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Revision as of 14:13, 4 September 2009 by McCaffrey (talk | contribs) (Minor issue: Template ID typo.)
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Fixed: 08:53, 3 October 2008 (CDT) Kboone

No change neeeded

As currently defined, this invokes .5 as well as .6

This text needs to be fixed-->>

Extremely minor typo:

In the example:

  <originalText><reference value='#substance'/></orginalText>

closing tag is misspelled.


This text needs to be fixed-->>

The CCD template for Alert Observation (2.16.840.1.113883. is listed in the example, but is not specified anywhere else on the page. It is not clear if this CCD element is required, recommended or optional.


This text needs to be fixed-->>

From the spec:

This entry has a template identifier of, and is a subtype of the Problem Entry, and so must also conform to the rules of the problem entry, which has the template identifier of These elements are required and shall be recorded exactly as shown above.

The second OID template is typoed. There's an extra .5 at the end. It should be: "".
