PCC PC ProposalWebinar 2012-10-19

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  • Occupational Health (Lisa Nelson)
    • This is not a new profile proposal, but is a rework of existing templates such that profiles that use those templates
    • Is the sourcing/source of information part of this? Can it be tracked back to the source of information?
      • Answer: Vision is for it to work either way
    • I understand NIOSH will be a consumer of this information - are there other potential consumers?
      • Answer: Yes, NIOSH is an interested consumer of this information. OSHA and others are also interested in this information
    • Why is this not coming in as a Change Proposal?
      • Answer: Because this might overlap with other harmonization type work. CP avenue can certainly be utilized if that is what the committee feels is the best approach.
    • How many templates are affected?
      • Answer: one - Coded Social History
    • What about the international perspective? How do you manage coding systems?
      • Answer: carefully approaching this perspective, will utilize IHE regional extensions as needed.
    • Why is this not a profile?
      • Answer: goal is to affect only at the template level
    • Will the information collected be clinically relevant?
      • Answer(s): Yes, although others have some concerns; will continue to explore

  • EHCP Evolution (Lisa Nelson)
    • No Discussion/questions

  • EHDI Workflow (Lisa Nelson)
    • Does this profile really belong in PCC?
      • Answer: yes, because that is where the current technical expertise lies, although it likely will not live in the PCC TF, but instead in the QRPH TF
    • It could fit in PCC when considering the provider workflow pieces that are in this of this proposal
      • Answer: agree
    • What is pulsoxymetry (sp?) doing as part of an EHCP profile?
      • Answer: mistake/typo
    • Concerns in PCC around workload - let's consider assigning a resource from PCC to work with QRPH on this

  • Care Management Revision (Keith Boone)
    • Would the existing profile be sunsetted and this replace it?
      • Answer: yes
    • Seems like a workflow profile for Care Management - why is it not presented as a workflow profile?
      • not a matter of one provider saying to another "here's the plan" - this is more about configuring health IT systems to create connection.
    • What are the size estimates?
      • Answer: Medium to Large

  • DSR
    • There are profiles in other domains - lab, card, rad (Scehduled Workflow profile), etc - that address these types of use cases - need to coordinate with these other domains if this is something we take on.
    • Size seems to be large, due to coordination
    • Risk: duplication of existing work .. but working with other domains should help to stem that
    • perhaps an extension of referral workflow profile we recently completed
    • Is there a value-add in having a generic process for workflow profiles?
      • Potentially a lot of work around creating a generic profile/process - perhaps we are not ready for this yet