2012-02-13 PCD Pulse Oximetry Project Meeting

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Weekly Conference Call

Date: Monday, February 13th, 2012 Meeting started at 1 pm and adjourned at 2pm.



  1. (05 min) Roll call and introductions
  2. (05 min) Communication process & weekly call schedule
  3. (10 min) Use case summary & clinician needs
  4. (5 min) IHE process overview
  5. (5 min) Project milestones review
  6. (10 min) Technical approach
  7. (10 min) Engagement with subject matter experts
  8. (10 min) Roundtable

Meeting Notes

  • Ioana presented the communications tools, including the IHE PCD Pulse Oximetry Use Case wiki, MDIP wiki, Google mailgroup, and weekly call and WebEx. Leah will manage the mail group. We will use these channels to release information.
  • Sean McFarland reviewed the use case. Ioana stated that this could be a stand alone device or a module. For our project this should not matter. Our project should apply equally to both cases.
  • Currently medical device result from CIS ARK systems does not pass through to the Vitals package. It is typically printed as reports.
  • Ioana stated that there are two paths for information: one for normal data and one for data that requires human attention. There is already and IHE framework for alarm notification. We might provide additional specifications if needed or reference existing specifications. Devices will have a device specific normal range. It is possible that end users could adjust the normal range if the device supports customization. There are often normal ranges for groups of patients, but this can be modified for a patient in a specific situation.
  • Validated vs non validated info. System of record might give way to denote what values are valid and which are not. Other times all data might be wanted. We might want to distinguish between information that can and cannot be validated. We might need to tell the computer that in some cases it is not possible to validate data.
  • All IHE technical framework artifacts are public domain, free for use.
  • The meeting on February 20th is canceled due to the holiday.


Action Items

  1. Item 1: Use Case Analysis for review on February 27th
  2. Item 2: Draft information requirements for review during the next call.

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