiz)
  • Hans Lunenborg will replace Esther when she switches over to Nictiz.

Vaccination topic

Status in countries

  • Project starten on vaccination of children. Public health project: Rijksinstituut voor ziekte en invaliditeitsverzekering.
  • Content FHIR) Profile on vaccination. Also used for Covid.
  • Workflow is simple: it is only registration of the vaccination.

  • RIVM are responsible for the child vaccinations
  • In production using HL7v3 messages through LSP.
  • For the Covid vaccinations they will used improvised messages like Edifact.
  • The Covid vaccinations will mostly be done by the municipal authoraties (GGD) and hospitals. Maybe later also the GP's.

  • Status unknown
  • There has been a meeting in beginning of December on Gemini.

Survey of scope

Functional logical data models

  • Currently represented in a FHIR implementation guide
    • tools
    • based FHIR version 4
  • Review of use cases
    • Vaccination scheduling
    • vaccination order and administration process
    • central registration process
    • yellow vaccination card/ European Vaccination Card
    • adverse event registration
  • Workflow process
  • push documents / RESTful concept?
  • scope of process
    • we do not want to go into individual use cases for example mass vaccinations or individual vaccinations.
  • Transactions
    • not the sequence.

Target Planning

  • Need to set up a NWI proposal
  • Schedule not set yet

Any other business

Pharmacy Technical Committee