Card Tech Minutes 2016.05.25

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Tools: ArtDecor vs TriFolia
Chris Carr has hosted conversations about this topic. The discussions have not led to definitive decisions. IHE Europe uses Art Decor. The consensus is that as long as they produce the same output, the tool selected does not matter. The biggest concern is that each tool has different capabilities, which might influence design. In particular with versioning. Gazelle might influence this choice but both seem usable. This may impact the output for use by the general public e.g. do we still use MS Word documents?
Our approach has been to have a different version based on the Registry Submission profiles, e.g. CATH PCI v4.4 and v5.0. Especially with changing terminology. There's a lot of similarity between EP and Cath PCI. demographics are very similar and can be reused. Which is beneficial. There have been a major change to forms for EP Suite. More detail in ethnicity, for instance. This will be reused, and should we retain the names and OID? Short answer yes. We don't want to create new OIDs, as that decreases the benefits of reusing the template. Would we need to change the name of the original template if things are changed? We're not changing the OID, just the name. Since nothing is in the final text we do not need to ensure backward compatibility at this time.
Risk Factors - Observation codes go into observations values. Value set contents change between profiles. Some of these are dynamic, which means we can add values, correct? Risk Factors might always be downloadable tables. Medication and devices are dynamic and might provide a model. Making use of the HL7 way of doing identifiers, but it does create a different set of identifiers with an extension. We use the same template ID [from HL7] with a separate set of constraints specific to IHE Cardiology.
Template - Adding a new entry relationship with a 'may' which is implied. There's a new template ID and a Parent ID. From a conformance perspective it matches both templates. This helps with the assignment of new OIDs to templates.